The Complement System Flashcards
System of plasma proteins which completes the process initiated by the interaction of antigen and antibody combination-lysis
complement system
Series of more than ________ that interact to enhance host defense reactions
more than 25 serum proteins
Most are _________ that are converted to active enzymes in a precise order
inactive enzyme precursors
It constitutes ________, heat labile that are present in normal human serum and all tissue fluids except urine and CSF
5% of normal serum protein
The key mediator in all pathways
Sequential activation of complement components occurs via one of the three pathways
Classical Pathway
Alternative Pathway
Lectin Pathway
Initiated by formation of antigen-antibody complex
Classical pathway
Initiated by foreign cell surface; antibody independent ; part of innate immunity
Alternative pathway
Initiated by host proteins binding microbial surface
Lectin pathway
Complement proteins are often designated by an
uppercase letter C and are inactive until they are split into products
When the products are split they become active. The
active products are usually designated with a lower
case a or b
C1a and C1b
All classes of immunoglobulin do not fix complement
only ______, ______, ______, and ______ fix in the respective order
IgM, IgG3, IgG1 and IgG2
These Ig do not fix complement
IgG4, IgA, IgD and IgE
Complement does not bind to ______ and ______
antigen and antibody
Activated by antibodies bound to antigen
classical pathway
Activated on microbial cell surfaces in the absence of antibody
alternative pathway
Activated by plasma lectin that binds to mannose residues on microbes
lectin pathway
4 important functions of complement system
activation of inflammatory response
clearance of immune complexes
Overview of the complement pathways indicating
components required for _______, _______, _______. ______, and _______
recognition, enzymatically active components and complexes, major opsonic, inflammatory, and membranolytic products
4 components of alternative pathway
C3, factor B, factor D, properdin
Triggering substances may be pathogens or nonpathogens:
○ Bacterial cell wall components
○ Fungi
○ Viruses
○ Parasites
○ Immune complexes
○ RBCs
○ Polymers
alternative pathway
activation of alternative pathway
proteolysis of C3
Binding site for factor B covalently tethered to surface of microbial or host cell
Bound factor B cleaved by ________
factor D (serine protease)
C3 convertase
Properdin bind to and stabilize _________
C3bBb complex
C5 convertase
A protein that binds to CHO
It binds to mannose on many bacterial cells
mannose-binding lectin pathway (MBL)
It produced by liver in acute phase inflammatory reactions
Once MBL binds to target cell, 2 serine proteases _______ and _______ bind
acts like C1
MBL pathway
an acute phase protein, binds to mannose residues
When MBL complex binds to a pathogen surface, MASP-2 is activated to cleave _____ and _____
C4 and C2
Importance in innate host defense mechanism in early childhood
MBL pathway
activation of MBL pathway
D-mannose, GIcNAc (microbial polysaccharides)
Binding to circulating lectins, [e.g., Mannose-binding
lectin (MBL), or to _________ recognizing lectins (ficolins) collectin family and structurally resemble C1q
MASP-1 cleaves to _____
MASP-2 cleaves to _____ and _____
C4 and C2
C3 convertase
C5 convertase
regulation of the complement cascade
short half life of:
C3b, C3bBb, C5b
It inhibits the C1s activity
C1 inhibitor
Glycophosphatidylinositol-linked membrane protein
On endothelial cells and erythrocytes
If deficiency, causes Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)
Unusual feature, acquired mutation in defective gene, in hematopoietic stem cells
Plasma serine protease degrade cell-associated C3b
factor 1
Active only in presence of regulatory proteins
factor 1
MCP, factor H, C4BP, and CR1 serve as cofactors
factor 1
Cause dissociation of C3b (and C4b)-containing complexes
factor 1
Generates iC3b, C3d, and C3dg, recognized by receptors on phagocytes and B lymphocytes
factor 1
regulators of the C3 and C5 convertase
factor 1
regulators of formation of the MAC
S protein
HRF or CD59
factor H
Membrane protein inhibit formation of the MAC
Glycophosphatidylinositol-linked protein expressed on many cell types
Incorporate into assembling MACs after the membrane insertion of C5b-8, thereby inhibiting the subsequent addition of C9 molecules
