The Magisterium Flashcards
Apostolic Succession
The truth that the Catholic bishops today can trace their authority in a direct line back to the Apostles and ultimately from Christ himself
A bishop or archbishop who has been selected by the Pope to become apart of the College of Cardinals and thus an advisor. Main purpose is to serve as a papal elector. Also lead archdioceses, and serve in the administration at the Vatican
A large diocese, under the care of an archbishop, which has an elevated status over the dioceses in its region
He is called to teach, sanctify, and govern the faithful in his own diocese, and also work together in caring for the worldwide Church
The official church of the local bishop
The faithful who have received the sacrament of Holy Orders
The principle that all bishops of the Church with the pope at their head form a single college
A gathering of the world’s cardinals in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome for the purpose of electing a new Pope
A man who is ordained to assist the mission of the Church; transitional deacons are men who are preparing for ordination for the priesthood; permanent deacons are mature men, who are ordained deacons in a permanent capacity- Greek for helper
The office of the deacon in the Catholic Church
The territory and churches under a bishop’s authority
Ecumenical Council
From the Greek oikoumene meaning the whole inhabited world. There to define doctrine, regulate the Christian life, or apply discipline in the Church. A meeting of Church leaders
The office of the bishop in the Catholic church; from the Greek episkopos overseer
Episcopal college
The assembly of the world’s bishop
The order of teaching authority in the Church
Holy orders
The Sacrament by which men are ordained to the episcopacy, priesthood, or diaconate
Plenary Council.
A council involving all bishops from a particular nation