Spring Final Exam Flashcards
Herald Jesus said
Go and make disciples of all nations.
How does the Church a herald
We send out missionaries, we do publishing, internet, Tv, movies, etc. we have schools and universities
A sacrament is something
That helps us experience God’s presence: the Church should help the world experience him
Sacrament Jesus says
This is how they will know you are my followers, by your love for another
Sacrament we have
Rituals/ sacraments that make God present in an extraordinary way
Institution The Church needs to be
Structured and organized in order to do her work effectively
Examples of institution?
The apostles appointed men to take care of the distribution of food while they focused on preaching and the New Testament shows different offices with different responsibilities
A council was held to discuss guidelines for Gentile conversions included representatives, proposals structured debate
Servant Matthew 25
We are judged if we did not cloth, feed, visited, the least of my brothers
Examples of being a servant?
Direct service, political advocacy
What is the body of Christ?
We are joined together with Christ and one another, We are called to express and deepen that unity
Bible references to being a Body of Christ?
Father, may they be one as you and I are one, St. Paul said we are all needed and we all have different roles, just like different parts of the body
Like a pilgrim, the Church is on
A journey toward a destination, but the journey can sometimes in lude hardships
Jesus told us that
His disciples must be willing to take up their crosses and follow them
Pilgrim we keep in mind that this is not
Our final destination
How does the Mystical Body of Christ link to what Jesus asked Paul at his conversion experience?
Jesus expressing the relationship of his people with the Church. Spoken as two rather than one
The origin of the Bride of Christ?
Letter to the Ephesians
What does Paul do with the idea of being the head of a relationship?
He quotes a passage from Genesis- For this reason man shall leave his mother and father and be joined with his wife, and the two shall become one flesh
What is ONE image used from Genesis and how does this connect with the Church?
When Adam first saw Eve, Eve his both his bride and part of himself
What is another and how does it connect with the Church!
The marriage covenant between Adam and Eve. The union is restored with Jesus
If the Church is a household what are the different roles?
God is the father of the family, Jesus is the master of the house, and the members are his children
What does Jesus say about those who do the will of God?
He is my brother, my mother and my sister
What does Jesus reveal about God? What specific Aramaic term does he do to convey it?
That he is our Father. He uses the word Abba?
How does Jesus teach his disciples to address God?
Our Father
What role does Christ’s Death and Resurrection play in this image of the Church?
He has extended the grace of divine sonship
How do we eat together as a Church family?
Through the Eucharist
How is the Church like a mother?
Through water and the Spirit of Baptism the Church gives birth to new sons and daughters of Christ
How does this information connected to Jesus’ parents not worrying when they did not see him for over a day?
The large extended family was the individual’s world. Jesus belonged to that kind of family, the nation of Israel and tribe of Judah. Jesus was probably somewhere safe with this large family
How did Jesus’ idea of family go against tribal notions? How do Paul’s words There is no more echo this idea?
That there was no more of God of our fathers, but a universal father. Transcended all national or tribal distinctions. There is no Jew or Greek echoes the idea of a religion free of class divisions
What was the price Jesus paid to make us his people?
His Blood
How does God twice deliver his people through a Passover lamb?
Old Covenant - set his people free from Egypt through a Passover lamb, so that they may proclaim his goodness
New Covenant- set his people free from Sin, the Lamb of God
How did Jesus go far beyond being the son of David?
He is the perfect son of David. The highest king of kings. At the Last Supper he instituted a new Covenant in his blood and speaks of the kingdom his father has appointed
What is the etymological meaning of Christ/Messiah?
Greek and Hebrew words for anointed one
How do the Temple and the Church serve as a visible sign?
A house for prayer of all peoples
What is the role of the queen mother in the royal government?
Advising her son and interceding in behalf of his people.
What is the function of Peter and his successors in the royal government?
Special authority for leading Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
What happened to St. Paul in the conversion experience?
