Physical Lanscapes in the UK - Glaciers Flashcards
How many years ago was the last ice age
What is a glacier
A large amount of ice/snow that originates on land and moves downwards
Glacier formation
- Glaciers form when snow remains in the same area year-round and slowly transforms to ice
- New layers of snow bury and compress the previous layers
- This compression forces the snow to re-crystalline, forming small sugar like grains
- Grains get larger and air pockets get smaller, snow slowly compacts and increases in density
- The snow turns to firn/neve - a state between snow and glacier ice
- This process takes more than 100 years
Freeze thaw weathering
Rainwater enters the cracks
Temperature drops and water freezes to ice
Ice expands forcing the rock apart - Expansion by 9-11%
Once the rock breaks in two and then it breaks into smaller pieces
The process repeats
Rocks at the bottom of the glacier grind over the bedrock - creates sharp grooves called striations
A glacier moves over an area of rock, friction causes glacier to melt and water seeps into cracks - freeze thaw weathering occurs
Rotational Slip
The mass of the ice and slope act to make the ice move down slope in a curved or rotational movement
Debris that is transported by glaciers in various ways
When a glacier moves forwards it can act like an earth mover
Bulldozing rocks and debris to create a high ridge = moraine
3 ways till is carried in a glacier
Supraglacial - top
Englacial - middle
Subglacial - bottom
2 types material that forms when glacial till is deposited
Moraine Till - Angular Rocks and boulders
Outwash - Rounded rocks due to attrition by river erosion
4 types of moraine
Glacial Deposition - What and Why
When ice loses enrgy it starts to drop materials
Unsorted mixture of material is deposited anywhere
Lateral Moraine
Runs along the edges of the glacial trough
Medial Moraine
When two lateral moraines merge a large ridge of rock forms - thick dark strip running down the glacier
Ground Moraine
Gets lodged and deposited under the glacier
Terminal Moraine
Ridge that is made up of bulldozed material, by the snout of the glacier and allows glacier to advance
Landforms resulting from transportation and deposition
The 4 types of Moraine
What are drumlins
Egg-shaped hills made up of mounds of till
What do drumlins show
The tapered end points in the direction of ice flow