#8 Flashcards
Herald, Jesus said
Go and make disciples of all nations
A herald is an
Official messenger to the Church; the Church is God’s messenger to the world
How is the Church a herald?
We send out missionaries, we do publishing, internet, TV, movies, f have schools and universities
A sacrament is something
That helps us experience God’s presence; the Church should help the world experience him
Sacrament- Jesus said
This is how they will know you are my followers, by your love for one another
How does the Church express the sacrament
We have rituals/Sacraments that make God present in an extraordinary way
The Church needs to be structured and organized
In order for her to do her effectively
Institution- the Apostles appointed
Men to take cate of the distribution of food while they focused on preaching
Institution- the New Testament shows different
Offices with different responsibilities
A council was held (Jerusalem) in 49 to
Discuss guidelines for Gentile conversions
Matthew 25 we are judged by
Whether or not we fed, clothed, visited and “least of my brothers.”
Body of Christ?
We are joined together with Christ and with lne another
Through the Body of Christ, we are called to
Express and deepen that unity
Body of Christ- Jesus said
Father, may they be one as you and I are one
St. Paul says that we are
All needed, and we all have different roles, just like different parts of the body
Like a pilgrim, the Church is on a destination
But this journey can include hardships
Jesus told his disciples that they must be
Willing to take up their cross and follow him
We are willing to endure hardships for our faith, knowing that
There is an eternal world beyond us
We can be
Questioned, ostracized, or ridiculed for taking unpopular stands of making unpopular life decisions
We have modern day
Why do persecute me
This echoes the “what you did to the least of my brothers, you did to me
The sacraments if Initiation
Are geared towards creating unity with Christ and the other faithful
What is the origin of the image of a bride?
Paul’s letter to the Ephesians
What does Paul do with the idea of being the head of the relationship?
He quotes a passage from Genesis- “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”
What is One image from Genesis and how does it connect with the Church?
The covenant of marriage between Adam and Eve. Christ bride’s is the Church, therefore the Church is made from one flesh with him.
What is another and how does it connect from the Church?
The covenant of creation! The original union is restored and perfected by Christ, who reunited mankind with God
If the church is a household, then what are the different roles?
Christ is the master of the house, God is the father, and we are his children
What does Jesus say about who does the will of Hod
My brother, sister, and mother
What does Jesus reveal to us about God? How did he use a specific Aramaic term to convey this?
God is an eternal and perfect father Abba
How does Jesus teach his disciples to address God?
Our Father
What role does Christ’s Death and Resurrection play in this image of the Church?
He has extended the grace of divine sonship
How is the Church like the Temple/a house?
As members of the Church, we are supposed to live in our Father’s house
How do we become adopted sons of the Father?
How do we eat together as a Church family?
The Eucharist
How is the Church like a mother?
Through water and the Spirit of Baptism, the Church gives Birth to new sons and daughters
What do families celebrate together? How does the Church do likewise?
Families celebrate birthdays anniversaries, and other important events. In Mass, the Church on earth joins with those in Heaven to commemorate our redemption in Christ. In addition, we have feast days
How do instruction and discipline fit into the idea of the Church as a family?
He allows us to undergo hardships and trials so that we might be strengthened in holiness and love
What was the traditional setup of families in the ancient world?
All the descendants of your patriarch, usually one man who lived years before
Who is Jesus’s family?
The nation of Israel and the tribe of Judah
How does this information connect to what we learned earlier about Jesus’s parents not initially worrying when they did not see him for over a day?
His family was so closely knit that 12 year old Jesus could disappear into a large crowd
How did Jesus’s idea of family go against tribal notions? How do Paul’s words (we also learned these when looking at the “Body of Christ” model) echo this idea?
God is not the God of our fathers. He is the universal father. Paul says that you are all united under christ, no matter of what sex, race etc.
How did Jesus go far beyond being the “son of David?”
He bot his message far beyond the boundaries of Israel
What is the etymological meaning of Christ/messiah?
Anointed one
What was the Old Covenant sacrifice like? What is the New Covenant sacrifice like?
The Israelites sacrificed a lamb every morning and evening. At every Mass, the Church unites herself to the one sacrifice of Christ
What form did weekly rest and worship take in the Old Covenant? What form does it take in the New Covenant?
Reston the Sabbath. Worship given to God. Rest from work on Sunday, recalling Christ’s Resurrection
How do the Temple and Church serve as a “visible sign?”
It is a house of prayer for all peoples
What was the initial rule of the King of Israel? What is the rule of the New King of Israel?
The twelve tribes. All nations
What did Jesus command that the New Israel should preach?
Repentance and forgiveness of sins
What promise was made by Gabriel to Mary?
Will reign over the house of Jacob forever and his kingdom will have no end
What is the role of the “queen mother” in the “royal government?”
Advising her son and interceding on behalf of his people
What is the function of Peter and his successors in the “royal government?”
Leading the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
What was the “thank offering” in the Old Covenant? What is it in the New Covenant?
Unleavened bread and wine, Eucharist