The Health Care Delivery System Part 2 Flashcards
is necessary as it comprises the policies, facilities, equipment, products, human resources, and services which helps in addressing the needs, problems and concerns of the people. Without these, quality health will not be attained.
Health Care Delivery System
Interrelated system in which a country organizes available resources for the maintenance and improvement of health of its citizens and communities
Health System
It comprises all organizations, institutions and resources devoted to producing actions whose primary intent is to improve health.
Health System
An organized plan of health services.
Health Care System
Rendering health care services to the people.
Health Care Delivery
The network of health facilities and personnel which carries out the task of rendering health care to the people.
Health Care Delivery System
2 sectors of Phillipine Health Care Delivery System
Public Sector and Private Sector
largely financed through tax-based system
Public Sector
largely market-oriented
Private Sector
Public Sectors
National (DOH_ and Local (LGU)
Public (DOH)
specialty, retained and regional hospitals, medical centers, DOH representatives
Local (LGU)
Provincial and district hospitals, RHUs, BHSs
Private Sector
Profit (commercial, market orientation) and Non-profit (non-commercial, service orientation)
Profit (commercial, market orientation)
private practitioners, private clinics, laboratories
Non-profit (non-commercial, service orientation)
Socio-civic groups, religious organizations, or foundations
Philippine Health Care System
a. Health as a basic human right
b. Department of Health as the lead agency
c. Local Government Code
d. Access to health care is hampered by high cost, physical and socio-cultural barriers, and health workforce crisis.
In ___________, the Philippine Government introduced major devolution of national government services, which included the first wave of health sector reform, through the introduction of the _______________________________.
1991; Local Government Code of 1991
In _________, the Philippine government devolved the management and delivery of health services from the national Department of Health to locally elected provincial, city, and municipal governments.
Four Essential functions of Health System
- Service Provision
- Resource Generation
- Financing
- Stewardship
It aims to strengthen the healthcare delivery system by providing people access to essential health services
But “ more that half of the health expenditures remain funded by ________________________ despite increased resources in recent years.
out of pocket (OOP) payments
this law increased taxes for both tobacco and alcohol to generate revenue for health care financing
Republic Act 10351
To generate more fundings, the congress formulated ____________ last ________ which include ____________________. this law increased taxes for both tobacco and alcohol to generate revenue for health care financing
sin taxes; 2013; Republic Act 10351
Health Care System Models
a. Private Enterprise Health Care Model
b. Social Security Health Model
c. Publicly Funded Health Model
d. Social Health Insurance
Usually for a comparatively well-off subpopulation in a poorer country with a poorer standard of health care.
Private Enterprise Health Care Model
Social welfare service concerned with social protection, or protection against socially recognized conditions, including poverty, old age, disability, unemployment, etc.
Social Security Health Model
Health care that is financed entirely or in majority part by citizens’ tax payments instead of through private payments made to insurance companies or directly to health care providers.
Publicly Funded Health Model
Method for financing health care costs through social insurance program based on the collection of funds contributed by individuals, employers, and sometimes government subsidies.
Social Health Insurance
Health Care Utilization
a. Physical barriers
b. Financial factors
Geographical location patterns of health care consumers in relation to health providers.
Physical barriers
Economic status affects health seeking patterns of the Filipinos
Financial factors
Multisectoral Approach to Health
a. The health status of the community is largely the result of a combination of factors.
b. Health cannot work in isolation. Neither one sector or discipline claim monopoly to the solution of community health problems.
c. Health has a multi-sectoral concern
The United Nations have come up with different development goals which aims to address the pressures on the health system brought about by:
a.) Shift in demographic and epidemiological trends in disease.
b) new technologies for health care communication, and information.
c.) existing and emerging environmental hazards some associated with globalization, and
d.) health reform.
