The Great Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC) Flashcards
Beginning of the war in 431 BC
Athens came into conflict with Spartan allies Corinth and Megara. all allies were rallied. Neutral states took to the side of Sparta
Pericles’ strategy
wanted to launch a series of brief attacks on Sparta from the sea so as to entice them to besieging Athens and Piraeus and exhaust their men and use up their resources
the long walls
Pericles concentrated the people in Attica in between the walls protecting Athens and Piraeus
Sparta’s weakness
Athenian setbacks
Pericles died in 429 BC, a plague killed about 1/3 of the city’s population between 429 and 427 BC, Athens did not follow Pericles’ strategy and launched several risky expeditions against Sparta
431-421 BC
first stage of the war, Athenians held their own against the Spartans
The peace of Nicias
Athens concluded the treaty in 421 BC on reasonable terms
413-404 BC
second stage of the war, Athens lost
factors that contributed to Athenian loss
best part of the city’s army and navy was lost in an attempt to gain control over Sicily, Syracuse defeated Athenians with the help of Spartans between 415-413 BC, Alcibiades’ meddling, Persian aid to Spartans
intriguing aristocratic politician (c. 450-404), flamboyant young man, pupil of Socrates, associated with many scandals and often changed sides in political conflicts (including the war where he switched sides many times). died in 404 BC in Phrygia
fort Decelea
located in Attica, Spartans occupied it to establish a permanent military base near Athens under the advise of Alcibiades, Athenian food supply and source of income was cut off
Persian support
allied with Sparta from 412 BC and provided financial support so that they could build a strong fleet. this caused many Athenian allies to defect to Sparta
a Persian commander-in-chief of the Persian army in Asia minor, Alcibiades looked to him for support when he was flipping sides
regime of Four Hundered
installed in Athens by an oligarchic group in 411 BC to take down democratic rule, this was a short lived rule
regime of Five Thousand
rowers from the oligarchic fleet turned to Alcibiades and elected him general in hopes of him securing Persian aid for them; set up a more moderate oligarchic regime
Spartan admiral who in 405 BC decisively defeated the Athenian fleet off the mouth of the river Aigospotamoi in the Dardanelles
end of the war in 404 BC
lack of food forced Athens to surrender
Athenian losses in the war
number of adult male citizens decreased marginally, Delian League was dissolved, the long walls were pulled down, pro-Spartan oligarchic government was set up (democracy restored after one year)