Kiss of the vampire Flashcards
Who was KOTV produced by
Hammer film productions
Who distributed KOTV
J. Arthur Rant
When was KOTV produced ?
What is the significance about the release date of KOTV
1960’ audience would have been associated with :
. This style of hammer horror
. coming up of feminism
Context around KOTV ~
2nd Feminist wave (1963 ) - feminism becoming more regular in the everyday live - whilst women were gaining more ‘voice’ in society -
How is the context of KOTV represented on the poster ?
Female empowerment :
Represented through the female vampire that is seemingly holding a male :
- the male is at her mercy
- exposed neck = vulnerability
What is the significance of the Typography on the KOTV poster ?
Gothic font paired with the blooded ‘V’ confirms the association of a hammer horror production
What is the significance of Iconography on the poster of KOTV
The full moon - connotes danger - denotes night time where horror genre characters thrive
What is significant about the language usage on the poster of KOTV
‘Kiss’ ~ Becomes and Enigma code that buids up suspense foe the suggested chance at romance
Application of Levi Strauss ~ structuralism
. Human VS supernatural (vampires)
. Good VS evil
Application of Barthes ~ semiotics
signs and codes
~ The bats - Vampiric association
. Hermenutic codes :
~ Eyeline of the male suggesting authority
~ bats - conventional associations W Vampires
Application of Neals Repetition and Difference to KOTV
Repetition of bats and blood that have vampiric associations symbolise the horror genre
- other factors associated with the horror genre include :
- Low key colour pallet
What is significant of the positioning of the characters on the poster of KOTV ?
The characters create a pyramid structure
- suggests equal power between the male and female vampire
What is significant of the Colour pallet on the poster of KOTV ?
The low key colour tone conforms to the horror genre
Whilst the red signify blood - vampiric association
How is Gender represented on the poster of KOTV ?
How are women represented on the poster for KOTV ?
2 ways :
. In power
Application of Hall - stereotype
despite the obvious empowerment of women on the poster - the female is presented as a ‘femme fatelle’
- breaking the gendered norms but becoming villanised
~ female power is villified
Application of Halls - reception
. Dominant reading :
. Negotiated reading
. Oppositional reading
What is significant about : “ A hammer horror film production “ seen on the poster for KOTV ?
It establishes the institution produces this media product alongside the genre of the product
What is signifcant about the visual codes avaliable on the poster for KOTV ?
The fearful facial language paired with the both submissive and defensive body language denotes that of the horror genre
Application of Van Zoonen ~ KOTV
Argued that the KOTV poster reinforces the ideology that women are routinely constructed as sexualised and objectified characters in the media
- submissive females VS eroticised females
Further argues that the women in this power - altough seen to have more ‘presence’ are still constructed to serve that of the male gaze
- the dress hanging on the shoulder
Applicationof Gliroy - Ethnicity
The lack of Ethnic representation reinforces the ‘other’ ideology
- mirrors how marginalised POC were in the 1960’s