The Byzantines - 3/16 Flashcards
Where Constantine relocates the Roman capital
What Constantine names Byzantium
People on Constantinople call themselves
Byzantium benefits:
- incredibly defendable
- prime location
- 75% is bordered by waters
- high trade to do junction between Aisa and Europe
Name of Christian east branch
Religion od Byzantines
leader of the Christian Orthodox branch
The Great Schism:
An argument of policy
Problems of the Great Schism:
- Who’s in charge?
- Should there be a Pentrarchy?
- Should the Pope be in charge or 5 bishops?
Effects of the Great Schism:
A split in ideas/beliefs
Hagla Sophia:
Building meaning holy wisdom
Bas Relief:
Stone craving revealing “hidden art”
What art were they masters of
mosaics and religious-based art (Christian)
The Hippodrome:
1.large circus maximus (elongated circle)
2. mainly used for chariot racing
3. gigantic; 100,000 spectators
Tower/spire structures
How minerates got added to the Hagla Sophia
Muslims gained control
The 4 teams:
Green VS Blue
Red VS White
- powerful political power
- green VS blues are dominant
- Humble dirt farmer
- Quickly rose to power in the imperial guard
- like Casear & Octavian
Flavius or Justinian The Great
- similar to Octavian/Alexander
- Justin’s nephew
- had great education
- takes on his incle’s name
Justinian (as emperor)
- Gets to work rebuilding the military & city
- Gets caught inbetween Nika Riots
- Saved by wife
- Wife of Justinian
- opposite color team of Justinian
- Humble origins like Justinian
- Gives great speech helping end Nika Riots
Nika Riots:
- A brawl between Blues & Greens
- Burns 1/2 of city
- Justice for their team member
- 30,000 people die
- Fantastic General simililar to Hannible
- Loyal, Devoted, hardworking, compassionate
- ends riot of 30,000 people with the army
- NO ONE ever messes with Justinian AGAIN
Justinian Reforms:
- Rebuilds like Augustus did (construction of the Hagia Sophia)
- Provides clean slate
- Zeros in on corrupted tax collectors
- Torture wealthy who don’t pay up
- The legal code!
Justinian’s legal code:
- Called Corpis Juris Civilis
- Composed of 4 books - Constitutionum, Institutiones, Novellae Constitutions, Digest
- Theodora helped make the code more fair
Keep principle of legal code
live honestly, injure none, give every man his due
Translation of Corpis Juris Civilis
The body of the people’s law
The Plague:
- The 1st Bubonic plague
- Justinian dies at 83
- Greates Byzantine
- After 100 years all conquered land is gone
Establishes the Varagian Guard
Basil II
Hundreds of the viking’s best fallen heros save the world during Ragnorok
1st europeans to vistit North America
The Vikings
The Ottoman Invasion Led By Sultan II :
- In 1453
- About the 24th attack
- tough war
- Roughly a dozen cannon were used to break wall
- Becam a 2 fronted attack
- Ottomans take hold
Greek Fire:
Pumping air into oil chamber; ejectes and ingites by fire; highly useful