The Cognitive Explanation Flashcards
Who identified the two kinds of dysfunctional thought processing?
Frith et al
What does it suggest schizophrenia is due to?
Disruption in normal thought processing.
What are the two explanations?
Metarepresentation and Central Control
Explain Metarepresentation.
-lack the ability to recall actions and thoughts if there due to external thoughts.
-Auditory Hallucinations, unaware if voices are external or not
-causing distress
Explain Central Control.
-lacking the ability to suppress automatic thoughts and speech
-thoughts and speech are triggered by other thoughts causing disorganized thoughts and disordered speech
-Derailment, disruption in spoken sentences whenever speaking it triggers associations
What are the evaluations?
Stirling et al
Alternate explanation
practical application
Explain the research to support by Stirling et al.
-Compares 30 schizophrenic patients with 18 non schizophrenics
-on a range of cognitive tasks such as the Stroop test
-participants had to name the ink color of the color of the word
-found that those with schizophrenia took twice as long
-due to the fact that there central control couldn’t suppress the automatic thought of saying the word
-increasing IV
Explain the Alternate explanation?
-due to hyperdopaminergia
-high levels of dopamine in the central areas of the brain are associated with auditory hallucinations
-rather than dysfunction in thoughts
-not the sole explanation
Explain the evaluation of Practical explanation.
-principle of the theory schz due to delusional thoughts has led to CBT
-effective, identify and challenge the origin of there audity hallucinations
-helps to reduce there positive symptoms of schz
-important part of applied psychology.