The impact of WW2 on Russia Flashcards
Who performed the first atrocities on the people of the Soviet Union
Describe the role of the NKVD in the persecution of the Russian people during WW2
NKVD agents shot all detainess in Ukranian prisons, moved into minority areas and killed those minorities that were thought to be unreliable. Tartans living in the Crimean, ethnic Germans living along the River Volga were amongst the first targeted. Entire villages were wiped out, whilst thousands of people were sent in cattle wagons to the East- to Siberia and Kazhakstan. Few survived the journey.
Who were the first victims of the Nazi regime in Soviet Russia
The Nazi’s first victims were political commisars, against whom “action must be taken immediately, without further consideration, and with all severity” and they were to be “finished immediately with a weapon.”
How was Hitler able to enforce his New Order
Hitler’s New Order was implemented by Special Task Forces, the Ordnungspolizei (Order Police) and four mobile killing groups of Einstazkommandos.
How many Russian people were there in Russia at the time of German invasion/advancement
Around 2,100,000
Who was persecuted under Hitler’s New Order
Jewish Russians, alongside ordinary Russian slavs made up the ‘UnterUntermensch’ (or sub-human) which became the victims of Einsatzgruppen, Special Task Forces, and the Ordnungspolizei, the Order Police. Also victims of 4 mobile killing groups of Einstazkommandos.
What was the purpose of Hitler’s New Order
To eliminate ‘undesirables’- Communists, and political commissars and those of inferior race, Slavs and Jews. This is also known as ethnic cleansing (exterminating a racial group).
How were the Jewish people eliminated under Hitler’s New Order
Jewish men, women and children were either massacred openly or sent to out-of-sight mobile gassing installations referred to as ‘slaughterhouses on wheels’. Worst atrocity occurred at Babi Yar near Kiev where 33,000 Jews wee murdered in 2 days.
Describe the massacring of Jews at Babi Yar
29-30 September 1941. Kiev had a Jewish population of 175,000 before war. 34,000 Jews brought to a ravine on
Describe the massacring of Jews at Babi Yar
29-30 September 1941. Kiev had a Jewish population of 175,000 before war. 34,000 Jews brought to a ravine in outskirts of the town. 2 day orgy of murder and all men, women and children were machine gunned. Germans were helped in their work by Ukraine collaborators. A few victims were able to crawl away and hide, despite ther wounds. In remaining years of war the site was converted into an extermination camp to which Jews were sent from other regions of the Ukraine.
What was the Jewish population of Kiev before WW2
Describe the atrocity committed by Nazis that occurred at Katyn Forest in 1939-40
Some 14,500 Polish army officer shot by NKVD. Removed officers as a means of removing leadership from Polish army.
Describe the 1940-41 Baltic States atrocity
Over 229,000 Jews murdered during first months of German occupation of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Which 3 atrocities occurred in 1941 and what were the consequences of each
1) In Ukraine an estimated 10,000 political priosners were murdered by the NKVD
2) Babi Yar- 33,000 Jews murdered 29-30 Sept.
3) At Chartsysk 370 children murdered by NKVD. Killed as exhausted therefore couldn’t keep up with general Russian retreat.
What happened at Ponary between 1941-1944 and in how many villages did similar events take place
In Ponary 70,000 people (mainly Jews) were murdered at an extermination site at Ponary, near Vilna in Lithuania. For similar reasons, same fate befell at least 27 other Ukraine villages.
What happened at Ponary between 1941-1944
In Ponary 70,000 people (mainly Jews) were murdered at an extermination site at Ponary, near Vilna in Lithuania.
How many German troops were massacred at Korsun in 1944 and by whom
20,000 slaughtered by Cossaks of the Red Army as they attempted to escape during a blizzard. None were take prisoner.
Describe the atrocity that occurred at Kortelisy in 1942 and in how many villages did similar events take place
Entire population of Kortelisy (2892 men, women and children) were murdered by Einsatzgruppen due to their support for local partisans. For similar reasons the same fate befell at leats 27 other Ukranian villages.
How did the Ukrainians collaborate with the Germans and why did they do so
Ukrainian still retained bitter memories of Stalin’s enforced famine, whilst German troops offered traditional gifts of bread and salt. It became clear that thousands of Ukrainians were willing to collaborate with the invaders and even serve in the German army. Some agreed to serve as Hilfswillige (volunteers) and were used as labourers or to carry supplies to front-line soldiers. A number of Ukrainians formed a unit within the Waffen-SS known as the Galacia Division, which was headed by Andrey Vlasov.
What was the role of Andrey Vlasov in collaboration with the Germans
Andrey Vlasov was the leader of the Galacia Divison after being taken prisoner by the Germans in 1942. He blamed Stalin for the fate that met him and his men and as a captive agreed to work with the Germans. He recruited prisoners of war and Red Army deserters to his Russian Liberation Movement with the aim of fighting as Germany’s ally for a socialist Russian and to rid the country of Stalin’s system of terror.
How many men were in ‘Vlasov’s army’
50,000 men
How did Hitler react to the implementation of Russians in to the German army and how did this compare to the reaction of the German generals
Despite the enthusiasm of German generals, Hitler opposed the idea of sub-human Slavs fighting alongside Aryan Germans. He only allowed Russians to perform menial tasks, quickly resulting in the disillusion of many.
How many Russians swore oath of loyalty t Hitler and enlisted in the German Army.
Over a million
What happened in July 1941
July 1941: Central Committee of the party called upon all Soviet citizens to fight and oppose the German invaders. Thousands did so and continued doing so even after their lands had been overrun.
How did the Russian’s attempt to resist the Germans
The Russian used guerrilla tactics to harass their enemy and as the war progressed their armies became better organised and better supplied, due to their receiving of officers and arms from the Red Army. Uprisings also occurred vs the Germans from time to time.
How were the German’s able to deal with the Russian uprisings and resistance
Uprisings caused Germans to respond by carrying out extensive anti-partisan sweeps across that country which involve thousands of men. Those partisans captured were punished via death by hanging. There were also occasions in which partisans led to German retaliation, hostages were taken and shot and whole villages raised to the ground and their inhabitants slaughtered. By end of war an estimated million or more partisans were creating havoc behind the German lines
How many partisans were there behind German lines by end of war
By end of war an estimated million or more partisans were creating havoc behind the German lines
What is a partisan in the context of WW2
A strong support of the Communist party, who would rebel against German invasion.
What is the name of the alliance formed between USA, Britain and Russia
The Grand Alliance
How were Britain able to transport resources to Britain
The British used British Royal Navy ships and merchant fleets to transport cargoes of war materials to the USSR, despite the danger of German capture or being destroyed by German submarines or air attacks. Some resources were also transported overland via Iran.
How much money did Russia receive in aid from USA during the course of the war
$11 billion
When was the Lean Lease Act introduced in the US
What was the importance of the Lean Lease Act to Russia
Saw the USA provide the USSR with: 6430 planes 3734 tanks 104 ships Raw materials 5 million tonnes of food By end of war 427,000 of the 665,000 motor vehicles used by Russian came from overseas.
How did Stalin react to the aid from the allies
Stalin refused to publicly acknowledge the aid received from the allies and hid it from the Russian people. Stalin criticised the USA and Britain for their inability to open a ‘second-front’ in Europe, without considering that they were both already at war vs Japan and that they were fighting campaigns vs the Germans in North Africa and in Italy from 1943.