Gastro Intestinal System Flashcards
How long is the muscular tube that passes through thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities?
8 meters long from mouth to anus
Name the four layers within the muscular tube that are specialises in certain regions to perform functions?
Muscular layer
What is the mucosa? Describe structure
(mucous membrane) Is underlying connective tissue and a small amount of smooth muscle. In some regions it is folded with projections that extend into lumen - this helps to increase absorption surface.
What does mucosa carry out?
Secretion and absorption and is in contact with food
What process is the function of the smooth muscle layer in the digestive system?
Mixing and propulsion
What process is the primary function of the mouth?
Which process is the primary functions of the villi of the small intestine?
What accessory organ stores bile?
What is the submucosa?
Loose connective tissue, nourishes surrounding tissues and carries away absorbed material
What does the submucosa contain?
glands, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves
What is the muscular layer? & what are its 2 constructed muscle tissue coats called?
It produces movement of the tube
1. circular fibres = on inner coat will cause contraction
2. longitudinal fibres = run length ways and cause shortening
What layer of the GI tract is composed of areolar connective tissue that binds the mucosa to the muscularis?
Why do emotions such as anger or fear slow digestion?
Bcos they stimulate the sympathetic nerves that supply the GI tract
What portion of the peritoneum is largely responsible for carrying blood and limp vessels to the intestines?
What layer of the GI tract contains skeletal muscle?
What is the serosa layer?
Smooth tissue membrane - protects underlying tissues and secretes serous fluid so that there is free movement of abdominal organs against eachother
What is the peritoneum?
Largest serous membrane of the body - sheet of smooth tissue that lines your abdominopelvic cavity and surrounds your abdominal organs
What does the parietal peritoneum line?
Walls of abdominopelvic cavity
What does the visceral peritoneum cover?
The organs in cavity and is serosa