The Digestive System; Oesophagus and Stomach Flashcards
What does the Epiglottis do?
Stops food going to trachea. Opens and closes allowing the passage of food
What are the 3 Main Ducts of the Mouth?
Sublingual Duct connected to sublingual gland (under tongue)
Parotid Duct connected to the parotid gland
Submandibular Duct connected to the submandibular gland
What is Peristalsis?
A series of involuntary wave like muscle contractions which move food down the digestive tract
The Oesophagus as elastic and cartilidge
- Elastic to expand and contract with the movement/filling of food
- Contains cricoid cartlidge at the top to provide support
Dysphagia (What, Ppl, Cause, Treatment)
What - A condition where a person struggles to swallow
Ppl - Mostly old people
Cause - tumour, neurological
Treatment -Exercise Therapy, Nutritional Therapy- easy-to-swallow foods, Gastronomy - feeding tube
Laryngospasm (What, Cause, Treatment)
What - an uncontrollable spasm of the vocal cords where they seize up, making breathing more difficult.
Cause - Anxiety or stress and Anaesthesia or symptom of asthma and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Treatment - The specific cause
Dyspepsia aka Indigestion (What, Symptoms, Ppl, Treatment)
What/Cause - Stomach acid irritating the throat, oesophagus and stomach lining
Symptoms - bloating, nausea, burning sensation, burping, heartburn
Ppl - can be anyone but commonly seen in pregnant women
Treatment - Cut down of certain foods, smoking, less stress, lose weight, reduce use of anti-inflammatory drugs and reduction of stomach acid medicines
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease aka GERD (What, Cause, Ppl, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Treatment)v
What - chronic digestive disease acid from the stomach leaks up into the oesophagus
Cause - the esophageal sphincter usually relaxes to allow food and liquid to flow into your stomach, then closes again. In GERD the sphincter muscle is weakened so stomach acid flows back into your esophagus. This acid irritates the lining of your esophagus, causing inflammation
Ppl - Mainly seen in older people over 50
Symptoms - Pain, dysphagia, nausea, burning sensation. Can lead to persistent cough and linked to adult-onset asthma
Risk Factors - obesity will increase pressure on the stomach, Pregnancy, smoking, certain foods/drinks, anti-inflammatory drugs
Treatment - lifestyle changes of food/drink/weight, surgery, antacids, don’t lie down after eating food, block stomach acid productio
Hiatus Hernia (What, Cause, Ppl, Treatment)
What - A condition in which the upper part of the stomach bulges up into the oesophagus, bringing stomach acid up
Cause - Weakening of your diaphragm as you age, Repeated, intense pressure on the muscles around your gullet/stomach eg coughing, exercising, lifting heavy objects, vomiting, Obesity, Injury or operation near your stomach/oesophagus
Ppl - Often seen in older ppl over 50 and more common in women
Treatment - lifestyle changes including a very specific diet, medication, surgery, Acid-suppressing medication, lose weight
Barretts Oesophagus (What, Cause, Symptoms, Treatment)
What - Cells in the oesophagus become more like stomach cells, usually an early warning of oesophageal cancer
Cause - complication from GERD causing chronic inflammation and thickening of the oesophagus tract
Symptoms - chest pain, dysphagia, vomiting red blood that look like coffee grounds, passing black, tarry or bloody stools, weight loss
Treatment - Acid suppressing medicines, radiation/laser of precancerous cells, surgery to remove damaged parts of oesophagus
The Two sphincters in the Stomach
- Esophageal Sphincter
- Pyloric Sphincter
Helicobacter Pylori (What, Symptoms/Complications, Ppl, Treatment)
What - stomach bacteria that eats stomach lining causing infection
Symptoms - nausea, burning sensation in stomach, loss of appetite, bloating. Complications include formation into gastritis and stomach ulcers
Ppl - Mostly affects children as most immune systems can deal with it
Treatment - antibiotics and symptom relieving medication
Peptic Ulcers (What, Cause, Symptoms, Ppl, Treatment)
What - Sores that develop on the inside of the stomach lining and upper intestine
Cause - Helicobacter pylori, frequent use of anti-inflammatory drugs, risks including smoking, drinking
Symptoms - Burning stomach pain, bloating, heartburn, nausea, intolerance of fatty food
Ppl - People aged over 60. Men affected more than women
Treatment - Antibiotics, medication to reduce stomach acid and Pepto-Bismol’s (antacid)
Gastritis (What, Cause, Symptoms, Treatments, Risk Factors)
What - Lining of the stomach becomes inflamed
Cause - Infection from helicobacter pylori, anti-inflammatory drugs or immune response attacking lining
Symptoms - pain ingesting, vomiting blood, more CO2 in breath
Treatment - Surgery from a gastroenterologist, acid blockers, antacids, antibiotics, vitamins
