Have you seen Zandile Flashcards
What is HYSZ?
It is a semi biographical play based on the life of Gcina Mhlope
What does HYSZ look at?
It looks at the growth of a girl into womanhood. As well as the relationship between Zande there and Gogo
What is a big theme in have you seen Zandile?
Girls education versus traditional roles
When was it set?
It was set during apartheid era in South Africa
What story does Gogo tell Z about the dolls? What does it indicate?
She tells the story of Zandile’s comment. “Why do they always make them pink?” This indicates children’s toys are biased towards the white race .Gogo Gave Z a pink doll
What is the date during the play is set? How do we know this?
Zande tells the flowers it is the “21st of September 1966 and the inspector is coming today.”
What did white people struggle to pronounce?
White people struggle to use the ethnic, traditional names of black people. They change their names to be easily pronounced. “He cannot say our real names so we must all use white names in class today.” This is unequal white supremacy
What is Bantu education?
Black people were seen as inferior and did not receive useful information.
What would happen if the black peoples passbooks were not correct?
Police were driving around in the white car is checking the volatility of the black peoples passbooks. If they were not valid people were arrested
What happens when the white car approaches Z?
When the white car appears Z is the alone. They offer her sweets tell her in. She is terrified and tries to resist the temptation (mother)
What does Z ask Bongi?
Z asks Bongi to help her by calling her brother Paul. She has pulled and abducted by people
Who are most of the characters played by?
Zandile only plays one character. well the other actor played all of the other ones so physical and vocal characterisation
What does Z have to show?
She has to show an age progression
Who is Z?
She is the protagonists that represents Gcina. She is a main character who faces challenges and obstacles in a go to return to Gogoe. She is a rounded and arch character. We know her entire back on history and we watch a go up into an adult. She is a 3-D character
What are the two types of characters?
2-D and 3-D characters
What are 3-D characters?
They are fully rounded, background, motivation to actions
What are 2-D characters?
2-D characters of flat, stereotypes represent
Who is Lulama?
She is the mum that is an antagonist. She of dogs Andile from grandmother and she represents the obstacles created by tribal tradition that prevents Z from returning to Gogo. She is a flat character ash experience is no change
Who is Gogo?
She is a stereotypical flat character as she represents a grandparent to assumes a maternal role. Her relationship with Gcina Mhlope. Telling the story shows her roots and traditions such as magic story to shape who we are
Who is Lindiwe?
She is the real friend. She is a flat character as we do not know much about her, her experiences have no change
Who are the characters?
- Zandile
- Gogo
- Lulama
- Bongi (imaginery)
- Magumede (Gogo neighbor)
Lindiwe (real) - Paul’s grandmother
What is the first part of the plot?
Z lives with Gogo. Gogo raises is Zandile and insist she receives a good education
What is the second part of the plot?
At eight years old she is kidnapped by her mother.
What is the third part of the plot?
Z struggles with her mothers desires. Her mother is desires are to be raised in a traditional manner of a Xhosagirl including selection of the husband. (theme – girls education versus traditional roles) She does not put her opinion in front of play
What is the fourth part of the plot?
By meeting Lindiwe and Paul, zande find her stepbrother. She receives news of Gogo and enduring love
Are the how long does the plot take place?
Volta takes place over 10 years. From eight years old to 18 years old
How was the plot presented?
It is presented in a series of short scenes about stages of Z going up.
What does the plot examine?
The plot examines the struggle to reconcile tradition and culture opposed to being more western idea. It places important on education
What does the plot briefly track?
It briefly tracks Gogo’s determination to never sees searching and hoping for re-conciliation with Z. It shows us how deep their relationship is
What is the structure of the play?
Please structure is linear as it shows progression in time, does not jump back, starts at one time and ends with another time
What ages do we see is Z?
8, 12, 16 and 18
What is a well made play structure?
- Exposition
- initial incident
- Rising action
- Climax
- Falling action
- Denouement
What is the exposition?
A lonely child the age of eight lives with Gogo in Hammersdale in Natal. Love between them is shown
What is the initial incident?
Gogo is Z education is prime importance
What is the rising action?
Gogo shopping for the planned vacation in Durban. Z is left alone
What is the climax?
Z is kidnapped by people in the white car
What is the falling action?
