The FAR/AIM Flashcards
Under what conditions can something be dropped from an airplane?
a. What reg is this?
No object may be dropped that creates a hazard to persons or property. However, if precautions have been taken, it is not prohibited.
a. 14 CFR 91.15
What restrictions concern pilots and the use of alcohol?
a. What reg?
No pilot may act as a crew member an airplane within 8 hours of consumption.
a. 14 CFR 91.17
What preflight action is required before every flight?
a. What reg?
- Weather
- Known ATC delays
- Runway lengths
- Alternates
- Fuel requirements
- Takeoff and landing data
a. 14 CFR 91.103
When must seatbelts be worn and by whom?
a. Reg?
- Seatbelts - taxi, takeoff, landing, and en route unless it interferes with duties
- Shoulder harnesses - takeoff and landing
Seatbelts - taxi, takeoff and landing
a. 14 CFR 91.107
Right of way rules?
a. Reg?
- In distress - aircraft in distress has the right of way
- Converging - aircraft on right has the right of way
- Head on - both shall alter course to the right
- Overtaking - slower aircraft has the right of way
- Landing - lower aircraft has right of way, but cannot take advantage of this rule to cut in front of another
a. 14 CFR 91.113
What is the minimum altitude to operate an aircraft over a congested area? Non congested?
a. Reg?
- Congested - 1000ft over the highest obstacle within a 2000ft horizontal radius
- Non congested - 500ft AGL - over water; 500ft from any person, vessel, vehicle or structure
a. 14 CFR 91.119
Light gun signals
a. Reg?
In Air
- Flashing red - airport unsafe, do not land
- Steady red - give way, keep circling
- Flashing green - return to land
- Steady green - cleared to land
- Alternating green and red - maintain extreme caution
On Ground
- Flashing red - taxi clear of runway
- Steady red - STOP
- Flashing green - cleared to taxi
- Steady green - cleared for takeoff
- Alternating green and red - maintain extreme caution
- Flashing white - return to starting point
a. 14 CFR 91.125
What are the VFR fuel requirements for day and night?
a. Reg?
- First point of intended landing plus 30 minutes at normal cruise speed
- First point of intended landing plus 45 minutes at normal cruise speed
a. 14 CFR 91.151
What is an ELT?
a. When is an ELT NOT required?
b. Reg?
Emergency locator transmitter - a transmitter activated to locate the aircraft should an accident occur.
a. 91.207 paragraph f
b. 14 CFR 91.207
What are the regulations regarding the use of supplemental oxygen?
a. Reg?
- 12500-14000 MSL - Crew must wear after 30 min
- 14000-15000 MSL - Crew must wear supplemental O2
- Above 15000 MSL - Passengers must be offered
a. 14 CFR 91.211
What is a VASI?
Visual Approach Slope Indicator - 2x2 rows of white/red lights used to aid in maintaining glide path
What is a PAPI?
Precision Approach Path Indicator - 1x4 row of white/red lights to aid in maintaining glide path.
Define the following:
- Airport beacon
- Taxiway lights
- Runway lights
- Threshold lights
- Runway end identifier lights (REIL)
- Airport beacon - green/white/yellow/red depending on the type of airport/heliport/seaport
- Taxiway lights - blue - line the margins of the taxiways
- Runway lights - amber or white - line the margins of the runway
- Threshold lights - row of green lights signifying the beginning of the runway
- Runway end identifier lights (REIL) - 2 flashing white lights at the corners of the threshold of the runway
Define the following:
- Threshold markings
- Designation markings
- Aiming point (TDZ)
- Threshold markings - longitudinal white stripes denoting the beginning of the landing area. They begin 20ft after the runway threshold.
- Designation markings - runway number, rounded to the nearest 10 degrees magnetic north
- Aiming point (TDZ) - thin white stripes identifying the touchdown zone for landing. Spaced 500ft apart
What is zulu time?
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) - the current time at Greenwich, England. Aviation clocks are set to this time for standardization purposes.
What is wake turbulence?
a. How do you avoid it?
Created by the air flow at the wings’ edge moving out, up, and around, causing a spiral of air that can create turbulence behind an aircraft.
a. “Staying in the bowl” - landing beyond the touchdown point of the previous aircraft and rotating before the rotation point of the previous aircraft
What items must be on the passenger departure brief?
a. Reg?
- Seatbelts and shoulder harnesses
- No smoking
- Exit/emergency exits
- Location of survival equipment
- Normal emergency procedures
a. 14 CFR 91.519
What is line up and wait?
Line up on the active runway and wait for takeoff clearance.