The Cardiovascular System & Haemodynamics Flashcards
Explain the Renin-Angiotensin System.
The RAS is a hormone system that regulates blood pressure and water fluid balance.
Blood volume = low = kidney produce renin which = angiotensin which = blood vessels to constrict = increased blood pressure.
Angiotensin stimulates secretion of aldosterone which = kidneys to increase reabsorption of sodium & water into the blood = increased blood volume and ultimately blood pressure
What is the function of the heart?
It is essentially a pump that circulates blood through the entire body, distributing oxygen and nutrients all over the body.
Elaborate on the physiological process of the heart.
Blood enters the heart through the Right Atrium, it’s pumped into the Right Ventricle and then makes its way to the lungs to be oxygenated. It comes back through the Left Atrium, is pumped into the Right Ventricle, then sent out into the body through the Aorta.
What carries blood to the heart?
What carries blood from the heart?
How does Yoga benefit the cardiovascular system?
Stretches the heart muscle = more blood and more nutrients
Better circulation = better range of motion
Relaxation reduces our heart rate
Inversions lower the blood pressure
Lower constrictions of blood vessels, allowing for a better resting heart rate
Squeeze and soak theory improving circulation
Improves connection to the body, including the heart, and Anahata chakra
How does Yoga benefit the blood?
The squeeze and soak theory reduces blood stagnation in the organs
Temperature increases blood detoxification
How does Yoga affect the veins?
Inversions assist veins working against gravity, bringing blood back up to the heart
Saucha, cleanliness keeping the venous pathways clear
Healthy stress on the veins
What is the effect of Yoga on the arteries?
Healthy stress
Saucha, cleanliness keeping the aterial pathways clear
What are the symptoms of hypertension?
Headaches, blurred vision, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke
What is considered contra-indicated for hypertension?
Face straining, taking the arms above head, inversions in a heated room, Uddiyana and Jalandhara bandha, static poses, closed twists, balancing poses, core work, strong or heating pranayama
What type of poses are therapeutic for Hypertension?
Forward bends, restorative poses, hip openers, mild inversions, open twists
What are symptoms of Hypotension?
Light headed, dizzy and weak, breath shortness, chest pain
What is considered contra-indicated for Hypotension?
Forward bends, being in class slightly dehydrated, extended inhalations, coming up too quickly
What is therapeutic for Hypotension?
Bandhas, strong twists, core work, static poses, heating pranayama; Ujjayi
What is the difference between Hypertension and Hypotension?
Hypertension is excessive high blood pressure, while Hypotension is excessively low blood pressure.
What is the function of white blood cells?
White blood cells are an essential part of the immune system, that fight off any foreign pathogen.
Where are the white blood cells mainly produced?
Bone marrow