Family Dysfunction Flashcards
What is Family Dysfunction?
Dysfunction in the communication in the family causing high levels of tension which can cause them to relapse.
Explain Schizophrenogenic mother.
-due to early experience
-cold controlling rejecting and emotionally unresponsive
-family climate of tension and secrecy
-distress or paranoid delusions
passive father.
Explain the double bind communication.
-Baetson et al, due to faulty communication in the family
-the parents communcates a verbal message but it does match with there non verbal message
-conflicting and confusing forms of message lead to mixed signals being given to the child
-withdrawal social contact (avolition)
-mixed signals lead to paranoid delusions
Explain expressed emotions.
-negative emotions are expressed to the patient from family members
-verbal criticisms, hostility, emotional over invovlment
-relapse due to resurgence of positive and negative symptoms
-cause stress because of the harrassment.
What are the evaluations?
Mednick et al
Alternate explanation
Practical explanation
Explain RTS by Mednick et al?
-207 children from dysfunctional families
-all had schizophrenogenic mothers
-found 10yrs later that 17 diagnosed with schizophrenia
-8% compared to 1 % of the general population
-increasing the validity as characteristics increase the likelihood
Explain the RTS by Berger.
-asked about the communication with there parents
-those with schizophrenia experienced a double bind communication
-Supports, as it shows mixed communication in childhood can lead to schizphrenia
Explain the evaluation of alternate explanation.
-due to hyperdopaminergia
-high dopamine acitivity levels in central area of the brain associated with symptoms
-auditory hallucinations HDA brocas area
-rather than family dysfunction
Explain the evaluations of Practical explanation?
-POT, schiz due to faulty family communication
-has led to treatments such as family therapy
-therapist alters the relationship and communication patterns
-reduce stress and expressed emotions prevent relapse
-important part of app;ied psychology