Fall Final Exam Flashcards
How do we use these approaches in the Creation Story?
We have to understand that God did not create the Earth in six days, bit we need to take the religious truths seriously
Caltholics vs. some Protestants on Scripture
Some Protestants believe that the Bible is 100% historically and religiously correct. As Catholics, we believe that the Bible is not 100% historically accurate, but 100% religiously true
Historical truths in the Creation Story?
God created in six days, that he created women by using a man’s rib, and so on
Religious truths in the Creation storyn
That everything he created was good and that the world is made specifically for human beings
The Church’s job and science’s job?
Church answers the who and why. Science answers the how
Why does or mean by literary form of the Bible and how we should approach different readings?
The presumed beliefs at the time of the author, and we must keep this in mind to discover the the sacred author’s intention
How beliefs impacted how an author wrote
They reflected their assumptions and examples presented in the text
Class examples on How context impacted how some Gospel stories were told
Go to Moodle and study those
What does it mean to have dominion over creation?
It is our job to take care of it
How does stewardship relate to the 7th commandment?
If we use creation for our own purposes, that means we are not giving the opportunity to posses that specific part of creation
Adam and Eve before the Fall
They enjoyed a profound and loving relationship with God. They had preternatural virtues (including no sickness, suffering, or death) and his supernatural grace
What happens in Genesis 3:1-6?
The serpent tempts them by saying that they will not die by eating the apple and their eyes would be open, as they would know good and evil
Description of Satan?
Nahash, in reference to powerfully evil creatures
What is the Catechism description of the Fall?
They call the fall “a witness to the disastrous influence of the Devil. It was a mendacious seduction that les man to disobey God.”
Catechism description of disobedience?
Man preferred himself to God and that very act scorned him. His action was against the requirements of God and therefore, against his own good
Immediate consequences of Adam and Eve?
Lost their original holiness, justice, and friendship with God, and kicked out of the Garden of Eden
Consequences for the fall
We could no longer love God as a close friend, a chasm was created and it cannot be crossed through human effort alone. Our intellect became clouded and incapable of discerning God laws, and man and women experience suffering and burdens
What is the Protoevangelium?
Formed using the combination of the Greek words first and good news. This first message of Good News is found in Genesis 3:15 where the promise of a redeemer is mentioned
What is the origin of Cain’s sin?
The sin of disobedience created Original Sin, which is transferred to every human being
What is the Tower of Babel Story?
It is an example of human pride and inordinate confidence in human power
Tower of Babel- parallel to the Fall?
It caused a disunity among the people, as they now spoke different languages
How does the Tower of Babel link to unity and the Pentecost?
At Pentecost, the gifts of the Holy Spirit overcame the divisions of language caused by Babel. Through the Pascal Ministry, the human race is restored according to God’s plan. Everyone can now enjoy the supreme blessing of God’s divine life and speak the same language of Christ’s charity
What is the definition of a literal sense?
What the author intended to express, the most immediate and direct meaning of the text
What is the spiritual sense?
The Holy Spirit puts more meaning into a passage than even the scad author recognized
What is the allegorical/ typical sense?
When a certain character or event foreshadows a future character or event
What is the moral/tropological sense?
Interprets the heroes of the scripture as models for life
What is the analogical sense?
When certain parts of Scripture elucidates towards heaven
What is the meaning and application of Elohim
Strong one. It evokes majesty, and it’s plurality hints at the three person trinity. It denotes God’s sovereignty, creative actions, and mighty works for Israel
What is the context and meaning of Yahweh?
Is the name revealed by God to Moses I am who I am. This name stresses God as self-existent and independent.
Adonai is
Plural for majesty. This names stresses God’s relationship to man as master and provider
Meaning of Theos
It stresses God is the only one true God. He is unique transcendent, and the Savior. Also used to describe Christ
Kyrios is the Greek for
Lord. It stresses authority and supremacy
Adam Mountaintop?
