Nervous System and Nadis (Channels of Prana) Flashcards
What is the functional physiology of the nervous system?
Transmitting nerve impulses (messages) to adjust the body’s processes (i.e. reactions).
What are the divisions of the Nervous System and what do they include?
- Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord)
2. Peripheral Nervous System (every other nerve in the body)
What system does the Enteric Nervous System fall under?
Peripheral Nervous System
What are the divisions of the Peripheral Nervous System?
- Entering Nervous System
- Somatic Nervous System
- Autonomic Nervous System
What is the Somatic Nervous System responsible for?
Muscular movement
What is the Autonomic Nervous System responsible for?
Involuntary movement
Name the divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System.
- Sympathetic Nervous System
2. Parasympathetic Nervous System
What is the Parasympathetic Nervous System known for?
The rest and digest response.
What is the Enteric Nervous System known for?
Being the brain of the gut, includes regulations of secretion through the Endocrine System
What is the Sympathetic Nervous System known for?
Its fight or flight response
What are the 3 functions of the Nervous System?
- Sensory Function
- Integrative Function
- Motor Function
What is Sensory Function?
Receptors within the Nervous System detect stimuli, which then send afferent messages (to the brain).
Essentially the first step of the NS reaction, sensing something.
Decisions made in the brain are reacting to stimuli - what is this part of?
Integrative Function
How does Motor Function work?
Efferent messages (from the brain) are sent through nerve pathways to effectors (i.e. muscle fibres). Essentially the last step of the nervous system, the reaction which follows the sensing and the decision making.
What does SLUDD fall under?
Parasympathetic Nervous System, processes which occur in this state
What does SLUDD mean?
Salivation Lacrimation Urination Digestion Defecation
Which asana types increase Parasympathetic Nervous System function?
Inversions, Forward Bends, Seated Twists, Savasana
What types of Pranayama activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System?
Nadi Shodhana, Full Yogic Breath, Samavritti
What within the scope of Yoga can be considered beneficial to activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System?
Yoga Nidra, Meditation, Peaceful mudras, Restorative Poses, Chanting
What are symptoms of the Sympathetic Nervous System?
High heart rate Blood moving to mandatory organs Opening of bowels Muscle tension Sweating High blood pressure
Which asana activate the Sympathetic Nervous System?
Strong twists (standing twists), Standing Asana, Surya Namaskar, Balancing, strong Inversions
What type of Pranayama increase the Sympathetic Nervous System response?
Bhastrika, Kapalabhati
What are the 3 main Nadis, in English and Sanskrit?
Left - Ida - Introverted
Centre - Sushumna - Middle Path (Absolute Path)
Right - Pingala - Active
Name some characteristics of Ida Nadi?
Introverted Feminine Creative Parasympathetic Nervous System Cold Moon Left side of body Right side of brain
Name some characteristics of Pingala Nadi?
Extroverted Masculine Do-er Sympathetic Hot Sun Right side of body Left side of brain
Name some characteristics of Sushumna Nadi?
Middle path Only flows when other two Nadis flow Parasympathetic Nervous System Most important Starts are the sacrum, travels up the spinal cord, to crown of head