NORTH BERWICK: What years were the North Berwick witch hunts?
1590-1591, 1597
NORTH BERWICK: What was the Scottish government system like? How was it compared to England’s?
They had a less complex system of government that England (allowed with-hunts without interference).
NORTH BERWICK: What were the laws around torture in Scotland around this time? WHat was the stability of the Monarchy?
Torture was allowed according to law with the consent of the Privy Council (weak monarchy it was often allowed).
NORTH BERWICK: Who was the King of Scotland at the time? How involved was he with the witch-trials?
James VI, King of Scotland is actively involved in the witch trials, he personally interrogated witches.
NORTH BERWICK: How many people were implicated between 1590-1593?
70 people, including the first cousin of James (cemented the link between treason and witchcraft).
NORTH BERWICK: Give an example of two people who were of the first to be accused, and executed?
Gilly Duncan and Agnes Sampson.
NORTH BERWICK: What was James VI publishing called?
NORTH BERWICK: Who was Daemonologie written in response to?
Written in response to Reginald Scot’s sceptical work to clarify stance on witchcraft.
NORTH BERWICK: What was mentioned inside the Daemonologie?
How to carry out a witch hunt (search for the devil’s mark, swimming test, vulnerability of women).
NORTH BERWICK: After the Daemonologie, how was James VI viewed?
James became a respected expert on witchcraft.
NORTH BERWICK: What was the religious status of Scotland?
Protestant Reformation but on stricter Calvinist lines.
PENDLE WITCHES LANCASHIRE: What years was this trial? What encouraged the witch trials to come to England?
1604-1613. The trials came to England with the accession of James VI, Pendle Trials served just 7 years after the gunpowder plot.
PENDLE TRIALS LANCASHIRE: What was the economy like in Pendle?
Pendle had a mainly agricultural economy but the population of the area was growing significantly.
PENDLE TRIALS LANCASHIRE: What was it like to suspect someone of witchcraft? Was evidence needed?
Interrogations and trials were of questionable legitimacy, evidence of a pact with the Devil was sought in all cases. The courts required tangible proof of the maleficarum such as death or injury - however the 1604 legislation meant tangible evidence was no longer needed.
PENDLE TRIALS LANCASHIRE: What was the religious context like in Lancashire? How did London react to them?
London saw Lancashire as an ignorant corner where Catholicism and superstition could easily be fostered (Lancashire had a reputation for Harbouring Recusant Catholics). With the absence of the Catholic Abbey, a group of Puritan clergy had more influence.
PENDLE TRIALS LANCASHIRE: What type of economy was Pendle?
Pendle was a pastoral economy (sheep and cattle) and there was little arable farming (crops).
There was also a thriving cloth industry - 70% of the homes had tools for this - they needed it as agriculture could be unpredictable.
PENDLE TRIALS LANCASHIRE: What was social context like in Pendle?
In 1443, there were 24 tenants in Pendle - the population rise around 1.620 by 1650.
PENDLE TRIALS LANCASHIRE: What was the trial involving Alizon Device like? What did it involve?
Alizon Device and her family were suspected after Alizon was accused of bewitching a man named John Law.
Previous to this Device’s grandmother - Old Demdike - had fallen out with the Old Chattox and this starts a rivalry including theft.
Alizon Device is arrested and confesses to bring a witch and implicates her Old Demdike and Old Chattox.
There is an investigation, and a 9-year-old girl who is apparently present at Sabat, becomes a star witness in the trial.
THE GREAT WITCH HUNT: What years was the hunt?
THE GREAT WITCH HUNT: What was the image of a witch supposed to be like?
The image of the witch was similar across Europe, poor old women who cavorted with the Devil and caused harm.
THE GREAT WITCH HUNT: How was the political and judicial authority in Bamberg at the time?
Political and Judicial authority was fragmented, lots of states with different laws and practices.
THE GREAT WITCH HUNT: What was involved in the Carolina Law Code?
Carolina Law Code said, execution should be carried out with fire, doesn’t allow torture without evidence, trials should be public and accused allowed a lawyer.
THE GREAT WITCH HUNT: How severe was the Bamberg witch hunt? How many people died?
One of the series of mass witch trials in Southern Germany, these trials resulted in the executions of around 900 people.
THE GREAT WITCH HUNT: How is there a clear link between Protestantism and witchcraft?
Protestant parishes fined, restricted supplies, Lutherans rounded up and arrested.
THE GREAT WITCH HUNT: How many and what type of were executed?
600-900 people were executed between 1623-1632, 72.7% women, average female was 33 years old.
THE GREAT WITCH HUNT: How was there a development in witch-hunting industry?
Rope-makers, inn keepers, shop owners and lawyers.
EAST ANGLIA: What years was the East Anglian witch-craze?
EAST ANGLIA: What was the religious context?
East Anglia was a very puritan area (extreme Protestantism) and many soldiers left the area to fight in the Civil war.
EAST ANGLIA: What was there worries about?
Worries about women becoming too powerful, authority of the Church of England was undermined, authority of local gentry undermined.
EAST ANGLIA: What was the financial status of the area?
Poverty was prominent in the areas and a real cause of the witch hunt, high levels of crop failure, prices rises.
EAST ANGLIA: How many people were accused?
700 people accused or faces trial, 80% of victims were womens, accusations on female tasks and female space, most were also illiterate.
EAST ANGLIA: Who is Matthew Hopkins?
Son of Puritan Clergyman, started the hunts after Hopkins hears a meeting of witches near his house in Manningtree.
EAST ANGLIA: How influential were Hopkins and Stearne?
Hopkins and Stearne follow the money, they became very good at their job, they were paid a fee, they only stayed long enough to get the legal proceedings in motion.
Both were “put on trial” and criticised for their methods, they were asked to use common sense and it was alleged that the craze was becoming idolatrous.
SALEM: What year were the Salem Witch Trials, in which state in America were they in?
1692-1693 in Massachusetts.
SALEM: How are Puritans in Massachusetts different to others?
Puritans in Massachusetts were more militant than others in England, they refused to tolerate any other religious denominations, theocracy in place.
SALEM: How did the people in Salem feel?
They felt under threat, there was a lack of authority, things started to go wrong, attacks by Indians, economic crisis and this was seen to be the work of the devil.
SALEM: Who were two women accused?
Accusations came from Elizabeth and Abigail Parris, January 1962 Elizabeth loses concentration and begins screaming during prayers, Abigail begins to exhibit strange behaviour - they provide evidence.
SALEM: What was the case of Tituba?
Tituba was a house slave, she was asked to bake a cake for the dogs to sniff and track down witches - it didn’t work! She confessed to a pact with the devil and other witches.
SALEM: How many women were accused?
165 women were accused, 30 faces serious charges.
SALEM: How did the girls feel about their actions?
Many of the girls were apologetic towards the families and paid compensation.
SALEM: What % of each gender were accused?
20% men, the rest women.