The daily mirror Flashcards
Set product for newspapers
Who is the Daily mirror owned by ?
Reach PLC - a vertically aligned conglomerate
What is the political stance of the daily mirror
Traditional left-wing
What type of newspaper is The daily mirror ?
A tabloid newspaper that was established in 1903
What is the target audience of the daily mirror ?
The daily mirror has a predominantly working class readership
What is the slogan of the daily mirror ?
‘The heart of britain’
What does the daily mirrors slogan represent ?
Suggests the daily mirror is a key part of the social and cultural life of the average person in the UK
Application of Levi strauss ~ structuralism
Binary opposition of :
. The government VS the people - Link to Boris Johnson’s ‘partygate’ scandal where he betrayed the people by breaking the rules
- Feeds into the Us VS Them ideology of populism
Application of Shirky ~ End of audience
The daily mirrors audience - are no longer passive consumers but active members
What is the significance about the Layout and deisgn of the daily mirrors front page
Conventional layout for a tabloid newspaper - being image led
- with a bold masthead and red colouring that represents the newspapers house colours / political bias - Red =labour party
What is the significance about the typography of the daily mirrors front page
standard bold typography - expresses the tabloid identity of the daily mirror
What is the significance about the headline of the daily mirrors front page
” Zero shame “
- Brief and dramatic - used as a way to engage the audience by using emotive language - referring to Boris Johnson as ‘shameless’
What is the significance about the The strapline of the daily mirrors front page
” gray report fallout “
- Sums up the context of the story with negative connotations - link to ‘partygate scandal’
What is the significance about the Main image of the daily mirrors front page
Dominantes the front page and supports the caption **‘im not going’ **
How is Boris Johnson represented on the front page of the daily mirror newspaper ?
As unbothered and ‘shameless’ and he seemingly lacks the responsibility for the partrygate Scandal
The main image of Boris Johnson is edited to be taken out of context - to better suit his ‘shamlessness’
- this anchored by the headlines and caption
- used to focus on his code of expression - he is expressioned to be unprofessional with his characteristic messy hair and his smirk like face
What is the significance about the Mode of address of the daily mirrors front page
Indirect - through the colloquial language usage of ‘cops’ and ‘lockdown bashes’ the newspaper is engaging with the audience
What is the significance about the Subheading of the daily mirrors front page
‘300 pictures handed over’
- using statistical / numerical data suggests the weight of this evidence agianst Boris Johnson should be enough for him to feel responsible for his actions - partygate - and yet The daily mirror potrays him to not care
Application of Livingstone and Lunt ~ Regulation
Reach PLC is facing increasing pressure alongside the rest of the UK press industry to adhere to strict rules and regulation on industry press
Why is Reach PLC facing regulatory pressure?
Because of the Phone Hacking scandal
Application of Hesmondhalgh ~ cultural industries
Reach PLC is one of the UK’s biggest newspaper publishers that became horizontally intergrated with a wide range of titles in order to maximise profits