Present on normal host cells, where it limits MAC formation, but it is not present on microbes
Binding to soluble C5b,6,7 complexes
S protein
Prevent insertion into cell membranes near the site where the complement cascade was initiated
S protein
Bind to C8
HRF or CD59
Inhibits C9 binding
HRF or CD59
Binds to C3b
factor H
Facilitates binding of Factor I
factor H
Cleaves C3b to _____
inactive iC3b
Cleaves C4b to _____
inactive fragments
Decay Accelerating Factor
factor H
Immune and rheumatic
C1, C2, C3, C4 disorders
Recurrent infection (Neisseria)
C5, C6, C7, C8 disorders
Combined immunodeficiency states
C1q disorders
Many infections and lupus-like symptoms
C1r disorders
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
C1s disorder
Lupus-like symptoms
C4 disorder
Increased susceptibility to infection
C2 disorder
Severe pyogenic infections
C3 disorder
Recurrent infection of GIT
C5 disorder
Disseminated gonococcal infections and recurrent Meningococcal meningitis
C6, C7, C8 disorder
Not more susceptible to disease than other individual in general populations
C9 diorder
Hereditary angioneurotic oedema
C1 inhibitors
A multi component triggered enzyme cascade, attracts phagocytic cells to the microbes which engulf them
the complement system
Complement can be activated by _____ and _____
classical and alternative pathway
The amount of complement present in the serum
cannot be increased by immunization
Complement participates in ________ and ________
type II and type III hypersensitivity
Several serum complement components are
lowered in many autoimmune diseases such as ______ and ______
systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis
Complement mediates immunological membrane damage
_______ released during cascade reaction help in amplifying the inflammatory response
C fragments
It mediate immune adherence
C3 and C4
It participates in coagulation process
C3 and C6
Present with early onset SLE, anti-dsDNA less
common, more severe disease, less steroid responsive
C1q deficiency
Strongest known genetic risk factor for lupus
C1q deficiency
C4a deficiency, risk factor for SLE (less severity than
sufficient complement) early onset SLE, anti-dsDNA less common
C4 deficiency
C4B deficiency, with invasive bacterial disease
C4 deficiency
Most common of the inherited classical complement component deficiencies in Caucasians
C2 deficiency
most common cause of death in C2 deficiency
Most common organisms in C2 deficiency
S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae
Rarest of the four early component deficiencies
C3 deficiency
Most severe phenotype
C3 deficiency
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
C3 deficiency
Neutrophil dysfunction (abscesses), humoral
deficiencies (sinopulmonary disease), and complement deficiencies (sepsis, meningitis)
C3 deficiency
Single case has been reported (meningococcemia)
factor B deficiency
Neisserial infections are the most common manifestation
factor D deficiency
X-linked complement deficiency
properdin deficiency
One of the more common complement deficiencies and occurs largely in Caucasians
properdin deficiency
One or more episodes of meningococcal disease
properdin deficiency
High fatality rate in contrast to terminal complement component deficiencies
properdin deficiency
Plasma derived MBL is now being produced by Co-operative Research Centre for Vaccine Technology (CRC-VT)
On phase I safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics
● Hereditary angioedema
● Mildly increased susceptibility to infection
● Increased risk of SLE
● Recurrent episodes of angioedema, involvement of airway in absence of anaphylaxis, abdominal episodes, a positive family history, or angioedema arising after trauma
● Type I deficiency, most common (85%) of inherited cases
● Type II deficiency normal production, but dysfunctional protein
C1 inhibitor deficiency
● Recurrent episodes of hemoglobinuria due to intravascular hemolysis
● Thrombosis occurs for unknown reasons
● Aplastic anemia
● Due to acquired somatic mutations of PIG-A or PIG-M in a clone of bone marrow progenitor cells
● These protein products are required for GPI-anchored proteins and C8-binding proteins which protect hematopoietic cells from complement mediated lysis
● DAF deficiency does not have a hemolytic phenotype
● CD59 is more important