He was going to Damascus and suddenly a bright light blinded him and he feel down
Paul’s question.
Who are you, Lord?
Jesus’s response
I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. Rise and enter the city and you will be told what to do
I have set you to be
A light for the Gentiles that you may bring salvation to the uttermost parts of the Earth
St. Paul’s travels lead him to
Much of the Roman Empire (Turkey and Greece) After going through many hardships St. Paul was finally arrested
Execution and link to Roman citizenship
Because he was A Roman citizen he could be beheaded instead of crucified
When was St. Paul born?m
Ad 5
Why did Paul have two names
His Roman name and Jewish name
What was Paul’s education?
He learned under Gamaliel and received a education of the Old Testament and was closely familiar with Greek literature and philosophies
Persecution of Christians?
Because of his solid education of the Laws of Moses, Saul was gaining favorable attention from Jewish authorites
S. Paul’s profession?
Tentmaker, allowed him to support himself during apostolic travels
Who was Gamelial?
Paul studied Jewish law with him
Paul was known throughout the Roman empire as the
Apostle to the Gentiles
Paul died in the dates of
A herald is
An official messenger, the Church is God’s messenger to the world
What command did God make about animals Peter saw?
Kill and eat
How did Peter respond to this?
I shall not eat anything impure and unclean
How did God then respond to Peter?
Do not call anything impure that God has made clean
Who sent for Peter right after this?
What did Jesus say that food can not do?
Things that can come from outside can defile a person
What did Jesus say what happens to food?
It foes to the latrine
What two main things did the Pharisaic Christians want Gentile converts to Christianity to do?
Circumcision and follow all of Mosaic law
What were two main decisions made at the Council of Jerusalem?
Gentiles would not need to circumcise but they will need to follow a few dietary laws
What was Peter’s profession
Traditional belief about Peter’s death
Martyred around 64 AD, was crucified upside down
Who do you say that I am and response
You are the Christ
You are Peter (rock) and on this rock reply
He would be the foundation on which the Church will be established Cephas rock in Aramaic and Petros Peter
Meaning of the keys
Appoint one with authority, just like the David Passage
Meaning of binding and loosing
Connects to the idea of the Pope’s authority to make decisions within the Church
Biblical reasons why we believe Peter was given special authority
Peter is often linked to leadership (acting as a spokesperson, organizing decisions, first recorded miracle after Jesus, receives the revelation that salvation is for the Gentiles) the Gospel writers usually named him first out of any Apostle, and Jesus told him you must strengthen your brothers
The root meaning of vicar
In the person of
What command did Jesus give Peter when asking him if he loved him.
Feed my lambs, feed my sheep, tend my sheep
The specific content in the Hebrew Scriptures the Ethiopian was reading about when Phillip encountered him
As a sheep lead to slaughter before the shearer is dumb, so he opens not his mouth
What Phillip did while in the carriage with the Ethiopian
He taught how the passage connected with Jesus
What the Ethiopian decided to do as a result of his encounter with Phillip
Decided to get baptized
Jesus’s promises about the Holy Spirit in Acts 1
You shall receive power and you shall be my witnesses and in Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the Earth
The physical sign descended on the Apostles in the Upper Room?
