Pacemaker cells trigger action potentials throughout the heart Flashcards
Although the ability of the heart to depolarize and contract _________ the healthy heart is supplied with
__________ that alter its basic rhythrn.
autonomic nerve fibers
The independent, but coordinated, activity of the heart is a function of 2 things what are they
1) the gap junctions
2) the in house conduction system
consists of noncontractile cardiac cells specialized to initiate and distribute impulses throughout the heart, so that it depolarizes and contracts in an orderly, sequential manner
the intrinsic cardiac conduction system
However, about 1 % of cardiac fibers are autorhythmic
pacemaker cells
having the special ability to depolarize spontaneously and so pace the heart
pacemaker cells
Pacemaker cells are a part of the ________. They have an ______ resting potential that continuously _______, drifting slowly toward threshold.
intrinsic conduction system
These spontaneously changing membrane potentials, called __________ or _______ initiate the action potentials that spread throughout the heart to trigger its rhythmic contractions.
pacemaker potentials
The pacemaker potential is due to the
special properties of the
ion channels in the sarcolemma
This slow depolarization is due to both opening of Na’ channels and closing of K’ channels. Notice that the membrane potential is
never a flat line.
pacemaker potential
The action potential begins when
the pacemaker potential reaches threshold.
Depolarization is due to Ca2+ influx through Ca2+
is due to Ca2+ channels inactivating
and K’ channels opening. This allows K’ efflux, which
brings the membrane potential back to its most
negative voltage.
Once repolarization is complete, K+ channels ____, K+ efflux ____, and the slow _____ to threshold begins again.
typical cardiac pacemaker cells are found in the
sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes
list the 5 stages of the The intrinsic cardiac conduction system
1) sinoatrial (AV) node
2) Atrioventricular (AV) node
3) Atrioventriuclar (AV) bundle
4) Right and left bundle branches
5) Subendocardial conducting network.
sinoatrial node impulse
75 times / minute
the sinoatrial node is the hearts’ ________ and its characteristic rhythm, called _________, determines _______.
sinus rhythm
heart rate
From the SA node, the depolarization wave spreads via _______ throughout the atria and via the _________ to the ______, located in the inferior portion of the interatrial septum immediately above the tricuspid valve.
gap junctions
internodal pathway
AV node