The gastrointestinal tract (up to the stomach) Flashcards
What is the posterior border of the oral cavity proper?
The isthmus of fauces
What constitutes the floor of the oral cavity?
The mylohyoid muscles and the geniohyoid muscles
What’s the lateral border of the oral cavity? (2)
Buccinator muscle and bichat’s fat pad
What is the covering of the external part of the lip?
stratified squamous keratinized hairy epithelium
What is the covering of the internal part of the lip?
stratified squamous non keratinized epithelium
What is the name of the border between the 2 part of the lip?
Vermilion border
What is the epithelium of the tongue?
stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium
What is the V-shaped line at the back of the tongue?
Terminal sulcus
What papillae can we find at the front of the terminal sulcus?
Circumvilate papillae
What can we find in the middle of the terminal sulcus?
foramen caecum
What is the foramen caecum a remnant of?
a remnant of the thyroglossal duct
What is the valleculae?
Area between the lateral and median glossoepiglottic folds
What are the 4 types of papillae found on the tongue?
- Filiform
- Circumvalate
- Fungiform
- Foliate
Where can we find foliate papillae?
On the sides of the tongue
Where are fungiform papillae most present?
At the apex and sides of the tongue
Which papillae have taste buds?
Fungiform and foliate
What is the main role of the genioglossus?
Protracting the tongue (out of the oral cavity)
What are the 4 extrinsic muscles of the tongue?
Genioglossus, hyoglossus, palatoglossus, styloglossus
What is the innervation of the extrinsic muscles of the tongue?
All by hypoglossal nerve (XII) except palatoglossus which is the pharyngeal plexus (IX and X)
What is the innervation of the intrinsic muscles of the tongue?
They are all innervated by the hypoglossal nerve XII
What are the 4 intrinsic muscles of the tongue?
Superior longitudinal, inferior longitudinal, transverse and verticalis
What is the general sensory innervation of the tongue?
anterior 2/3 : lingual nerve branch of V3
posterior 1/3 : glossopharyngeal nerve IX
What is the taste sensation innervation of the tongue?
Anterior 2/3 : chorda tympani
Posterior 1/3 : glossopharyngeal nerve
What innervates the tongue from its base to the epiglottis?
vagus nerve
What are the 3 branches of the lingual artery that supply the tongue?
Dorsal lingual (also for palatine tonsils), deep lingual, and sublingual arteries (also for sublingual glands)
What is the superior border of the pirigoff triangle?
The hypoglossal nerve
What is the posterior border of the beclard triangle?
free margin of hyoglossus muscle
What are the 3 borders of the lateral sulcus of the tongue?
Medial : hyoglossus
Lateral : myloglossus
superior : sublingual membrane
What are the 4 contents of the lateral lingual sulcus?
- lingual nerve
- submandibular duct / wharton duct
- hypoglossal nerve
- sublingual gland
What are the 2 borders of the medial lingual sulcus?
medial : genioglossus
lateral : hyoglossus
What are the 2 contents of the medial lingual sulcus?
- lingual artery
- glossopharyngeal nerve IX
What does the incisive fossa (on the hard palate) contain?
Nasopalatine nerves (of scarpa)
What are the 5 muscles of the soft palate?
- tensor veli palatini
- levator veli palatini
- palatoglossus
- palatopharyngeus
- musculos uvulae
What does the palatoglossus muscle do?
it closes the isthmus of fauces by elevating the posterior part of the tongue
What does the palatopharyngeus do?
It pulls the walls of pharynx during swallowing
What is the innervation of the muscles of the soft palate?
Pharyngeal plexus (IX and X) except tensor veli palatini which is innervated by V3
What are the 3 branches that supply the palate?
Greater palatine artery
Descending palatine artery (from maxillary)
Anastomosis of lesser palatine artery and ascending palatine artery (from lingual)
What are the 4 constituent of Waldeyer’s lymphatic ring?
Pharyngeal tonsil
Tubal tonsils (2)
Palatine tonsils (2)
Lingual tonsil
How many primary / deciduous teeth do humans have?
How many permanent teeth do humans have?
What are Tomes fibers?
odontoblastic processes in the dental canaliculi
What is the periondontal ligament?
Springy suspension of teeth in the bony alveoli
What is the human teeth formula?
2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, 3 molars (in each quadrant)
What type of gland is the parotid gland?
Pure serous gland
What is the name of the parotid duct?
Stensen’s duct
Which muscle does the parotid duct pierce through?
Buccinator muscle
Where does the parotid duct open?
It opens behind the 2nd maxillary molar
What 4 things can we find embedded in the parotid gland?