Tongues as of fire
What were the miracles of Pentecost
Could speak of all languages and could be courageous preachers
Apostolic succession
The truth that Catholic bishops today can trace their authority in a direct line back to the Apostles and ultimately from Christ himself,
Bishop’s four main duties
Called to teach, sanctify, and govern the faithful in his own diocese and also work together in caring for the worldwide church
Cardinal jobs
Serve as a papal elector, some lead archdioceses, others serve as administration to the Vatican
Definition of collegiality
The principle idea that bishops of the Church as well as the Pope form a single college, which succeeds every generation
Definition of conclave
A gathering of the world’s cardinals in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome for the purpose of electing a new Pope
Permanent deacons description
Married or unmarried men who are ordained deacons in a permanent capacity
Transitional deacon description
Men who are preparing for the ordination to the priesthood
Ecumenical council description
From the Greek oikoumene, meaning the whole inhabited world. A meeting of all bishops to define doctrine, regulate Christian life, or apply discipline to the Church
Plenary council description
A council of involving all bishops of a particular nation
How the Sacraments work on two levels
The visible level: the sacrament is done usually through a ritual and invisible level, in which something else happens, we receive the grace of the Holy Spirit
Application to Baptism and Holy Eucharist
Baptism- water is put onto us as well as receiving the grace of God and wiping away our Original Sin
Meaning of ecclesia/ekklesia
An assembly or to call out of
Why we consider Christians the real Jews
Jesus is the promised Messiah of Judaism, he is a completion and fulfillment of God’s promises
Three meanings of the Church
Body of Christ, universal church, and local community
Meanings of mysterium and sacramentium
M- outlines the hidden reality of salvation S- describes the Church as a visible sign
Why does Paul call the union of Christ a profound mystery?
Christ Acts through the sacraments, which are the signs and instruments of the Holy Spirit which are the signs and instruments of the Holy Spirit through which the grace of Christ is conveyed to the church
The invisible elements to the Church
Those who reside in Purgatory and heaven
The vertical and horizontal dimensions of the Church
The people who are with us on Earth are horizontal who the people in heaven are part of the vertical dimensions
What Paul said about communion and the Church
Because there is one bread, we how are one body, for we all partake in that one body
What does Benedict say about communion and the Church
We all eat of the same man, in this way we are wrestled from our self enclosed individuality and drawn into a greater one
The Mass as going to Communion
The concept of communion is anchored first and foremost in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Church
By receiving Christ’s body?
We enter into a blood relationship with Christ, we are assimilated into Christ and are identified with one another, we become what we receive
Church hierarchy vs corporate hierarchy
Defined not by authoritarian rule but by service performed out of love
Connection to what Jesus said about leadership
The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over their people; and those in authority over them are called benefactors. But no so with you; but let the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as one who serves.. I am among you who serves. Lk
Jesus washed the feet of his apostles as a
Model for them
Pope Gregory used to describe the role of the Pope
Is doing service exercised in the name of Christ
Main clause in the splitting of the Catholic Church and Orthodox Church
Catholic Church believed in authority of just one Pope. Orthodox say that five or so bishops must decide on certain aspects. “Special among equals”
Role of Fourth Crusade in ending hopes of reunification
Sacked Constantinople, looting various Orthodox sites and
Papal election building
Sistine Chapel
What is oath taken by the cardinals in papal elections?
To observe the correct procedures, to defend the liberty of the Holy See, to maintain secrecy, and to disregard all outside influences in the election processes
Papal elections- percentage needed
Use of smoke
Black smoke= no pope and no clear winner
White smoke= we have a Pope
First duty the newly elected Pope
To decide a name
Description of an ordinary bishop
Those who have authority over a diocese
Auxiliary Bishop
Helpers to the leaders of the diocese
What is the USCCB?
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, discuss issues that are occurring in the United States
In persona Christi
In the person of Christ which confirms that they are in ministerial participation in the priesthood of Christ
What can deacons do at Mass
Read the Gospel and participate in the Homily
Sacraments he can preside over
Marriage and Baltism
Important ritual a deacon can preside over and condition
Funeral, but not if there is a Mass, same thing with marriage to
Description of Tradition
Refers to the Church’s teachings that has been passed down through the ages by the successors to the Apostles
Which do you believe question
God’s perfect word or sinful flawed men
Response about the Church existing first
A4: We also note that the Church existed long before the New Testament did. There was a Christian Church and Christian leadership, and Christian rituals well before there was a set New Testament. It took…
- about 20 years for the first New Testament book to be written - about 70 years for the last New Testament book to be written - over 300 years for the Church to decide which books would be considered part of our Sacred Scripture
When some Christians say that “Faith should be based solely on the Bible,” it makes one wonder about the Christians who lived BEFORE the Bible was finalized. What did they base their faith on? The Church and its teachings! When Christ’s Church completed its process of deciding upon its sacred writings, that was ADDED to its teachings; it was NOT REPLACING them!
