The impact of Fraudulent cases (T1) Flashcards
How did Darrell’s reputation help the Boy of Burton case’s significance?
Darrell was a well-known exorcist, him being proved to have committed fraudulent practices made it very well known.
This may have influenced scepticism about the exorcism itself.
What impact did Darling’s lie have on the Boy of Burton case?
It meant testimonies were unreliable, also proves that children no matter their innocence could lie.
Was an early dent in the thought of surrounding how wise it was to accept the testimonies of children
What influential character was also involved in the Boy of Burton case?
The Archbishop of Canterbury - the most senior bishop in England.
Did the Boy of Burton case provoke changes within the church?
Yes: a canon was drawn up in 1604 forbidding the practises of exorcism without a license
This change was not in itself evidence of scepticism, it is more likely the church wanted to keep its reputation.
What were the effects of the “Discovery of the Fraudulent Practices of John Darrell (1599)” ?
Made knowledge of the case more widespread & lead to the pamphlet war
Did the Boy of Burton case lead to a disbelief in magic?
No - the case was viewed more as a one-off discovery of fraudulence overall belief in witches & witchcraft continued
e.g. 1604 Act, which actually showed an increase in the severity of witchcraft.
What was the key debate over the Boy of Burton case?
Was about validity of exorcism, rather than witchcraft
As can be seen in the pamphlet war created by publication of Samuel Harsnett’s “A discoverie of the Fraudulent Practices of John Darrell”
Which influential characters got involved with the Pendle Swindle case?
The privy council and King Charles shows the case gains relevance amongst the powerful elites - may have influenced the scepticism on the King.
In the context of the Pendle Swindle case, were there many witchcraft prosecutions in the 1630s?
No, very few prosecutions took place.
What did the evidence based approach to witchcraft do to beliefs during the Pendle Swindle case?
Through further questioning and the involvement of surgeons, does reveal a more careful, sceptical approach to witchcraft trials and developing.
Was there scepticism about Robinson’s claims throughout the entire Pendle Swindle case?
What did the Pendle Swindle case prove?
The trial proved that witchcraft accusations can be motivated by reasons that have nothing to do with the supernatural, and accusers should be viewed sceptically.
Who, why and when was a publication made about the Robinson’s case - Pendle Swindle Case?
John Websters personally met Robinson, he was influenced by the case and went on to write and influential sceptical publication on witchcraft in 1677.
What was the pamphlet war?
A theological debate which centred around the power of the Devil and the reliability of exorcisms.
Who were the main accused in the Boy of Burton case?
- Alice Goodridge
- Alice Freeman
Who were the main accusers in the boy of Burton case?
- Thomas Darling
- William Somers
Who was the exorcist in the Boy of Burton case?
John Darrell
Who was the main accused in the Pendle Swindle case?
- Jennet Davice
- Margaret Johnson
Who was the main accuser in the Pendle Swindle case?
Edmund Robinson
Did the Pendle Swindle case create much change?
No, it provoked little change
There was no justice for the accused women - many of them still held in custody 3 years after the trials
What impact did the Pendle Swindle case have on people outside the trial?
There was no significant publications of this case at the time - its impact on the opinions of those outside of the trial was very limited
What did Edumnd Robinson do after the Pendle Swindle case?
He went on to be a professional witch-hunter
Proof that the case did not impact his credulity of cause people to doubt witches existed
When was the Boy of Burton case?
When was the Pendle Swindle case?
Did the Pendle Swindle case change opinions on the witch trials?
The importance & influence of witch hunters would still rise before it declined
Was still 11 years before the biggest witch hunt in England’s history (in East Anglia during the civil war)
Who was the main accused in the Demon Drummer of Tedworth?
William Drury
When was the Demon Drummer of Tedworth?
How was the Demon Drummer of Tedworth case used in the 17th century?
It was continually revisited during this time
Was used as an argument for scepticism at the time
What made the Demon Drummer of Tedworth case more notorius?
The numerous publications & involvement of the Royal Society elevated the case and spread scepticism
What did the Demon Drummer of Tedworth case cause debate about?
Debate on the reality of supernatural forces
Key members of the Intelligentsia were involved e.g. Glanville, Webster & VP of Royal Society
How was the Demon Drummer of Tedworth case approached?
A logical, empirical approach was taken
Sceptics investigating Mompesson (accuser) & looking for other causes of disturbances
Did the Demon Drummer of Tedworth case change views on witchcraft?
No - the overall consensus was that supernatural forces were to blame
Caused litle disbelief in witchcraft
When was the Jane Wenham case?
Who was the main accused in the Jane Wenham case?
Jane Wenham
Who accused Jane Wenham?
Her village
Who was Jane Wenham protected by?
The judge; John Powell
How did the Judge in the Jane Wenham case cause a clash?
He ridiculed most of the evidence from the neighbours - created a well-publicised clash between the law & popular belief
Also created clash between the educated class & popular masses
What happened to Jane Wenham even though she was found guilty?
The judge released her - showed the willingness of the law to embrace reason in the face of mob hysteria
Which book was written on the Jane Wenham case?
A celebrated sceptical book by Francis Hutchinson in 1718: An Historical Essay Concerning Witchcraft
Why was the Jane Wenham case particularly significant?
It was the last guilty verdict on a charge of witchcraft in England
Why can the Jane Wenham case not be seen as a key turning point in attitudes towards witchcraft?
Witchcraft prosecutions had been in decling since 1660
It is arguable that is cannot be seen as a turning point but as part of a changing attitude that changed more rapidly in recent years
How did the Jane Wenham case show that the people of England still believed in witchcraft?
The jury still condemned her - shows that the scepticism of the Intelligentsia had not yet been adopted by small, rural communities like Wenham’s
Ordinary, illiterate people still believed in witchcraft even if the educated elites were willing to challenge it
After Jane Wenham’s case were there many more publications supporting witchcraft?
Yes - several writers after 1712 still wrote supporting belief in witchcraft
e.g. John Wesley