Russia before 1917 and the fall/demise of Tsardom Flashcards
How was Russia governed before 1917 and what caused this
Prior to 1917 Russia was governed as an autocatic military state due to the the size and instability of Russia.
Russia had a hierarchical structure.
What is the definition of an autocracy
a system of government by one person with absolute power. The Tsar had total power.
Geography before 1917
Largest country in the world (1/6 of worlds population).
1855-60 million people
1897- population had doubled.
Over 200 nationalities, speaking more than 100 nationalities.
Only half of the population were ethnic Russians, causing anti-semitism and racism.
Blessed with iron ore, coal and gas- these were ineffectively used.
Only 10% of land was suitable for farming.
Only 1600km of railwood/railway (Britain had 15,000km).
Bad/Chronic communications- mud track roads, rivers were often frozen, none of the 3 great seas remained ice free all year.
What was the name of the Russian secret police under the Tsar and name a banned phrase
The Okhrana. The phrase ‘free air’ was banned as it sounded too revolutionary.
When did Nicholas II reign as Tsar
When did Tsar NIcholas II abdicate
15th March 1917
Who was the Tsar supposedly appointed by and what was his role
Tsar was the sole and supreme leader in Russia and was supposedly appointed by God.
How was Russian land divided
50 provinces, each sub-divided into 20 districts.
Petrograd sat in the centre of Russia
What was supervised in Petrograd
The Imperial Council and the Committee of Ministers.
The Peasnatry/ the serfdom
50% of the population.
Serfs given land by their landowner in return for goods or services.
In effect they were slaves and some paid for their land via Barschinca 30-40 days labour service/year).
Could be sold, flogged and married by their masters.
Average life expecatncy was 35.
The Mir= the village commune and was the lifeblood of the peasant community.
The army
1855-1,400,000 men and was the bedrock of the countries stability.
Officers were nobles
Ranks conscripted from Serfs for 15 years compulsory service.
Crimean War highlighted its terrible lkack of morale and organsiation.
The workers/ proletariat(industrial working class)
Hours increased, yet wages were reduced.
Workers had debts to pay and had to pay money to the Mir and the government.
Trade unions were banned, making a revolution or change very difficult to achieve.
Still often strikes (2032 strikes in 1912).
Only 1% of population lived in cities in 1855. Forced off land due to population growth.
1 million nobles. Not as powerful as could be imagined. Noble estates were divided on death between all male heirs, ruining estates and decreasing nobles power.
Bourgeoisie/working class
Small group due to backwardness of society.
Only 1% of population in schools by 1855, only 3,500 people in University. Illiterousness ran at 95%.
Describe the Tsar’s main military mistake and when this decision was made. Why was this such a major failure
The Tsar made the decision to go to the front and take personal charge of the army, becoming the Commander-in-Chief. From this point on the Tsar was held personally responsible for any defeats and could also claim any victories as his. There were also other consequenves, e.g. The Tsar’s wife- Tsarina Alexandra was left in charge of the gov whilst he was at the front, creating a political vacumm. Furthermore, the Tsarina was of German heritage, which turned the public against the government (due to them fighting Germany in WW1 at time).
Describe the weakness of the Tsarinas gov and what made it weak
The Tsarinas gov was weak for many reasons, e.g her German heritage causing public distrust and a turning agianst the gov. Also, she dismissed able ministers in favour of friends, leading to ministers being changed frequently. The main impact of this was a less able gov, due to the lower quality of minister, as well as it totally discrediting the Royal Family and gov in the eyes of the people as the Tsar was also credited with making this decision. The Tsarina was also easily influenced by the likes of Rasputin, leading to further corruption and distrust.