The target of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is to:
reduce global poverty and hunger
After 15 years, the United Nations was able to come up with new set of goals naming it as:
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
With the principle of leaving no one behind, for the year 2030 the goal is _________________________________. There are ___ Sustainable Development Goals which were formulated to transform the world
to fully include persons with disabilities; 17
Millennium Development Goals
- Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
- Achieve universal primary education.
- Promote gender equality and empower women.
- Reduce child mortality.
- Improve maternal health.
- Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
- Ensure environmental sustainability.
- Global partnership for development.
17 Sustainable Development Goals
- No poverty
- Zero hunger
- Good health and well-being
- Quality education
- Gender equality (SDG 5)
- Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6)
- Affordable and clean energy (SDG 7),
- Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8),
- Industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9)
- Reduced inequalities (SDG 10
- Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11)
- Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12)
- Climate action (SDG 13)
- Life below water (SDG 14)
- Life on land (SDG 15)
- Peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16)
- Partnerships for the goals (SDG 17).
Sustainable Development Goal 3
The official wording is:
“To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.”
seeks to ensure health and well-being for all, at every stage of life.
Sustainable Development Goal 3
addresses all major health priorities, including reproductive, maternal and child health; communicable, noncommunicable and environmental diseases; universal health coverage and access for all to safe, effective, quality and affordable medicines and vaccines.
Sustainable Development Goal 3
It also calls for more research and development, increased health financing, and strengthened capacity of all countries in health risk reduction and management
Sustainable Development Goal 3
Goal 3 – Means of implementation for the targets
Tobacco control
Medicines and vaccines
Health financing and workforce
Emergency preparedness
Principal agency in health in the Philippines
Responsible for ensuring access to public health services to all Filipinos through the provision of quality health care and regulation of providers of health goods and services.
Policy and regulatory body for health
With other health providers and stakeholders, the DOH pursue and assure the following:
- Promotion of health and well-being for every Filipino; Prevention and control of diseases among population at risk.
- Protection of individuals, families, and communities exposed to health hazards and health risks.
- Treatment, management, and rehabilitation of individuals affected by diseases and disability.
DOH Mission
To guarantee equitable, sustainable, and quality health for all Filipinos, especially the poor, and to lead the quest for excellence in health.
DOH Vision
A global leader for attaining better health outcomes, competitive and responsive health care system, and equitable health financing.
The DOH is composed of about
17 central offices, 16 centers for health Development located in various regions, 70 hospitals and 4 attached agencies.
Responsible for field operations of the Department in its administrative region and for providing catchment area with efficient and effective medical services.
Center for Health Development
Act as a main catalyst and organizer in the ILHZ formation
Center for Health Development
Provides hospital-based care; specialized or general services, some conduct research on clinical properties and training hospitals for medical specialization.
DOH Hospitals
DOH Attached Agencies
i. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
ii. Dangerous Drugs Board
iii. Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care
iv. Philippine national AIDS Council
is directed towards ensuring accessible and affordable quality heath care, especially for the more disadvantaged and vulnerable sectors of the population.
FOURmula ONE for Health
FOURmula ONE for Health is directed towards ensuring accessible and affordable quality heath care, especially for the more disadvantaged and vulnerable sectors of the population.
This strategy has four elements:
- Good Governance
- Health Financing
- Health Regulation
- Health Service Delivery
Philippine Health Agenda
All for Health towards Health for All
Strategy of Philippine Health Agenda
A - Advance quality, health promotion and primary care
C - Cover all Filipinos against health-related financial risk
H- Harness the power of strategic HRH development
I - Invest in eHealth and data for decision-making
E - Enforce standards, accountability and transparency
V - Value all clients and patients, especially the poor, marginalized, and vulnerable
E - Elicit multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder support for health
Goals of Philippine Health Agenda
- Financial Risk Protection
- Better Health Outcomes
- Responsiveness
Values of Philippine Health Agenda
- Equity
- Quality
- Efficiency
- Transparency
- Accountability
- Sustainability
- Resilience
complex set of organizations interacting to provide an array of health services
Philippine Health Care Delivery System