The Islamic Empire - 3/24/23 Flashcards
Who’s Muhammad:
- Born in the city of Mecca
- A prophet
- United tribes in Medina
Successors of Muhammad
The Islamic Division:
- Division between the Sunni and Shia
- Lots of inter-clan fighting
After Muhammad’s death, they believed that Abu Bakr should be his successor
After Muhammad’s death, they believed that Ali should’ve been Muhammad’s successor
The Rashidan Caliphate
The 4 rightly guided caliphs, who all studied from Muhamad
The Umayyad Caliphate:
- The second caliphate
- Minted the 1st coins
- Assembled the 1st standing army
- Fell to the Abasid revolt
The Dome of the Rock:
- An Islamic shrine
- Site of the 2nd Jewish temple
The Abbasid Caliphate:
- Est. the city of Baghdad
- focuses on ed. and discovery
- Goverment practiced religous tolerance
Al-Andulus Cordova
World’s largest and greatest city with huge library containing 400,000 books
The battle of Tours:
- Franks VS Umayyans
- Franks win, preventing Umayyan expansion
Advisors that run the day-to day empire
The Islamic Golden Age:
- Translation movement
- Sciences expanded
- Cultural flourishment
The house of Wisdom:
- Like Plato’s academy
- A library of scholars conversing
- introduced at the fall of the Abbasids
- esentialy king
Every thing is great until…
they attack Byzantium
Date of the 1st crusade
Date of Mongols invading Baghdat
The 3 art forms:
- Arabesque
- Tesalation
- Caligraphy
Usually a painting with a flowing leaf-like design
Geometric and pixelated
Fancy writing
The fromer Aladin story
The Thousand and One Nights
Where the Ottomans settle:
- Antolia Turkey
- Decaying Sejuk empire area
Mehmed II :
- Became sultan at 21
- Conquered Constatinople
- Called himself the “Caesar of Rome”
- Converts the Hagia Sophia into a Mosque
- Lots of trade with Venetians
Suleiman I :
- Known as Suleiman the Magniicant
- A lawgiver
- Similar to Justinian
- Lead Ottoman military towards Golden Age
Named after the Ottoman Turks
The end of the Ottoman empire
1922 (World War 1)
The Safavid Empire:
- Located modern Iran
- Shi-ate dynasty dominated
- Shah = King
- They capatilized off the silk road going directly throught them
The Mughal Empire:
- Found in India
- Also expanded on Silk Road
- Hindus gained money and power
- Britain invaded and exploited them
The Taj Mahal
Amazing Muslim Tomb
3 gunpowder empires: