the european state in the renaissance Flashcards
15th century
first half (European states continued the disintegration patterns of previous century) second half (reestablish the centralized power of monarchical governments) western europe (rulers succesfully extedned political) eastern europe (rulers weak)
new monarchies
France, Spain, England, reestablish the centralized power of monarchical governments,
affect of hundred years war on france
left it prostrate, strong french national feeling and desire to follow up 100 years war (kings use this to resseatblish their power, charles VII), king could not assert authority over nobles
policies of Charles VII
with the consent of the estates general got a royal army and right to ley tax
Louis XI
taille as permanet tax (got regular income), nobility (difficulty controlling them and did not want them to be indpentn), got more possesion after charles the bold and other posessions (created base for another strong monarchy)
Charles the Bold
wanted to create middle kingdom, louis XI opposed, died
effect of the Hundred Years’ war on england
strained the English economy
War of Roses
lancaster vs. yok, result: henry tudor defeat last Yorkish king, tudor dynasty established
Henry VII
established strong monarchial government, ended privatewars (abolish livery and maintenace), star chamber (tortue) controlled activity, avoided wars (did not ask parliament for money), won favor of gentry (got support from them)
conquest of Iberian penninsula
middle ages, christian kingdoms went into conquest of penincular, some couuuntires came out the strongest
marriage of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragaon
- family union (not political)
- both strengthened royal control fo governemnt( royal council replaced with midddle class lawyers who bleieved monarhces are the power of the state)
- created strong military to replace the on they interhited
- recognized importnce of controlling Catholic Church (able to choose important church officals in spain, created Spanish Catholic Church, clergy become einstrument for extention of royal power, institue reforms, zimenes)
- create unity and bolster royal power
- battled muslims (lasted 11 years, after city of Granda fell, muslims incouraged to covert)
- isabella sent a decreee that expelled all professed Muslims
medieveial view on jewish and muslim people
tolerated, Spain was toleratnt
14th century view on jewish and muslim people
increaed persecution, jews converted (compiants that they were secertly participing Judalism led to ask pope to introduce Inquistion)
used cruel effienicy to fuarnette orthodxy of converts, no authority over over practicing jews
The holy Roman Empire
failed to develop strog monarchical authroity (remained in hands of Hasburg dynasty)
Habsburg dynasty
wealthy (acquired posessions), marriages (led to gaining land), became an internaitonal power (hated by french monarchy who feared to be surrounded by hasburgs)
attempted to centralize administration (opposition), only success in marriages
eastern europe
achieve centrilization of teritorial sates (had obstacles like ethnic groups and religious differences)
struggle with crown and nobility, magnetes reduced peasnty to serform and right to elect kings, unable to establish strong royal authority
distrust in German and poles and slaves ledto associate with slavic neightors, weak monarchy 9nobles increased authority and wealth, Husstie wars (further discord and civl war)
convertedto Roman Catholicsm (church was power and hungary became a dominant power), matthias covrnius
moscow princes become wealthy (used close relationship to mongol khans), ivan III
livery and maintenance
practice by which wealthy aristocrats maintained private armies of followers dedicated to service of their lord
Byzantine Empire
- served as buffer between Muslim Middle East and Latin West 2. severely weakened by sack of Constantinople and occupation by West
- did not posses a standing army 2. king relied on special commissions to trusted nobles to raise troops for a specific campaign
Ottoman Turks
- began in northeastern Asia Minor in 13th century 2. seized lands of Seljuk Turks and Byzantine Empire 3. bypassed Constantinople and moved into Balkans 4. moved through Bulgaria and into lands of Serbians
after Constantinipole
- tried to complete conquest of Balkans 2. took Wallachia 3. resistance of Hungarians kept the Turks from advancing up Danube valley 4. internal problems and the need to consolidate their eastern frontiers kept Turks from any further attacks
- not a new problem
cardinal zimenes
- restored discipline 2. eliminated immortality among monks and secular clergy
john Wycliffe
- advocated that the popes be stripped of their authority and property 4. urged that Bible be made available in the vernacular languages, reject all practices mentioned in bible, marrige (families of english and bohenima spread ideas)
John Hus
- urged elimination of the worldliness of and corruption of clergy 2. attacked the excessive power of the papacy within the Catholic Church, tricked into coming to Council of Constance and burned (led to Husstie wars)
Council of Constance
passed sacronsancata and frequens (insuffience), issued decrees but pope had to execut them, pope do not cooperate
successive popes
worked to defeat conciliar movements (pope pius II), finally reasserted supremacy over catholic, but lost moral prestige and moral leadership and supremacy over temporal governents
Renaissance papacy
- concern: govening chruch as spiritual leader, latter overshadow spiritual function,
- pursed interests and used bloodsehd (julius II), wanted terriotiryt in papal states (need oyal servants and replyed on neopatism),
- great patrons of REnaissance art and made rome cultural center (julius II and raphael creating st. peters)
Julius II
involved in war and politics, leadeding army (anger from Christianitans), tore down Basilicia of Saint Peter and started creating new one
putting family in church (situs IV and Alexander V)
king Matthias Corvinus
- broke the power of the wealthy lords 2. created a well-organized bureaucracy 3. patronized the new humanist culture 3. brought Italian scholars and artists to Buda (capital)
Ivan III
- under his reign, a new Russian state, the principality of Moscow was born 2. annexed other Russian principalities 3. took advantage of dissension among mongols to throw off their yoke
battle of kosovo
- ottoman forces defeated Serbs 2. king lazar and sultan murad perished in battle
- Sultan Mehment II laid siege to Constantinople 2. Turks made use of massive cannons 3. byzantine emperor died in final battle
- product of john Wycliffe
- stated that a great council of the church received its authority from God,hence every Christian was subject to its authority
provided for the regular holding of general councils to ensure that church reform would contine
pope Pius II
- issued the papal bull Execrabilis 2. condemning appeals to a council over the head of a pope as a heretical
Leo X
- patron of renaissance culture 2. deeply involved participant 3
Loreanzo de’ Medici
- acquired fine taste in art, mannersm and social life among florentine elite 2.