Fascia and triangles of the neck, nuchal region Flashcards
What is the nerve supply of the platysma muscle?
cervical branch of facial nerve : superficial cervical ansa
What are the 3 layers of the deep cervical fascia?
Investing layer, pretracheal layer and prevertebral layer
Which muscles does the investing layer of the deep cervical fascia enclose?
It encloses the SCM and trapezius mucles
What are the 4 contents of the supra-sternal space?
- Anterior jugular veins
- Jugular veinous arch
- Fat
- Deep lymph nodes
What are the 2 parts of the pretracheal layer of the deep cervical fascia?
muscular part and visceral part
What does the muscular part of the pretracheal layer of the deep cervical fascia enclose?
it encloses the infrahyoid muscles (including omohyoid laterally)
What does the visceral part of the pretracheal layer of the deep cervical fascia enclose?
thyroid gland, trachea, oesophagus
What is the muscular part of the pretracheal layer of the deep cervical fascia continuous with?
It is continuous with the buccopharyngeal fascia of the pharynx
What does the prevertebral layer of the deep cervical fascia enclose?
It encloses the vertebral column and the muscles associated with it (longus capitis, longus colli, scalene…)
What are the 6 contents of the carotid sheath?
- Common and internal carotid arteries
- Internal jugular vein
- Vagus nerve
- Deep cervical nodes
- Carotid sinus nerve of Hering
- Sympathetic nerve fibers
What are the 2 divisions of the retrovisceral space?
retropharyngeal space and danger space
What separates the retropharyngeal space and the danger space?
The alar fasia
What are the lateral, posterior and anterior borders of the retropharyngeal space?
lateral : carotid sheath
anterior : pretracheal fascia (buccopharyngeal fascia)
posterior : alar fascia
What are the anterior and posterior limits of the danger space?
anterior : alar fascia
posterior : prevertebral fascia
At what level do the pretracheal and alar fascia fuse together?
at the level of T4
What can we find running over the SCM? (3)
external jugular vein, transverse cervical nerve and greater auricular nerves
What is the lesser supraclavicular fossa and what does it contain?
space between the 2 head of origin of SCM. It contains the internal jugular vein
What are the 3 muscles bordering the occipital (omotrapezius) triangle?
Trapezius, SCM and omohyoid muscles
What are the 5 contents of the occipital triangle?
- External jugular vein
- Transverse cervical artery
- Spinal accessory nerve
- Trunks of brachial nerve plexus
- Branches of cervical nerve plexus
What are the 3 structures bordering the omoclavicular / subclavian / supraclavicular triangle?
clavicle, omohyoid muscle, SCM
What are the 3 contents of the omoclavicular triangle?
- Subclavian artery and vein
- Suprascapular artery
- Suprascapular lymph nodes
Where does the recurrent laryngeal nerve hook around on the left and right sides?
Right side : around the right subclavian
Left side : around the aortic arch
What are the 3 structures bordering the submandibular / digastric triangle?
mandible, anterior belly and posterior belly of digastric
What are the 4 contents of the submandibular / digastric triangle?
- submandibular gland
- submandibular lymph nodes
- mylohyoid nerve
- facial artery and vein
What are the 3 structures bordering the submental triangle?
anterior belly of digastric, hyoid bone, and the mylohoid muscle forms its floor (separated by the midline)
What are the 3 muscles that make the borders of the carotid triangle?
superior belly of omohyoid, SCM and posterior belly of digastric
What are the 6 contents of the carotid triangle?
- Carotid sheath
- Hypoglossal nerve
- Superior root of ansa cervicalis
- Spinal accessory nerve
- Thyroid gland
- Deep cervical lymph nodes
What are the 3 borders of the muscular (omotracheal) triangle?
- Superior belly of omohyoid
- Midline of the anterior neck
What are the lateral, inferior, superior and roof borders of the suboccipital triangle?
Lateral : obliqus capitis superior
Inferior : obliqus capitis inferior
Superior : rectus capitis posterior major and minor
Roof : deep nuchal fascia
What are the 2 important contents of the suboccipital triangle?
Vertebral artery and suboccipital nerve (from C1)
Where does the external carotid artery begin?
at the upper border of the thyroid cartilage
What are the 3 anterior branches of the external carotid artery?
superior thyroid, lingual, facial
What are the 2 posterior branches of the external carotid artery?
occipital, posterior auricular
What is the ascending branch of the external carotid artery?
ascending pharyngeal
What are the 2 terminal branches of the external carotid artery?
Maxillary and superficial temporal artery
What is the termina branch of the lingual artery?
Angular artery
What are the 2 branches of the superficial temporal artery?
Frontal and parietal branches
In which fossa does the maxillary artery (partially) run?
It runs in the pterygopalatine fossa
Which artery goes through the parotid gland?
The maxillary artery
Which fossa does the maxillary artery (partially) run through?
The infratemporal fossa
What are the 5 branches of the 1st part of the maxillary artery?
- Deep auricular
- Anterior tympanic
- Middle meningeal
- Accessory meningeal
- Inferior alveolar
What does the deep auricular artery supply?
external acoustic meatus
Through which foramen does the middle meningeal artery go through?
Through the foramen spinosum
Through which canal does the inferior alveolar artery run through?
through the mandibular / mental canal
What are the 4 branches of the 2nd part of the maxillary artery?
- Masseteric
- Deep temporal arteries
- Pterygoid branches
- Buccal branches
What are the 6 branches of the 3rd part of the maxillary artery?
- Superior posterior alveolar
- Infraorbital
- Descending palatine
- Artery of pterygoid canal
- Pharyngeal artery
- Sphenopalatine artery
What does the descending palatine branch of the maxillary artery supply? (4)
- hard palate
- soft palate
- palatine glands
- palatine tonsils
What are the 4 cervical branches of the facial artery?
- Ascending palatine
- Tonsillar branch
- Glandular branches
- Submental artery
What are the 5 facial branches of the facial artery?
- Inferior labial artery
- Masseteric and buccal branches
- Superior labial artery
- Lateral nasal branch
- Angular artery
What 4 things does the ascending palatine artery supply?
- Lateral walls of pharynx
- Palatine tonsils
- Auditory tubes
- Soft palate
What does the angular artery supply?
muscles and skin of the side of the nose
What 4 things does the submental artery (from facial) supply
- Mylohyoid muscle
- submandibular gland
- sublingual gland
- structures of lower lip