The biological Explanation Flashcards
What is Genetic Theory?
-hereditary, passed down
-genetic predisposition increases the vulnerability to schizophrenia
-several maladaptive genes such as PCM1 increasing the vulnerability
-108 separate genetic variations
Explain Gottsman’s research.
-40 twins
-monozygotic concordance rate of 48%
-Dyozygotic concordance rate of 17%
-closer a genetic link is increases an individual’s vulnurability.
Explain the RTS for Genetic Theory.
-Studied 115 adopted children
-who biologicals mothers had shcz found the had a concordance rate of 10%
-compared to those without a schz mother of 1%
-genetics play significant role as social learning theory could not have been a factor as they were adopted
-increasing then internal validity.
What is neural correlates?
Abnormalities in specific areas of the brain are associated with schizophrenia.
Explain Neural correllates: Brain structure.
-meta-analysis by raz and raz found that individuals with sciz have enlarged ventricles
-EV associated with cantral areas of the brain and the pre frontal cortex
-ass with negative symptoms
What is the Dopamine Hypothesis?
-low amounts of D2 receptors in the post synaptic neuron
-release too much dopamine
Explain Hyperdopaminersia in the subcortex.
-high dopamine activity levels in the central areas of the brain
-such as the Broca’s area
-lead to auditory hallucinations
Explain Hypodopaminergia in the cortex.
-low dopamine activity levels in the prefrontal cortex
-ass with avolition
What are the evaluations?
-scientific methods
-Alternate explanation
Explain the evaluation of scientific methods.
-theory based on empirical and objective techniques
-such as gene mapping and brain scans such as FMR1
-used to identify certain areas of the brain specific genes associated with schizophrenia
-increases the internal validity
Alternate explanation
Explain family dysfunction then tailor with one.