the cardiac cycle Flashcards
when does ventricular filling occure
mid to late diastole
what is atrial depolarization in an ECG
the P wave
when the ventricles are in the last part of their diastole and have the maximum volume of blood they will contain in the cycle, an amount called the
End diastolic volume (EDV)
when the the atria relax and
the ventricles depolarize what is that on an ECG
the QRS complex
is the split-second period
when the ventricles are completely closed chambers and
the blood volume in the chambers remains constant as the
ventricles contract.
isovolumetric contraction phase
when does the isovolumetric stage end
as the SL valves are forced open
during ___________ blood rushes from the ventricles into the aorta and puhnonary trunk. The pressure in the aorta normally reaches
about 120 mm Hg
ventricular ejection phase
lsovolumetric relaxation is
early diastole
Following the
peak of the T wave, the ventricles
the blood remaining in the chambers during early diastole
end systolic volume (ESV)
Closure of the aortic valve raises aortic
pressure briefly as backflowing blood rebounds off the
closed valve cusps, an event beginning at the
dicrotic notch
a period of total heart relaxation
quiescent period .
cardiac cycle timing
total time = 0.8 s
atrial systole = 0.1
ventricular systole = 0.3
quiescent period = 0.4