The Book of Acts Flashcards
What are the 2 parts of the book?
Part 1: Peter and Jerusalem Church
Part 2: Paul and Gentile Churches
Who wrote the book?
We don’t know, but the same person wrote Luke.
What is the significance of apology?
This is how the Christians are throughout the book. They’re very apologetic.
How did Jesus leave the second time?
He was lifted up by some power and a cloud that took him out of everyone’s sight.
What is Hakeldama?
This is the field of blood. This is where Judas is put after he kills himself and then his insides burst open.
What are the requirements to be an apostle?
Peter says that in order for someone to fill the last role of an apostle they need to have been around Jesus from the time he was baptized to the time Jesus had died.
What happened at the Pentecost?
All of the apostles start speaking different languages and then Peter tells everyone that the Galileans weren’t stupid because they spoke their native language. Then Peter starts quoting Joel and baptizes 3,000 people.
What is the Jerusalem Commune?
This is where the 12 apostles and the disciples lived together so they could be close.
What are some of the miracles that Peter performs?
He healed a man that couldn’t walk since birth and says that was the power of Jesus, not Peter. He was arrested and people just continued to follow them. Peter killed Ananias and Sapphira because they lied to him about the amount of money they were donating to God.
Who was Gamaliel and what was his influence?
He was a Pharisee that told the angry council that they shouldn’t try to kill the apostles because the followers were stronger this time.
Who was Stephen and what happened to him?
He was chosen to serve the people but was accused of blasphemy and was stoned to death. He is considered the first martyr of Acts. Saul held everyone’s coats and approved of the killing.
What happened to Saul?
Saul was on his way to find out how he could have the apostles arrested and then Jesus came down and told him to go back to town and for 3 days Saul was blind. Ananias is told to heal Saul and then he turns into Paul.
What was Peter’s vision about?
He had a vision where Heaven had opened up and a white sheet was let down. On this sheet were creatures that were unclean and Peter was told to eat them but he said no because they were unclean. Then Peter went to Cornelius and said God doesn’t want them to call anything or anyone unclean anymore.
What happened during the festival of unleavened bread?
John was killed by Herod and then Peter was arrested. The day before Passover an angel visited Peter and told him to follow him and then freed Peter. Then Herod was killed by God.
What was the Jerusalem Conference?
This was where Paul and Barnabas went to Jerusalem to discuss the need of circumcision and that God accepts the Gentiles. They decided that you didn’t need to be circumcised any longer to be a Christian.
What did they conclude at the conference?
- Don’t eat blood.
- Don’t eat meat that hasn’t been drained.
- Do not perform fortification.