Lulama raises Z in a more traditional/cultural manner. She does not value education for girls. Z makes a friend named Lindiwe and learns about how she grows up into a young woman. Over 10 years. Lindwe meet Paul. Which is Z step brother
What is the denouement?
Z find Gogo and discovers that she has passed away. She spent 10 years remembering and looking for Z. Suitcase full of gift is left to hind which reveals Gogo is an ending love for Z
What is the motif’s/symbols of education?
Important theme. The game with flowers represents how Gogo has instilled her love for learning. Gogo’s stories represent oral traditions in Zulu culture. It underscores Gogos intention of giving Z the best all round education. Working in the fields represent being educated on the traditional Xhosa role of girls and young women, in maternal culture
What is the symbol of Z shoes?
Represent the poverty of the mother which suggests a restrictive nature of her life after being kidnapped. Grandma has more money than her mother. Lulama was not well off. Z had to wear shoes that did not fit. She is not growing by education
What is the praise speech symbol?
To Mr Hlatshwayo represents Z’s continue determination to pursue an education rather than becoming someones wife at a young age
What is the white car symbol?
It represent danger for Z for mark she initially feels the white police. She may have a subconsciously been aware that you could be taken away from Gogo
What is the suitcase symbol?
It represents Gogo is enduring love for Z
What do you symbols add?
Overall it at creativity and helps us to understand
What are the four themes?
- Tradition and culture versus education – finding a balance
- Passages of life – stages of growing up and the roles of girls and young women
- Power differential between child and parent – Lulama and Z
- Finding one’s place – making choices about one’s own future. You see the influence that said has from her mum and Gogo which she gets to choose
What is the language used?
It is colloquial as it is every day language use my citizens in South Africa. It is not hard to understand
What is the Zulu language used?
Vernacular as it uses Zulu and Xhosa to make the play Familia to audiences. To overlook and create contacts and to understand route and heritages
Why does the play use English?
It uses English to make the play accessible to a wider audience. Rather than just Zulu and Xhosa they want to try and reach as many as possible
What is the style of the play?
It is pure theatre which means that there are no rich sets, costumes or props
What is Grotowski’s basic theory?
It was started by Jerzy Grotowski in 1960. There are no rich set, costumes or props. It is a simple storytelling using actors voice and body.
What is part of the basic theory?
- It is part of her theatre. It makes use of all physical and mental powers at their disposal. This includes Jessica, mine, grouping, association of ideas and visual metaphors
- It must aim towards a close fusion of meaning and movement
- It in visages a poor theatre that is stripped down of inessentialsn and relying on the brain and body
- Reaction against wealth of contemporary theatre with it lighting, scenery, costumes, music and all powerful director
- The concept of performer is as a holy actor. Theatre as a secular religion. It is an intimate relationship between actor and audience
What is part of the basic theory part two?
- Actors sought spontaneously within a rigid discipline which is achieved through physical training and natural/ pure reaction towards audience
- Only focus of PT was the on adorned actor. They were almost naked
- He found that theatre borrowed to heavily from the film and TV. It violated its own essence as a relationship between the actor, audience.
- The actor relies on physical and vocal qualities
- Music was created by actors
- No scenery, only a few functional props
- Proscenium-arch theatre was abandoned. It’s used a large room that could rearrange for every production
- The actor had to gain control over their selves and vocally so that they could transform into what the pay demands
What does a performer require in the PT?
The performer requires a high level of vocal flexibility and agility. The flexibility to produce a stage shout always better with a clear and resident tonal quality. Demands are placed upon singing and acting a voice
What does the vocal artist demand?
The vocal artist demands are fine coordination of considerable range of airflows and air pressure, sensitivity to small manoeuvers and considerable endurance. There is a great risk of vocal injury because of the demands
What is the poor theatre in the play?
- There is a bare set it uses PT techniques.
- Outside in Gogo garden.
- Inside Gogo is home - kitchen
- On the road to school
- In the Transkei
- Riverbanks with Lindiwe
- Z bedroom
- School stage
- Pauls grandmother’s home in Durban
What costume does Zandile represent?
Z in a pretty dress with gogo. Z in more traditional clothing and blanket in Transkei
What costume does Gogo represent ?
Western, conservative clothing
What costume does Lulama represent?
in traditional dress, working women in Transkei
What costume does Lindiwe represent?
Modern, contemporary clothing
What is a setting?
The setting is localised. We know each scene takes place