Noah Mountaintop
Mount Ararat
Abrahamic Mountaintop
Mount Moriah
Mosaic Mountaintop
Mount Sinai
Davidic Mountaintop
Mount Zion
Covenant Group Adam
Adam and Eve
Covenant Group noah
Noah and his family
Abrahamic covenant group
The tribe
Covenant groups
Widen as they progress
Covenant Group Moses
The nation
Davidic Covenant Group
Covenant Temple for Adam
The universe
The temple for Noah
An altar
Temple for Abraham
Builds an altar
Temple for Moses
Builds the Temple/Ark of the Covenant and an altar
Temple for David
Initiates the temple. God will make a temple of David’s line
What does a priest do
He helps us connect with God, often via sacrifice or worship
Adam Priest
In charge of the temple of creation
Noah Priest
He offered a sacrifice after exiting the ark
Abraham Priest
Offers sacrifices
Moses Priest
Sprinkling of blood on the altar and on the people
David Priest
Did other priestly functions and sacrifices
What does a prophet do?
Communicates God’s message
Adam Prophet
Names the animals
Noah Prophet
Tells his family God’s commands
Abraham Prophet
Tells his tribe God’s commands
Moses Prophet
Brings the Israelites the Law
David Prophet
Some Psalms contain prophecies
What is a king?
Exercises leadership on God’s behalf
Adam King
In charge of creation
Noah King
In charge of the new creation
Abraham King
Will be the father of many nations, kings will come from his lime
King Moses
Leader of Israel
David King
He was king
Adam Involves divine filiation son of God
Let us make God in our own image
Noah Son of God
The new Adam
Abraham Son of God
ABE = Jesus called him, “you father Abraham”
= James called him “the friend of God”
Moses Son of God
Israel the first born son
David Son of God
D = called “a man after his (God’s) own heart”
= his seed will be “son of God”
Conditions of the Covenant Adam
Be fruitful and multiply and do not eat of the tree
Noah Conditions
N = largely unconditional
= Do not kill (related command)
= “Be fruitful and multiply” (related command)
Abraham conditions
ABE = largely unconditional
= God as your only god (implicit)
= all your males will be circumcised (more of a sign)
Conditions Moses
Obey my Commandments
David Conditions
D = largely unconditional
= doing wrong will be met with correction
Covenant Promises Adam
I will put enmity between you (the serpent) and the woman and between your offspring and hers. He will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel.”
Noah Promises
“Never again will I doom the earth because of man…nor will I ever again strike down all living beings”
Abraham Promises
ABE = “I will multiply your seed as the stars in heaven and the sand which is on the seashore”
= “you will become father of a host of nations”
= “kings shall stem from you”
“by your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed”
Moses Promises
M = “I will take you as my own people”
= “I will bring you into the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob”
= “I will give it to you (the land) as your own possession.”
David Promises
D = name shall be great (like to Abraham)
= “son of God” from his line
= an eternal kingdom
Covenant Sign Adam
The Sabbath
Covenant Sign Noah
Covenant Sign Abraham
Covenant Sign Moses
The sabbath
Covenant Sign David
The Temple
Possible statement about breaking the covenant
This idea of curses that went with covenants
Significance of Flaming Torch
Fire a symbol of God’s presence
Possible significance of torch’s movement
God is descending to personally take part in the covenant ceremony
God’s promise to Abraham about Sarah and reason for disbelief
That he would become the patriarch of a mighty nation, they were too old
Isaac’s question and Abraham’s response
Where was the sacrificial lamb? God will provide himself the lamb of a burnt offering
Substitute sacrifice and possible significance
A ram, prefigured the Passion and Death of Christ
Importance of being willing to shed blood
It is the type of blood shed by Christ to establish the new Covenant. Blood is the life source and being willing to shed it shows dedication
Circumcision in the ancient world
Relationship with God. You looked different
Watch the circumcision video
Covenants and increasing family intimacy?
God’ covenants make us family, with each one calling us to a greater intimacy with Him
The Ten Commandments and family?
