The Living World - Tropical Rainforests Flashcards
Distribution/Location of TRFs
Found in the belt close to the equator
South America, West Africa, South-East Asia, North Australia
Climate of TRFs
High temperature - 27 degrees Celsius
High rainfall - 2,000mm per year
High Humidity
No seasonal Difference
Plants and Animals in the TRF
Highest level of biodiversity
Huge range of habitats available
Home to over Half the worlds plants and animals
Water in TRFs
Distinct wet season
High rainfall lasting several months
Excess water = local rivers flood
Water soaks into soil = leaching
Soils in TRFs
Not very fertile
Nutrients are in the upper top soil
Trees and plants have shallow roots
Intense leaching removes nutrients from soil
People in TRFs
Traditional tribes live in the rainforest in harmony with the natural environment
Exploitation of rainforest for commercial gain - deforestation
Harmful to rainforest - reduces biodiversity and destroys habitats
Different plant layers in a tropical rainforest
Under canopy
Forest Floor
Species in each layer of the rainforest
Emergents - bats
Canopy - Birds
Under canopy - Mammals - sloths/monkeys
Forest Floor - Deer
Nutrient cycling process
- Nutrients in soil are taken up by tree roots
- They are stored in the leaf (biomass) of the tree
- When the leaves die they fall to the forest floor (Litter)
- Moist + warm conditions cause the leaf to decompose - returns nutrients to the soil
How do people rely on plants and animals in the tropical rainforest
Animals help the nutrient cycle and keep the TRF healthy
Plants produce 20% of Earth’s oxygen
What resources are species competing for in topical rainforests
Nutrients & water
3 adaptations plants have made in order to cope in TRFs
Drip tips
Buttress roots
Woody vines that climb up trees to reach the sunlight
Grown in the CANOPY
Buttress Roots
Large roots which create a large SA to support trees
Absorb more nutrients from soil
Drip Tips
Leave that have pointy tips
Water can run off leaves quickly without damaging or breaking them
Two animals that have adapted to the physical conditions of TRFs
Poison Dart Frog
Three-toed sloth
How has the position dart frog adapted to the physical conditions
When they eat poisonous insects, they absorb the toxins in their mucus
Feet have extra-strong suction cups to climb and hold slippery branches
How has the three-toed sloth adapted to the physical conditions of the TRFs
Extra vertebrae to be able to turn neck 270* to check for predators above/below
Can swim in floods
Grown green algae in fur to camouflage
Socio-economic value of rainforest
Socio-economic value of resources from the rainforest
Medicine - 120 prescription drugs are derived from rainforest plants
Food - fruit, nuts, spices, wild meat and fish
Minerals - gold, silver, iron ore
Fuel source - energy