Civil War specific knowledge to learn for essay Flashcards
Which areas were held by the Reds
Central areas eg Moscow and Petrograd
To which city did Lenin move the capital
What was found in Moscow
Main industry and armament factories
Whose supplies and weapons fell into Reds hands
Ex-Tsarists arms, munitions, etc
Name the makeshift capitals of the Whites
Omsk and Archangel
Why did peasants prefer reds over whites
Reds promised to allow peasants to keep their land, whilst whites vowed to take land back.
Soldiers and workers supported Reds to protect gains of Oct Rev
Name groups who supported the Reds
- Workers
- Soldiers
- Nationalists/minorities
Why did nationalists and minorities support reds
Reds had a more pragmatic approach to desire for independence
Which policy limited support for Reds
War Communism
How many Jews were murdered by White armies
Which white slogan caused ethnic minorities to fear whites
‘Russia, one and indivisible’
2 examples of nationalist groups that opposed the whites
1) Nationalists in Ukraine
2) Nationalists in Georgia
Both fought vs whites as they wanted independence and autonomy
Aim of Reds
Keep Bols in power
What was War Communism able to esnure
Red army was fed
When was the decree for Nationalisation of industry introduced
All industries were nationalised under the control of the Supreme Council of the Economy, or Vesenkha, in December 1917. Factories were set production targets.
When was the Red Army created
Jan 1918
Impact of Land Degree in gains of peasants land before Civil War and how this made them better to support than whites
Bols Decree on Land of Oct 1917 gave peasants rights to take over estates of gentry, without compensation, to be divided by peasants.
Land no longer bought or rented but belonged to the ‘entire people’
Gains of land in face of White vows to restore it to previous tenants meant increased peasant support for Reds
What was banned under war comm
Private Trade
Describe 3 factors of the Bols single-unified command structure
1) Lenin directed from the capital (moved to Moscow)
2) Lenin produced overall organisation of decrees
3) Lenin controlled organisation of economy. Norkomprod was made responsible for feeding the cities and the army.
Which groups made up White armies
1) SRs
2) Kadets
3) Mensheviks
4) liberals
5) Tsarists
6) separatists
7) socialists
Describe the unity of the aims of whites
with examples
Whites were deeply divided and unified in their arms.
1) Kolchak/ Omsk were pro-monarchists and wanted a military dictatorship until Bolshevism was defeated
2) The Komuch was the Committee of the Members of the Constituent Assembly so claimed to be legitimately elected gov as had majority in CA when it disbanded.
3) Some others wanted a return to Tsarism
What did White armies tend to do
White leaders fought one another
Eg: Sr’s found it difficult to fight alongside tsarists who wanted a return of land to their former owners.
Lack of trusts and coordinated attacks and orders.
Impact of foreign intervention on authority of White leaders
Undermined authority of White leaders and thus their leadership and unity of Whites as required assistance.
Also allowed Bols to portray themselves as defenders of Russia vs foreign enemies and as more patriotic than whites.
What did corrupt white officers do
Sold aid, weapons and resources from foreign interventionists on black market and were described as a ‘bunch of traders and profiteers’
How did the size if Red Army in 1920 compare to 1917
1917: 1.5 million
1920: 3.5 million
What limited number of soldiers available to Reds
Loss of over 2 million soldiers in WW1 and the purges/Red Terror.
How many ex-Tsarist officers were recruited into Red Army
What did Trotsky re-introduce to army to revoke Dec 1917 Democratisation of army and to enhance discipline and order
Ranks, pay differentials, extreme punishments (death penalty, taking families hostage)
How many men were in Yudenich’s army
How many men were in Denekin’s army
Never more than 100,000 troops
Describe the numbers of White Army
Too many officers, not enough troops
Who were targeted by Red Terror
Judges, officers, priests, White Guards and employers
Workers, peasants, merchants, traders, children
CAn also be stated used terror to ebnefit war effort as targeted masses to ensure loyalty and also removed war opponents eg Kadets, Mensheviks, SRs
Situation of children in prison due to Red Terror
By 1920 5% of total population in prisons in Moscow were children
How many recorded deaths were there due to the Cheka’s Red Terror 1918-20 and what is estimated to be real figure
13,000 deaths recorded
Real figure is closer to 300,000
What process of war comm did Red Terror support
Grain Requisitioning
Who risked being confronted by Red Terror
Army deserters therefore worked as a method of deterrence and ensured compliance
Example/ symbol of Red Terror and removal of a potential figurehead for white resistance
Execution of Russian Royal Family.
Shot by Cheka, without a trial. Bodies drenched in acid and thrown down a mine shift.
Examples of Red’s propoganda methods
What role was Trotsky given in 1918
Made Comissar for War in 1918
Which association controlled economic organisation and food distribution
When was the Decree on Land
Oct 1917