The Brain And Cranial Nerves Flashcards
What is the cerebral cortex?
- Receives sensory information
- sends messages to move skeletal muscles
- performs activities such as thinking learning and remembering
What is the basal ganglia?
Helps coordinate slow sustained movements
What is the thalamus?
Relay station for all incoming motor movement and sensory info - hearing, taste, sight and touch
What does the hypothalamus control?
Homeostatic functions such as body temperature, respiration and heartbeat
What is the cerebellum?
Coordinates subconscious movements
What is the brain stem?
Reflex center for movements of eyeballs, head and trunk
Regulates heart beat and breathing
What is the dura mater?
Outer, thick strong membrane layer under skull and vertebral column
What is the cerebral cortex?
Outer layer that lies ON TOP of our cerebrum
What are gyri?
Ridge like elevation, which increase the surface area of the cerebral cortex and they form brain divisions
What is NOT a major region of the brain?
Cauda Equina
What structure consists of the medulla oblongata, pons and midbrain?
The brainstem
What protects the brain by preventing the movements of harmful substances and Pathogens from the blood into the brain tissue?
Blood brain barrier
What fluid filled cavity is located in each hemisphere of the cerebrum?
Lateral Ventricle
What describes the function of cerebrospinal fluid
- mechanical protection
- pH homeostasis
- circulation
What structure in the brain contains centres responsible for the ‘startle reflex’ in response to loud sounds?
Inferior colliculus