Risk Factors - age, drinking, smoking, obesity
Gastroenteritis (What, Ppl, Cause, Symptoms, Treatment)
What - irritation and inflammation of the intestine and stomach
Cause - bacterial infection which can be highly infection
Symptoms - diarrhoea, vomiting, stomach cramps, dehydration (all the symptoms of dehydration)
Treatment - Fluids, antidiarrhea medicine, anti-vomit medicine, pain relief
Gastroparesis (What, Cause, Symptoms, Treatment)
What - Chronic condition where stomach cannot empty in the normal way so food goes through slower
Cause - usually nerve damage or muscle issue
Symptoms - Nausea, Vomiting, vomiting undigested food, Feeling of fullness, Acid reflux or heartburn, Abdominal pain, bloating, Lack of appetite, malnutrition, Weight loss
Treatment - Gut motility stimulator to stimulate the stomach muscles, Antiemetic (control nausea/vomiting), feeding tube, changes to diet
Gastric Cancer (What, Cause, Symptoms, Ppl, Treatment)
What - abnormal growth of cells in the stomach lining
Symptoms - Causes lumps, fatigue, indigestion symptoms, heartburn, weight loss
Ppl - More common in older men
Treatment - vary on size/stage/location/age but include radiotherapy and surgery
Parts of the Colon
- Ascending Colon
- Transverse Colon
- Descending Colon
- Sigmoid Colon
Celiacs Disease (What, Cause, Ppl, Symptoms, Treatment)
What - Immune system attacks own cells causing chronic inflammation of small intestine so can’t absorb nutrients
Cause - autoimmune disorder, genetic
Ppl - Different in different ages; young will start growth and adults will have pain. Seen in women more than men
Symptoms - diarrhoea, fatigue, weight loss, bloating and anaemia
Treatment - strict diet, treat bone diseases due to lack of
Crohn’s Disease (What, Cause, Symptoms, Treatment)
What - Chronic inflammation of the intestine
Cause - Genetic, ethnicity, autoimmunity, environmental factors
Symptoms - abdominal pain/tenderness, diarrhoea, weight loss, nausea, constipation
Treatment - anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, anti-diarrhoea medication, surgery to remove severely damaged sections
Ulcerative Colitis (What, Cause, Symptoms, Treatment)
What - inflammation and ulceration of the colon
Cause - Food habits, Stress, Poor immune system, Family history
Symptoms - Rectal bleeding, Constipation, Stomach pain and cramping, weight loss
Treatment - Anti-inflammatory drugs, Corticosteroids
(relieves symptoms), Immunomodulators-reduce immune response
IBS (What, Cause, Symptoms, Treatment)
What - irritable bowel syndrome, chronic gastrointestinal disorder that affects the large intestine
Cause - NS or muscle damage, sever infections, inflammation
Symptoms - Abdominal pain, Cramping, bloating, XS gas, Indigestion, Diarrhoea then constipation, Mucus in the stool
Treatment - anti-diarrhoea medication, Anticonvulsants
(for pain and bloating), avoid certain foods
Constipation (What, Cause, Treatment)
What - Infrequent, irregular or difficult evacuation of the bowels
Cause - Insufficient fibre and water, changes in diet or normal activities, physical inactivity, Drugs; narcotics, antidepressants, and anti- acids
Treatment - exercise, better diet, avoid certain foods, drink more, laxatives
Diarrhoea (What, Cause, Treatment)
What - loose, watery and possibly more-frequent bowel movements
Cause - Virus, bacteria, parasites, lactose intolerance, surgery, certain foods
Treatment - antibiotics, drink fluids, treat underlying condition
Haemorrhoids (What, Cause, Symptoms, Treatments)
What - Swollen veins in the lower part of rectum and anus that causes bleeding and discomfort
Cause - Pregnancy, Aging, Chronic constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Obesity, Anal Intercourse, Family history
Symptoms - Blood in stool, Itching, discomfort, pain, soreness, Lumps protruding from the anal region, swelling, Faeces - may leak out unintentionally
Treatment - Analgesics (ointment or cream), fibre supplements. Rubber Band Circulation - circulation to haemorrhoid is cut down by placing a rubber band around it. This forces the haemorrhoid to shrink. Sclerotherapy - a chemical solution is injected into blood vessels to shrink the haemorrhoid. Haemorrhoid Stapling - blocks the blood flow to the affecter tissue or area. Haemorrhoidectomy - Removes XS tissue that causes bleeding.
Diverticulitis (What, Cause, Symptoms, Treatments)
What - inflammation or infection of the pouches formed in the colon (diverticula)
Cause - low fibre diet, risk - age, smoking, drinking, obesity
Symptoms - Abdominal Pain, Nausea, Vomiting, Fever, Bloating or gas, Constipation
Treatments - Antibiotics, surgery, high fibre diet
Anal Fissure (What, Cause, Treatment)
What - A small tear in the lining of the anus that may cause pain and bleeding with bowel movements
Causes - Constipation, Chronic diarrhoea, Inflammation of the anorectal area, Inflammatory bowel disease, Childbirth
Treatment - anaesthetics/pain relief, steroids (reduce inflammation), laxatives