The Book of Paul Flashcards
What do we know about Paul?
He was born Saul in Tarsus as a Roman citizen that studied under Gamaliel. He was a tent maker before he was on the road to Damascus when he was visited by Jesus.
What tribe was Paul from?
The Benjamites and Paul called himself a pharisee.
Where do we find the information about Paul?
Through his epistles.
When was the Jerusalem Conference?
49 CE
What did Paul believe?
That he had the “one true gospel” and that he had everything to teach others.
What are the list of letters that Paul wrote?
- 1+2 Thessalonians
- 1+2 Corinthians
- Romans
- Phileman
- Philippians
- Colossians
- Galations
What are the Major Pauline Doctrines?
- Eschatology + Mysticism
- Centrality of Jesus: a. revealed wisdom b. divine Lord c. Spirit dwells
- Christ + Humanity: Jesus vs. Adam
- The Body of Christ
- Liberator: a. sin b. torah c. death
- Universal Sufficiency
- Justification by Faith
When Jesus returns
Pax Romana
peace of Rome
Day of the Lord
God comes back to punish everyone
The Lawless One
doing Satan’s work
What does 1 Corinthian state?
That a husband and wife are responsible for each other and that the unmarried should remain unmarried.
What is 12, 13, and 14 about?
12: spiritual gifts and the body of Christ
13. faith, hope and love - agape
14. glossolalia - speaking in a language that talks to God.
Faith, hope and love
The speaking in a language that talks to God.
What are the “Angry/Painful Letters”?
They are letters in 2 Corinthians 10-13 where Paul is upset with the church because they question his authority and the Super apostles are trying to ruin their reputation and teach them a different Jesus.
Who were they infiltrated by?
The Judiazers in 56 CE because they want people to continue circumcising.
What is Vicarious Atonement?
This is the life, death and resurrection of Jesus that someone else was able to achieve for Paul and the others.
The Law
Anything goes - there are no laws
This is the main theme of the book.
What are the Fruits of the Spirit?
- Joy
- Love
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- Generosity
- Gentleness
- Self-control
- Faith-fullness
What is the Human Predicament in Romans?
Paul is trying to show that the only way out of Adam mode is by faith and Christ.
Missing the mark - sin. This is a major theme.
Who was Paul the closest with?
The Philippans
What does the Hymn to Christ talk about?
It talks about humility and what Jesus did for the people.
What does the Phileman letters talk about?
The letters talk about slavery within the Christian church.
Who was Onesimus?
He was a slave that ran away from his master and to Paul but Paul has to send him back because of the Roman law. Paul asks the owner to send him back though because he was very helpful to Paul. This was the shortest and most personal letter.
Where do we first find out about Timothy?
We find out about him in Colossians and he was Paul’s assistant and travel partner.
What is the main point?
If you believe in angels or something along those lines, you haven’t reached Jesus yet then because Jesus is the highest on the list.
Which letter is believed to not be written by Paul?
Why do people believe it wasn’t written by Paul?
- over 90 new words are used in the letter.
- consists of convoluted, long sentences.
- the theology is lacking - nothing about Parousia.
Why is it believed that it was written later?
- references to the apostles from the past.
- gentiles being Christians isn’t a problem anymore
- ekklasia seems to refer to the Church.
What is the main belief in Ephesians?
That all of the work was done by God. Grace through faith is how God does things and this saves people.
What is the Armor of God?
- belt of truth
- breastplate of righteousness
- shoes to proclaim the gospel of peace
- shield of faith
- helmet of salvation
- sword of the Spirit
end of A time
How many missionary trips did Paul go on?
He went on 3.
What was the only church that was created in Europe?
The Philippians Church.
What was the only church that Paul didn’t visit?
The Romans Church.