The Health Care Delivery System Flashcards
refers to the act by which the National government confers power and authority upon the various local government units to perform specific functions and responsibilities, including the provision and delivery of basic health services.
Local Government Code of 1991
RA 7160
made possible the devolution of powers, functions and
responsibilities to the local government, both provincial and municipal, as well as an autonomous regional government and a metropolitan authority.
RA 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991
Objectives of the Local health System
i. Establish local health systems for effective and efficient delivery of health care services.
ii. Upgrade the health care management and service capabilities of local health facilities.
iii. Promote inter-LGU linkages and cost sharing schemes including local health care financing systems for better utilization of local health resources.
iv. Foster participation of the private sector, non-government organizations, and communities in local health systems development.
v. Ensure the quality of health service delivery at the local level.
Each local government has _____________________ which proposes annual budgetary allocations for the operations of health services within the locality.
local health board
proposes annual budgetary allocations for the operations of health services within the locality
local health board
A system of health care similar to district health system in which individuals, communities and all other health care providers in a well-defined geographical area participate together in providing quality, equitable and accessible health care with Inter Local Government Unit (ILGU) partnerships as the basi
Overall concept is the creation of ILHS by clustering municipalities into
Inter Local Health Zone (ILHZ)
Unit of health system created for local health service
management and delivery in the Philippines
Inter Local Health Zone (ILHZ)
Responsibility for health has been decentralized from national to local health authorities
Inter Local Health Zone (ILHZ)
Has defined population within a define geographical area and comprises a central or core referral hospital and a number of primary level facilities
Inter Local Health Zone (ILHZ)
Provides quality, equitable and accessible health care
Inter Local Health Zone (ILHZ)
Importance of Inter Local Health Zone
- re-integrate hospital and public health services for a holistic delivery of health services;
- identify areas for complementation of the stakeholders
Composition of Inter Local Health Zone
- People
- Health Facilities
- Health Worker
- Boundaries
Main hospital for ILHZ and its catchment population
Core Referral Hospital
Main point of referral for hospital services from the community, private medical practitioner and public health services at BHS and RHUs
Core Referral Hospital
Smallest manageable unit in areas which are small enough to be managed without being bogged down by much bureaucracy, yet large enough to make it feasible.
District Health System
Needs to be established between each level of health facility.
Two-way Referral System
Primary Level - Barangay Health Stations, Rural Health Units
Secondary Level - District Health Services, Provincial Hospitals
Tertiary Level - Regional Health Services, National Health Services
Primary Level
Barangay Health Stations, Rural Health Units
Secondary Level
District Health Services, Provincial Hospitals
Tertiary Level
Regional Health Services, National Health Services
- Devolved in cities and municipalities
Primary Level
Provided by center physicians, RHNs, RHMs, BHWs, traditional healers
Primary Level
First contact between the community members and other levels of health facility
Primary Level
Given by physicians with basic health training
Secondary Level
Serves a referral center of primary health care facilities
Secondary Level
Capable of performing minor surgeries and perform simple laboratory examinations
Secondary Level
Rendered by specialist
Tertiary Level
Referral center of secondary care facilities
Tertiary Level
Other Health Facilities
- Primary Care Facility
- Custodial Care Facility
- Diagnostic Facility
- Specialized Outpatient Facility
health centers, out-patients clinics and dental clinics
Primary Care Facility
Without in-patient
short stay facility where the patient spends 1 to 2 days before discharge like infirmaries and birthing facilities
Primary Care Facility
With in-patient beds
custodial psychiatric facilities, substance/drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation centers, sanitaria/leprosaria, and nursing homes
Custodial Care Facility
laboratory, radiologic and nuclear medicine facility
Diagnostic Facility
dialysis clinic, cancer chemotherapy clinic, cancer radiation facility, physical medicine and rehabilitation center/clinic
Specialized Outpatient Facility
directed towards healthy individuals or populations, focusing on the prevention of the emergence of risk factors such as unhealthy lifestyle behavior
Health Promotion
aims to prevent disease or injury before it ever occurs
Primary Level
This is done by preventing exposures to hazards that cause disease or injury, altering unhealthy or unsafe behaviors that can lead to disease or injury, and increasing resistance to disease or injury should exposure
Primary Level
This is done by detecting and treating disease
or injury as soon as possible to halt or slow its
progress, encouraging personal strategies to
prevent reinjury or recurrence, and
implementing programs to return people to
their original health and function to prevent
long-term problems
Secondary Level
aims to reduce the effects of the disease once established in an individual
Tertiary Level
Essential health care made universally
accessible to individuals and families in the
community by means acceptable to them
through their full participation and at a cost
that the community and country can afford at
every stage of development.
Primary Health Care
Basic Concepts of Primary Health Care
Health s related to social structures
Health and development are interrelated
People’s participation is essential
Community organizing is the core in PHC
Use of appropriate technology
Goals of Primary Health Care
i. To develop and maximize people
potential and self-reliance of the
community for the improvement of their
own health.
ii. To maximize the contributions of
other sectors of health
iii. To maximize the extension of
effective health care services to
the periphery.
PHC Components/ Elements
Health education
Communicable disease control
Expanded program on immunization
Locally endemic disease treatment
Environmental sanitation
Maternal and Child health and Family
Essential drugs provision
Nutrition and adequate food provision
Treatment of emergency cases and provision of medical care
Principles of Primary Health Care
- Accessibility, availability, and acceptability of health services
- Provision of quality basic, and essential health services
- Community participation
- Self-reliance
- Recognition of interrelationship between health and development
- Social mobilization
- Decentralization
PHC Pillars
Use of appropriate technology
Support mechanism made available
Active community participation
Intra and inter sectoral linkages
Initial link, 1st contact of community
Village Health Workers
Works in liaison w/ the local health services workers
Village Health Workers
Provides elementary curative and preventive health care measures
Village Health Workers
Examples of Village Health Workers
-Trained Community Health worker
- Auxillary health volunteer
- Traditional birth attendant
- Healers
1st source of professional health care
Intermediate Level
Attends to health problems beyond the competence of village health workers
Intermediate Level
Provides support to the frontline health workers in terms of supervision, training, referral services and supplies thru linkages with other sectors
Intermediate Level
Examples of Intermediate Level
- General Health Practitioners
- Public Health Nurses
- Midwives
Establishes close contact with the village and intermediate level health workers to promote the continuity of care from hospital to community to home
Health Personnel of First-Line Hospitals
Provides back-up health services for cases requiring hospitals or diagnostic facilities not available in health care
Health Personnel of First-Line Hospitals
Examples of Health Personnel of First-Line Hospitals
- Physicians with Specialization
- Nurses
- Dentists