God is giving us the rules to guide our families
Significance of Moses sprinkling blood in altar and people
Showed that Israel and God are in the same family, as they share the same blood
Story of David’s decision to build a temple
David wanted to build a temple. You make me a house. Ill make you a house
Our Lady of Guadeloupe
Read story on Moodle
Mary as a reversal to Eve
She brought gave birth to the seed that would squash the head of the serpent
Use of woman at Cana?
It heartens back to the Protoevangelium , where the serpent would be defeated by the seed of the women
Description of heresy that moves the Church to give Mary the title Mother of God
That God would never be born of a woman, that Jesus became God after birth. It shows that Jesus was God at conception
Use of mother on the Cross
Mary is the mother of the World
What is Perpetual Virginity?
Always a virgin. Reasoning for the sacrifice if virginity was for God to have a unique role as the father of Jesus
Debate about brothers of Jesus
They were actually his close male relatives because the Aramaic language didn’t distinguish between the two
Description of Immaculate Conception
Mary was conceived without the stain of original sin. The reasoning was the enablement of her to cooperate fully to God’s plan
Description of Assumption
Assumed body and soul into heaven. A way of saying thank you
Origin of the first line of the Hail Mary
Connection to Gabriel during the Annunciation
Origin of the second line of the Hail Mary
In her visit to Elizabeth
The Hail Mart and Mary as advocate
Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of Our Death
What Gabriel said about the name of the child and why?
Jesus, expresses both his identity snd his mission. In hebrew, Jesus means God saves. Gabe says that he will be great, He will be the savior of the world
Mary’s response and connection to us
Yes and it serves as a model for every disciple of Christ. Through the general acceptance of divine will, a person allows God to fulfill his plans for salvation through him or her
Poverty in the Nativity Story
Jesus was born poor. This emphasizes a detachment for worldly possessions, as this is necessary to have a deep relationship with God.
Perception of shepherds in Jewish soceity
The poorest of the poor
Jewish theology of the Presentation
A woman who had given birth was declared unclean and she needed to go to the Temple to offer a sacrifice for her purification. Every first born male belonged to God by virtue of the Passover. They needed to go to the Temple to redeem the child
What Simeon said about Jesus
Immediately recognized him as the Savior through the power of the Holy Spirit
Presentation connection to Crucifixion
This offering which was initiated in the Temple reached its fulfillment on the Cross. Simeon told Mary that the child is a sign of contradiction and her soul would always be pierced.
Description Ofm the Finding in the Temple
Jesus got lost. This was not unusual because the children would often would go visit the men and women. They get worried and how is that you sought me. Did you know I must be in my father’s house
Four reasons God entered human history
To make expiation for sins, reconcile man with God, and restore human history lost by sin. To manifest the infinite depth of God’s love, to offer a model of holiness, to allow people to share in his divine life
Theory on why God entered human history when he did
One Theory: Mankind was ready for the fullness of God’s revelation
-this theory compares human development over the centuries to a child growing into adulthood
Comparison to children growing into adulthoodm
- this theory sees a person’s childhood like the human race in an earlier stage of development
- How are we usually taught right from wrong as a younger child?
- rewards/punishment, do’s and don’t’s
- the Mosaic covenant had these elements and helped us as we progressed
Different expectations
This theory further states that mankind eventually “grew up” as a species and was ready for the fullness of God’s revelation
-just like your parents ask more of you as a teenager than they did when you were a child, God was now asking more of humanity
How we are taught right and wrong
- How are we usually taught right from wrong as an adolescent?
- teaching you WHY to choose/avoid certain actions
- get you to consider how your actions affect others
- get you to consider different consequences, like long-term, indirect, etc.
- This is like Jesus coming and perfecting the Law, building upon Mosaic Law, by giving us the Beatitudes and the New Commandment (“Love one another as I have loved you.”)
Connection to Jesus
Why the incarnation
Possible reason for the transfiguration
In order to inspire his Apostles’ confidence in his Passion and Death and to show us a foretaste of his glory
Symbolism of Mose and Elijah?
Moses the Law and Elijah the prophets
The Transfiguration reveals what awaits every follower of Christ
The hopeful prospect of a transformation in Christ and his share in his Resurrection
How crucifixion worked
A slow death by asphyxiation