Meaning and Characteristics of Italian Renaissance #2 Flashcards
managed houhold (freedom), upper class (get pregnant to get male hair b/c children died early), poor (did not get as pregnant as much as upper class women b/c didn’t have wetnurses), children died early, child birth was deadly
arranged (no emotional attachment lead to extrameterial relationships), normal for men to chat, women could not, age difference (seek sexual outlets and prostituion)
15th century Italian states
five major powers dominated Italian peninsula, Milan, Venice, Florence, Papal state, and Naples, indepdnent city states under control of ruling families (centers of Renaissance culture)
Frances Sforza
he turned on his Milanese employment conquered city and became duke, one of leading condottieri of the time
Visconit and Sforza
both worked to create a highly centralized territorial state
northern Italian, governed by few mechant aristants, commericial empire gave revenue and international power, tried to take lands (expand)
Republic of Florence
Tusancy, Cosmio de’ Medici, governed by small merchant oligarchy
papal state
central Italy, under papal authroity but Avignon and Great schism caused them to Independent
kingdom of naples
most of southern Italy, fought over by French and Aragonese, dominated by unruly nobles,
Federigo de Montefeltro
ruled Urbino, received Classical education, was honest, reliable, greatest patrons of Renaissance culture
Concept of balance of power
designed to prevent aggrandizement of anyone state at the expense of others, evident after 1454 when Italian states signed peace of Lodi, alliance
peace of Lodi
ended almost half-century of war, inaugurated relatively peaceful forty ear in year, alliance system did not create a cooperation among major powers
existence of young males (unmarried) encouraged extramarital sex as well as prostitution, viewed as neccessary vice, was regulated
Cosmio de’ medici
took control of oligarchy, Medicini family ran government from behind the scenes
generation of Italian Wars
war continued by Francis I (France) and Charles I of Spain, sacking of Rome by Spanish armies of Charles I brought temporary end, then Spain dominate Italy
ambassador during the Middle Ages
regarded himself as servant of all Christendom, sacred because he acts for the general well fare
Renaissance ambassadors
use of permanent ambassadors because Italian states get information from other states, serve only state
niccclo Machievelli
during Medici family in power and after French invastion and Spanish vicotry and Medici back in power, got exiled then gave up politcis and wrote book (the prince)
the prince
sources came from knowledge of Ancient Rome and precoccupation with Italian states (battlefield), concerend with acquisition and expansion and political power as means to restore and maintain order in his time
old middle ages idea
ruler was justified in political power only if he contributed to the common god of people he saved, behave based on Christian moral principles
Machiavelli’s diea
prince’s attitude toward power must be based on an understanding of human nature (self centered), not restrcited to moral consideration, let consiecne sleep
l’umono universale
social ideal of well-rounded personality or universal person, capable of achievement in many areas of life
governed by d’Este family
Montefeltro dynasty, became well known cultural and intellectual center
Battista Sforza
niece of ruler of Milan, wife of Ferdigo de Montifelto, intelligent, fostered art and letters in Urbino, respected for governing with firmness and good sesnse
Isabella d’Este
daughter of duke of Ferrard, known for intelligence and political wisdom, married Franceso Gonzaga, married Franceso Gonzaga, Marquis of manuta, attracted artists and intellectuals to Magtuan
trouble for Italy cause
breakdown of Italian balance of power
trouble for Italy time line
- cudorio Sforza (duke of Milan) invite French to intervene with Italian politics
- Charles VII advanced and occupied Naples
- Italian states asked Spain
- Fredinand of Aragon indicated his willingness to intervene
- next 15 years France and Spain competed to dominate Italy
under rule of Gongza
after the Italian Wars
created alliances to repel invaders, loyal to twon states and considered non Italians barbarians