Response about the Church deciding what books would be added to Scripture
When some Christians assert that they follow the Bible instead of “flawed men,” we should point out the role that the “flawed men” of the Church determined what our sacred texts were! Through study, research, debate, and prayer, and guided by the Holy Spirit, the Church identified certain books as inspired. If a Christian is going to disregard the teachings, rituals, and leadership structure that the Church has given the world because “flawed men” were behind those decisions, one should also disregard the Bible that the Church gave the world. Again, this lacks consistency.
Response about our beliefs, our leadership structure, our rituals, and our sacred books all coming from the Church
All these are the work of the Church! By saying “We only go by the Bible!”, what some Christians are essentially saying is “Listen to the Church when they tell us what our sacred texts are, but disregard everything else from the Church!” To us, this lacks consistency. Our beliefs, sacred texts, leadership structure, and sacred rituals ALL came from Christ’s church.
We believe that the Church’s fundamental beliefs are
Kept free from error via the protection of the Holy Spirit
Infallibility does not mean they can not be
Clarified, expanded, re-worded, it means there is no error in the statement
We believe this protection extends not only to
Ecumenical councils (general infallibility) but also to the Pope acting as head of universal Church (Papal infallibility) when speaking ex cathedra, from the chair
Papal infallibility has been used twice
Declaring the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption as fundamental beliefs in the Church
Definition of apostasy?
From the Greek one sent forth.
Canon law
The official internal law of the Catholic Church
The effort to reunite all Christians and to cooperate among Christian faith traditions in achieving Christian goals
The denial by a baptized person of some truth that must be believed with divine faith
Holy See
The central Administration of the whole wide Church
Will never change in its essential spirits
Any form of Western Christian community not united with the Catholic Church
A breach of unity within the Catholic Church
Uniqueness; term described the Church because it is the only Church founded by Chrisy
What did Luther believe in?
Salvation shall be determined by faith alone
What did Luther obsess over?
His sins
Pope Leo’s special indulgence
He was attempting to get money to fund St. Peter’s B
Teztel’s job
Was to persuade Christians to fund for the Church, get tour relatives out of Purgatory
What was Luther’s response?m
He nailed the 95 Theses on October 31, 1517
Diet of Worms demand and Lither quote
Do you reject all the works you have written Here I stand, I can do no other God help me
Peace of Augsburg date and description
In 1555, it was stated that the prince/ruler in each German region would decide if the region’s religion was Catholic or Protestant, dissenters could move to another region, did not permit people to be a part of any new Christian denominations, like Calvinism or Anabaptism
Description of salvation by faith alone
It is inspired by St. Paul- the righteous are saved by faith, it is a gift from God to those who believe ; works do not earn salvation, they simply express gratitude for it
What is the plain sense of Scripture
The meanings of the Bible should be very easy to understand, so there is no need for an elaborate church hierarchy to explain them
Views on indulgences and Purgatory
Against the abuse of indulgences of Purgatory, eventually stop believing them altogether
Beliefs on Sacraments
Confession, Baptism, and Eucharist should be kept, eventually got rid of Confession because it was not specifically initiated by Jesus
Two founders of Reformed Christianity and country
John Calvin and Hudrych Zwingli Switzerland
Founder of Presbyterianism and country
John Knox (a Catholic priest) Scotland
What is predestination?m
God chose the elect and the rest were damned
Calvin belief about the Eucharist
Did not believe in the Real Presence
Calvin belief on churches and liturgies
Promoted very simple ones and rejected all religious practices that were not in Scripture
Historical reason behind King Henry starting his own Church
After he was denied an annullment
Initial difference and biggest difference between Catholics and Anglicans
He kept most of the Catholic beliefs biggest difference that it was run by a king
Major defining belief of the Anabaptists
Rejected infant baptism
Baptist criticism of Anglicanism
It was too Catholic
Baptist beliefs on Church and state
Against the idea of a state religion in England
