Revelation Flashcards
What was the covenant that YHWH made with the people?
Deuteronomistic Theology - if you do good, you will be okay. If you do bad, you won’t be okay.
Good vs. Bad
Apocalyptic Literature was meant to do what?
Designed to give hope.
What are the major themes of Apocalyptic Literature?
Dualism Two age motif Visions Symbols Numerology Colors.
Who was the author of the book?
John of Patmos
When was the book written?
90-95 CE during the reign of Emperor Domitian.
So be it
What are the 7 churches of Asia Minor?
- Ephesus
- Smyrna
- Pergamon
- Thyatira
- Sardis
- Laodicea
- Philadelphia
Alpha and Omega
The first and the last.
How are the letters set up?
- Salutation
- Commendation
- Condemnation and Chastisement
- Challenge and Promise
From the 7 stars, they’ve had a good start but they abandoned love. If they repent then they can eat from the tree of life in God’s paradise.
From the first to the last, they endured the persecution and aren’t chastised for anything. If they continue to be faithful and not fear pain they will get the crown of life.
From the sharp, two edge sword, they hold onto the Lord but some are following another religion and eating food left for false idols. If they repent they will be given the hidden manna, a white stone and a name written on the stone.
From the eyes of flame of fire and bronze feet, they have love and faith but they tolerate Jezebel. If they hold fast to Jesus they will get control over the nations and the morning star.
From the 7 stars and they aren’t praised for anything. They are dead and do nothing. If they do the 5 things, they will be clothed in white robes and their name won’t be blotted out of the book.
What are the 5 things the Sardis church has to do?
- Wake up
- Strengthen what remains
- Remember
- Obey
- Repent
From the one with the key of David, they kept their faith and spread the gospel. They have to remain patient and they will be made a pillar in the temple.
From the Amen, they’re not praised for anything. They are luke-warm and have to repent and choose God. If they do this, then they can sit on the throne with God.
What did the author see in heaven?
He was surrounded by rainbows and emeralds. There were 24 thrones surrounding the main throne and there were 7 flaming torches. Then there was a lion, ox, human face, and an eagle.
How will the seven seals be opened?
The lion will break them open and then the lamb will take the scrolls and share them with the people. Then the lamb is given the 7 requirements to be perfect and the lion turns out the be the lamb.
Why did the dragon appear?
The dragon appeared when a woman was giving birth to eat her son but he was taken to heaven to be with God when a war broke out in heaven. Then the dragon was sent to earth and the woman was given wings to keep her son safe.
Who does the dragon represent?
The dragon represents Nero Caesar and how he ruled for 42 months and performed blasphemy.
What does Babylon represent?
It represents Rome and stands for something bad.
Who was Domitian?
He was the ruler at the time Revelations was written. (666/616)
A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 F 6 G 7 H 8 I 9
J 10 K 20 L 30 M 40 N 50 O 60 P 70 Q 80 R 90
S 100 T 200 U 300 V 400 W 500 X 600 Y 700 Z 800
It’s a place and believed to be Megiddo but people don’t know for sure where it is.
Why was the lamb covered in blood?
The lamb represented Jesus and he came out of Heaven dressed in white clothes covered in blood. This meant that he had already saved the people.
Right teaching