The Meat Industry History (Exam 1) Flashcards
How did animal’s get here?
Brough by Christopher Columbus in the 1490s
What were animals brought for?
Draft power
What is the Longhorn known for?
Being one of the only Bos taurus that can handle a lot of stress
What happened in 1539?
People and animals moved form Desoto to Florida
Why did the move to Florida happen?
For gold
What happened in 1610?
Lord Delaware came to the US
When did the first meat packers come about? Who?
William Pynchon
What did William Pynchon do?
Packed salted pork in barrels
What happened with meat packers in 1742?
Brighton Markets formed
1st public auction
Boston became the US slaughter center
What did Benjamin Franklin do?
In 1773, developed a more compassionate slaughter with electricity the electrical stunning
What did the electrical stunning do for meat?
Made it uncommonly tender
When was the first cattle drive? Where?
San Antonio to Louisiana Territory
What historical event happened in 1779?
Revolutionary War
When was the first Northern cattle drive? Where?
Ohio to Eastern US
What and where was Porkopolis?
First meat packer of pork in Cincinnati
When did Porkopolis start packing meat?
When was Cincinnati named Porkopolis?
What rivers surround Porkopolis?
Ohio River
Little Miami River
Great Miami River
What was the main source of transportation in 1818?
How many hogs were slaughtered in 1833?
What were the steps to slaughtering in 1850?
How soon after harvest was the animal sold in 1850? Why?
Within 6-12 hours
No refrigeration
When did the first meat canner come about? Where? Who?
Nicholas Appert
Timeline of McCormick Reaper (5)
1801- father modified reaper 1829- passes on to Cyrus McCormick 1831- Allowed for more meat animal development 1834- patented 1848- exclusive right to design ran out
After the rights ran out, how did McCormick keep his business running?
Focused on sales and service
Allowed for payments in installments
In 1802, how much of the US work force was ag related?
In 1868, how much of the US work force was ag related?
How many people did 1 reaper displace?
When did steam power come about?
What did steam power do?
Decrease labor and cost
When did people start going west? Why?
Railroads came to Chicago
What historical event happened around 1852-1865?
Civil War
What did members of the meat industry do when railroads came to Chicago?
They bought railroad companies and established Union Stockyards
When did the meat industry hit the $1 billion mark?
What was the Morrill Act?
Passed in 1862
Land-grant college act
Agriculture and the mechanic arts
What was the Hatch Act of 1887?
Allowed $15,000 per year for each university to establish an agricultural experiment station
When was the first shipment of beef? What did it use?
When was the ice maker and mechanical refrigeration developed?
What did mechanical refrigeration allow for?
Longer shelf life
When did the first grocery store come to Chicago?
What did Oscar Mayer do?
Leased a failing Chicago meat market and made it popular with the help of his brothers, Gottfried and Max
When do Oscar Mayer pass away?
When did Albertsons Food Center open? Where?
Boise, Idaho
When did Albertsons open 2 more stores?
When were mechanical mixers developed?
What did mechanical mixers do?
Turned blood, bone, and meat scraps to edible by-products of meat packing
Improve nutritional status of Americans
What happened in 1892?
Thyroid collection from pigs from hypothyroidism
When was the smokehouse tree invented?
What happened in the 1900s?
Cure pump, slicing machines, and conveyorized table developed
When were the first union stockyards developed?
Who developed union stockyards?
Nelson Morris
Phillips Amour
Gustavus Swift
How many people were employed by the union stockyards?
25,000 of the 68,000 in meat packing industry
What did Upton Sinclair do?
Wrote The Jungle in 1904
What federal legislation passes in 1906?
Meat Inspection Act
What did the meat inspection act do?
Inspect all meat that crosses state line to be healthy and wholesome
When did voluntary meat grading come about?
Why was meat gradin created?
Allow orderly marketing
When was the federal meat grading service formed?
What happened in 1917?
Modern Meat Packing Industry
How much meat went from Chicago to the battle field each week?
1.5 million pounds
What did Sam Wilson do in 1812?
Supplied meat rations for the US Army
Labeles E.A. - US
When was the Packer and Stockyards Act?
What do packers do before the Packer and Stockyards Act?
Colluded in price
What did the Packer and Stockyards Act do?
Protect armers How to buy/sell Scale inspection and calibration Free market pricing Pay within 24 hours
When was meat fabrication improved?
What came about when meat fabrication was improved?
New meat cuts
Improved yield
More specialized line workers
What are the 5 principles of meat cutting?
Separate more value from less value Separate fat from lean Separate thin from thick cuts Separate tender from tough Cut across the grain
What did the extension service do in the 1920s?
Meat cut demonstration
Meat cookery demonstration
What is prime rib?
A type of meat cut
What was developed in the 1920s?
“Monster” meat grinder
What did the bandsaw do?
Made it easy to cut meat
One many’s wages were $2,000/yr
Solved rush hour problem
What did the meat grinder do?
Large-scale equipment
Whole body grinder
No need to process
What did the bandsaw do in the 1970s?
Breaking pork carcasses
What was developed in the 1980s?
More commercial equipment
Freezing tunnel
Bowl chopper
Automatic stuffer
What was developed in 1924?
Refrigerated truck
What did the refrigerated truck allow for?
Include fresh meats
Weekly home delivery
What happened in 1935-1940?
The Great Depression
The dust bowl
How did the dust bowl happen?
Man made through bad agricultural practices
How many cattle did the dust bowl kill? How?
7-8 million
Noses and mouth filled with dust
What did the government start doing with food during WWII?
Started rationing it
What did people start eating during WWII?
Edible tallow (9 cal/g)
What was established and by whom in 1891?
George A. Hormel established Hormel Foods Corporation (Geo. A. Hormel and Co.) in Austin, Minn.
What did Hormel’s company develop in 1937?
Describe spam.
Ham in a can
Popular during WWII
7 billion sold in 2007
What did people eat if the could not afford meats?
Meat and bone cakes
Describe meat and bone cakes.
Can be cooked, season, etc
Where did all the meat go since Americans did not eat all they produced?
What was discovered in 1948? What did it do?
Improved animal health and nutrition
Made confinement rearing possible
In the 1950s, there was less labor, what changed?
Power equipment
What came out in the 1950s-60s?
Grocery stores
In the 1960s, what did retail grocery chains uses? What started to have an impact? What had a vast improvement?
Central meat cutting facilities
Boxed beef
What regulations came about in 1967-68? (5)
Concentrated on OSHA issues Animal welfare Safety of food products Wholesome Meat Act of 1967 Wholesome Poultry Products Act of 1968
What happened with technology in the 1970s? (2)
Computers take over jobs in accounting, sausage formulation, yield tracking
On-rail boning of hot carcasses for sausage production
In the 1970s, what happened with consumer-oriented industry?
Much consumer activism
Demand created for lean meat and frozen, prepared food items
Boxed beef use grew
When did Chicago Stockyards close?
What happened in the 1980s with regards to consumerism?
Hits by consumer activists for sat. fat, cholesterol
What were the big four packers in the 1980s?