- parotid plexus of facial nerve branches
- external carotid artery
- retromandibular vein
- auriculotemporal nerve (CN3)
What is the name of the duct of the submandibular duct?
Wharton’s duct
Which artery supplies the submandibular gland?
the submental artery
Which arteries supply the sublingual gland?
the sublingual artery and the submental artery
What are the 3 structures that make up the anterior border of the parotid nest?
- masseter
- mandible
- medial pterygoid
What are the 2 structures that make up the posterior border of the parotid nest?
SCM and posterior belly of digastric
What are the 3 structures that make up the medial border of the parotid nest?
stylohyoid, stylopharyngeus, styloglossus
What are the 3 parts of the pharynx?
Nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx
At which level does the pharynx become the oesophagus?
At the level of C6
What is the pharyngobasilar fascia?
A fibrous covering of the pharynx until the superior pharyngeal constrictor
What is the ridge caused by the auditory tube in the nasopharynx?
Torus tubarius
What can we find posterior and inferior to torus tubarius?
salpingopharyngeal fold (and muscle)
What can we find anterior to torus tubarius?
salpingopalatine fold
What can be found under the eustachian tube in the nasopharynx?
torus levatorius, covering levator veli palatini
Between which 2 structures are the palatine tonsils located?
Between the palatoglossal arch and the palatopharyngeal arch
What are the 4 parts of the superior pharyngeal constrictor?
- pterygopharyngeal part
- buccopharyngeal part
- mylopharyngeal part
- glossopharyngeal part
What are the 2 parts of the middle pharyngeal constrictor?
- chondropharyngeal part
- ceratopharyngeal part
What are the 2 parts of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor?
- Tyropharyngeal part
- cricopharyngeal part
What are the 3 elevators of pharynx?
- stylopharyngeus
- Palatopharyngeus
- Salpingopharyngeal muscle
What is the motor nerve supply of the pharynx?
10 and 11 for all muscles
except stylopharyngeus, superior constrictor and upper half of middle constrictor which are 9
What is the sensory nerve supply of 3 parts of the pharynx?
nasopharynx : maxillary nerve
oropharynx : glossopharyngeal nerve
laryngopharynx : vagus
What are the 2 layers of muscle in the oesophagus?
Internal circular and external longitudinal
What type of muscle fibers can we find in each 1/3 of the oesophagus?
Upper 1/3 : striated
Middle 1/3 : mixed smooth and striated
Lower 1/3 : smooth
Where can we find the cervical constriction of the oesophagus?
At C5 level, at the pharyngoeosophagial junction
What causes the cervical constriction of the oesophagus?
the cricoid cartilage
What is the upper oesophagial sphincter?
the cricopharyngeous part of the lower constrictor of pharynx
What structures cause the thoracic constriction of the oesophagus?
The arch of the aorta and the left main bronchus
At what level do we find the diaphragmatic constriction of the oesophagus?
T10 level
What is the role of the phrenicoesophagial ligament?
It attaches the oesophagus to the oesophagial hiatus in the diaphragm, forming the LES
What structures causes the diaphragmatic constriction of the oesophagus?
The right crus of diaphragm
What is the Laimer trigone?
a triangular area posterior on the oesophagus that is weaker due to absence of the outer longitudinal layer.
What is the risk of the Laimer trigone?
Herniation of pharyngeal or oesophageal mucosa called Zenker’s diverticulum
At what level does the oesophagus terminate?
At T11, or at the level of the 7th costal cartilage
What is the Z-line?
The change from oesophageal (squamous strat nonK) epithelium to gastric (simple columnar, glandular) epithelium
What is the arterial supply of the cervical part of the oesophagus?
esophageal branch of inferior thyroid artery
What is the arterial supply of the thoracic part of the oesophagus? (2)
- oesophageal branch of left and right bronchial arteries
- oesophageal branch of thoracic aorta
What is the arterial supply of the abdominal part of the oesophagus? (2)
- left gastric artery
- left inferior phrenic artery
(oesophagus is on left side!)
What are the 2 venous drainages of the oesophagus?
- to portal system through left gastric vein
- to systemic system through esophageal veins
What is the innervation of the oesophagus? (2)
- oesophageal nerve plexus (formed by vagus nerves)
- thoracic sympathetic trunks (greater splanchnic nerves)
What is Auerbach’s plexus, what does it form?
Myenteric plexus between longitudinal and circular layers of the wall, that regulate contractioni
What is Meissner’s nerve plexus, what does it form?
Submucous plexus, found in the submucosa. It regulates secretion and contraction of muscularis mucosae