Founder and country of Methodism
John Wesley of England
Methodists criticized what about Anglicanism
The role of class of Anglicanism
Methodists focus
Preaching to the lower class, service to others
The subject of most early heresies
The identity of Jesus
The conclusion of most heresies p
That Jesus was fully divine and not human
The belief about matter/flesh that was the root of the conclusions
Flesh is evil
Definition of apostolate
The work of the laity toward building up the Church through initiates and efforts that evangelize, educate, or serve the need for others
Special graces from the Holy Spirit that enable the People of God to build up the Body of Christ
Definition of concupiscence
Human appetites or desires that remain disordered due to the temporal consequences of Original Sin that remain after Baptism and produce an inclination of sin
Definition of evangelical counsels
The practices of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and proposed by Christ in his own life and given to the Church for assisting our growth into charity
Ex opere operato
Latin term used to state that a Sacrament dispenses the grace it signifies and does not depend on the holiness of the minister, nor the person receiving it from the work performed
Definition of laoty
All the faithful except those who are initiated through Holy Orders and those in religious life specifically approved by the Church
Definition of mortification
The practice of self-denial as a way to discipline our bodies and appetites as to strengthen the soul and focus more on interior life
Definition of vocation
The particular plan or calling that God has for each individual in this life and hereafter
What are the three states of the Church
Church Triumphant, Church Militant, Church Suffering
How we used Bible passages to respond
Review Communion of Saints handout
Frequent request made by early Christians
Pray for us on tombstones
Why not just pray to God?
We do both, the more the merrier
Why the actions and words of Mr. Arguello might confuse tihers
Giving God like powers to someone other than God
What Mr. Arguello is really doing
Mr. Arguello is praying with them and asking for them to pray for us. Catholics know who God is, even if our phrases suggest otherwise
Description or particular judgement
The judgment of those who have died or will die in the Second Coming of Christ
What does James sat about faith without works
For as a body is dead without a soul, so also is faith without works is dead
How Jesus describes the Last Judgement
When the Son of Man will come in glory, all the nations will be assembled before them. The sheep will be placed on the rigt and the goats on the left
How the two Luke passages point to a particular judgement rather than a final judgement
That There is a determination on whether goes to heaven or not
Definition of hell
The eternal state of definitive self exclusion from Communion with God
Jesus’s physical images if hell
Darkness, fire, furnace
Why some Christians do not believe in hell
Why an all loving and merciful God lead someone to such a horrible place
Job passage and response to Christians not believing in hell
Rather he requites men for their conduct, and brings home to a man his way of life
Annoying teacher saying about failing
I did not fail you Billy, you failed you
Purgatory descriptions
The removal of all the barriers between ourselves and God’s love, the transformation of all love of self to lov of God
Concepts like physical time in regards to Purgatory
Yes it may exist as we go to Purgatory and we go there before we get to Heaven
Third description of Purgatory
When we stand before the pure love that is God almighty, we realize how often we have rejected that love by our sins
How Maccabees relates to Purgatory
Atonement for one’s sins
Heaven description
The state of everlasting life in which we see God, become like him in glory, and enjoy eternal happiness
Why halos, robes, and clouds associated with Heaven
Halos represent holiness, robes are what people wore in Jesus’s time, harps come from Rev 5:8, and clouds come from the idea that heaven is above Earth
Beatific vision descriptio
An insight if the wonder of God’s invisible, inner essence
Question about pain regarding knowledge about others and response
Revelation states that there will be no tears in heaven and there will be no more death. The human brain must be configured, without pain to recognize God’s justice and eternal damnation
Question about boredom and response
Worship is far deeper and richer than what we will experience on Earth
Philippines passage of our bodies
They will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body