#5 Flashcards
Why did Jesus get baptized when he did not have to
To identify himself its sinners needing repentance, Christians echo his Paschal mysteries in their own baptisms, immersion a stronger symbol than sprinkling, to prefigure his baptismal death - he will enter the waters of death and rise anew from them, to show acceptance of his mission, submitting oneself to the Father’s will, as we should
The eyes of faith help John recognize Jesus
Just like the help us recognize him in the Eucharist as well as seeing him in other places
John’s objection?
He refused because of his unworthiness
Trinity trivia regarding his baptism?
It’s one of the very few times that the Trinity is fully present because the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove and Father said this was his beloved son who, he was well pleased
The use of woman at the Wedding of Cana?
This is a realization of the Protoevangelium, in which God revealed that serpent will be crushed by the seed of a woman
The next time Jesus used woman?
When he was on the cross, when his Death is occasioned the defeat of Satan
Mary’s directions? The church and us?
Do what he tells you,
Double symbolism of wine?
Evokes Christ shedding blood and water on the cross and the Eucharist
40 days symbolism?
Lent, it readies us to experience Christ’s Passion, death and resurrection
What were the 40 days?
A period of time for his public ministry and a time for temptation
The bread temptation essentially says
You can use your powers to fulfill your physical desires. Why don’t you?
What was Christ’s response?
Man shall not live on bread alone, but every word proceeds from the mouth of God
Jesus is the living bread
That came down from heaven and
Jesus satisfies man’s hunger with
The Word of the Gospel and the food of the Eucharist
Temptation to show his power essentially saying?
You can demonstrate your powers with a spectacular miracle. Then everyone will follow you. Why don’t you?
This will essentially make Jesus be accepted without the
Luke 9 quote?
If any man would come after me, let him take up his cross daily and follow me
What does the third temptation essentially saying?
You can use your powers to take over the empire. Hen you can make everyone follow you. Why don’t you?
Om on Jewish messianic expectations?
Jesus would be a great political leader and return Israel to its former glory
Jesus is king, but
Is kingdom is not for this world and was obtained by self giving sacrifice
Christ’s parallel with Isreal?
To contrast to those who had once provoked God during the forty years in the desert, Christ reveals himself as God’s servant. Christ is the devil’s Conquerer
Christ’s anticipation of the victory at the Passion?
Filial love for the Father
Christ’s parallel with Adam?
Counteracted the disobedience with the first Adam
One theory in the temptation in the desert?
Satan physically appeared and tempted Jesus through audible conversations and signs
Satan supernaturally tempted Jesus.
Professor West suggests that
This makes it easier to relate to Jesus’s human side because this is how the devil tempts us
The third?
Jesus’s human nature led him to desiring these goods
Garden of Gethsemane link?
Instead of doing pain and suffering, he chose the cross
Repeated temptations?
Christ’s wisdom and miracles often prompted crowds of people to declare him King, but he always managed to slip away
Description of St. Peter’s temptation
St. Peter wanted to dissuade Christ from going to Jerusalem
Use of Satan?
Peter is trying to dissuade Christ from carrying out God’s redemptive plan with the Cross
It’s obvious
Two main forms of his temptations?
Fear and distortion of truth
Possible motives of Judas?
The money or the preference of a military leader
Final lie he believed?
That there was no hope for him
Temptations of Pontus Pilate?
To reject the truth of Christ’s innocence
Why did Pilate adhere to the temptations?
To satisfy the Jewish mob