Greek theatre Flashcards
What was essential in ancient Greek theatre during the ritual?
Fertility was essential. Lots of drinking to in force producing babies, fertile soil meant successful farmers. Fertile women produce great warriors
What determine the welfare of the tribe?
Forces of nature determine the welfare of the tribe.
What were the rituals like?
It was a free for all of the owner of gods. No formality and no structure
What did ritualistic performances arise out of?
It’s a rose out of a man’s need to control his environment and the forces of nature.
What did ritualistic performances reflect on?
Reflected the most basic of human impulses. Such as the driver of survival
how did Greeks make forces of nature accessible in less remote?
greeks made forces of nature accessible laser mode by turning them into gods
Why did the Greeks believe God is hard to be worshipped?
Believe God’s had to be worship to ensure future prosperity
when does fertility rites take place?
Takes place in spring
Who is Dionysus?
Dionysus is the God of fertility and wine. The purpose of worshipping is to ensure fertility
What did Dionysus worshippers do?
Dionysus‘s worshippers spared no means to excite themselves to inspire the imaginations and arouse their senses
what was the Dionysian ritual?
The Dionysian ritual was an intoxicating one. Torches at night in secret words and Tracian Mountain Common music of drums, symbols and fluids encouraging uninhibited dancing tearing apart and eating of sacrifices(goat,bulls), worshipper sexually stimulated by the power of one and sexual orgies
When were horns and snakes warm?
It was worn during the Dionysian Rachel
What did celebrants take on the?
celebrants took on the guise of satyrs and maenads
What did both male and female demigods believe in?
Demigods traditionally believed to be followers of Dionysus
Describe the Dionysian ritual
It was very physical, spiritual that a try to achieve creative ecstasy. It was also chaotic
Initially who celebrated in the Dionysian Rachel?
Initially also the brains participated in rituals’s
what happened when they attempted to tame the cult?
An attempt to tame the code. City leaders encouraged a more organised approach. The setting was moved to the city centre/threshing floor. Alter to Dionysus in the centre. Base of a hill so that the audience could see better sitting on the embankment. First theatre/auditorium/amphitheatre
What is a dithyramb?
A lengthy ecstatic time which is a song or a poem in honour of Dionysus
Who originally performed a dithyramb?
Originally a chorus of priest performed wearing goatskin
What does a dithyramb consist of?
Consisted of an improvised story sung by a coral leader. Consisted of a traditional refrain sung by the chorus of 50 men
What were part of the different compromise of?
Part would compromise a dialogue between coral leader and chorus
what are performers called in dithyramb?
Tragoido. Tragos = goatskin ode = song
what was the audience known as in a dithyramb?
What are the songs considered as in a dithyrambs ?
Tragikon drama
What performer transformed a dithyramb into tragedy?
how did Thespis Change a dithyramb into a tragedy?
in the sixth century BCE (500s) Transformed Ethereum into tragedy by becoming first actor
What was Thespis initially?
Initially the leader of the unified chorus
how did Thespis Extend the scope?
He extended disco by stepping out of the chorus altogether and delivering a parcel log and presenting a dialogue that impersonates characters
what did Thespis Do you to shift his identity?
He use masks to shift his identity and played all the roles
when Thespis left the stage what was the chorus filled with?
Chorus forward intervals with singing and dancing
What is it called when one is separated from the chorus?
The actor
What principle did the chorus remain as?
Cause you’re made the principal unifying force in early drama
Name to Greek terms for actor
Hypokrites and answerer
What did hypokrites do?
Emphasising verbal give and take of dialogue in interaction between after and chorus
what is the contribution of Thespis been reflected on?
contribution of him has been reflected in the term ‘Thespian’ meaning actor 
nothing is known about Thespis. What has been said about him?
Horace has claimed that he travelled around on a cart in plays
How long did city Dionysia last for?
Lasted for six days and plays were performed
What happened on day two?
Performance of death of arms, Himes in honour of Dionysus. First death around the improvised and out only with life of Dionysus. Later they expanded in scoped include stories from Greek with ology.
How many courses when did the Rams.
Just randomly perform by courses of 50 with music and dance
how many courses competing each year?
Turn courses competing each year which includes five of men and five of boys
Where was the theatre of Dionysus located?
Situated on the slope of a hill below the Acropolis. Above the temple of Dionysus
What us the name of the background of the Theatre of Dionysus?
What did the theatre orginallu consist of?
- The Theatrom (auditorium) 2. A stage house or skene 3. Circular orchestra or dancing place with altar or thymele
What was later incorporated in the theatre of Dionysus?
Later incorporated into the action as a background. Usefulness was 14 purposes and was exploited
what was a long boarding with projecting sidewings (paraskenia)
A skene formed a rectangular background for the orchestra. Not joined go the auditorium
Name the place between the Paraskenia. entrances into the orchestra
What admitted holders to a section rather than to specific seeds?
What does each tribe have in the audience?
Each tribe (city state) Has a section. Woman set apart
What is it was reserved for the high priest of Dionysus?
A central seat
Who Where are seats reserved for?
Priest, state officials, ambassadors, the competition judges and one civilian chosen from each state
Officials were responsible for?
officials were responsible for keeping order in theatron and checking tickets
What would happen if violence happened in theatre?
Violence in theatre was punishable by death
What did the audience due during the performance?
A lot of drinking and eating. The only is expressed opinions noisily as they used actors of stage