Early Republic &Punic War Test - 12/20 Flashcards
The city that wants help from Rome or Carthage
Syracuse, Sicily
First Punic war: Rome was ______ military & Carthage was ______ military
Rome quickly develops this to stop Carthage
a naval fleet
Rome wins so Carthage must
pay reparations
Carthage is in need of money so they expand to ____ for ___
Spain for silver mine
Swear to never be an ally of Rome by father
Hannibal was a
brilliant tactician, strategist, and highly respected general
Hannibal invades Rome with
40,000 troops & 38 war elephants
(scared rome)
Has collected a series of massive victories
Hannibal terifies _______; he is on his way
Roman general who uses hit and run technique on Hannibal’s army
Victor of the battle of Cannae
Carthage; 40k w/ numidian calvary > 80k Romans
A military general of Rome; plans to attack carthage
Victor of the battle of Zama
Rome; 40k > 40k carthaginains
Romen politician who ended speeches w/ Carthago delenda est meaning Carthage must be destroyed
Cado the elder
Eventualy Rome razes Carthage and sell ____#____ of slaves
Sigificance of Punic Wars
critical & defining moments
begining of the transition to a Roman empire
Scipio got Hannibal out of Italy
Pratorian Guards were
first-hand pick of bodyguards to the emporer
Roman goverment changes to _______ in time of crisis
Patricaian, military leader, farmer, 1st dictator; very celebrated
Roman ideals are starting to
erode and fade
Rome now: (in difer to before)
Constantly conquers
Thinks that they are always right
No longer open to new ideas
Less of a republic; abandons pure ideas
Harder to govern due to increasing size
Problems of paying armies:
how do you afford money?
tax people
people get land after 25 years
like presidents; 2 elected per year; elected by senate “the people”
either consul could ____ the other’s idea
Dominant branch of the goverment:
The senate & assembly of aristrocarcy
The everage persons
Centuriate assembly was part of the
Roman army
Plebians led a strike since
they felt thet thay had no voice and were treated unfairly
The PLebian strike ended up
distributeing leadership
asemblies were led by
12 tables:
clearly defined code of laws; highly succesful;displayed in forum
Early Rome expands
Rome’s “expanding defense”
attack & conquer others before they attack you
Invaders of Rome who sack sacred city
Vow #2
Rome WILL NEVER be sacked again! (until 800 years later)