The Beast Flashcards
initially, the beast is presented…
through fear
finish the quote: ‘they talk..
…and scream’
finish the quote: ‘there was no laughter at all now…
…and more grave watching’
initially, the beast is presented…
as an animal
finish the quote: ‘the snake…
initially, the beast is presented…
through time of day
finish the quote: ‘he said…
…the beastie came in the dark’
throughout the course of the novel, the beast is presented…
through simon’s perspective
finish the quote: ‘maybe it’s…
…only us’
finish the quote: ‘simon became inarticulate in his effort to express…
…mankind’s essential illness’
‘maybe it’s only us’
‘simon became inarticulate in his effort to express mankind’s essential illness’
- ‘only’ underestimates the beast in humans -> underestimates the level of evil humans can inflict
- only one who recognises the “beast” for what it truly is
- beast = mankind’s essential illness -> fundamental part of who we are
throughout the course of the novel, the beast is presented…
through jack
finish the quote: ‘if there’s a beast…
…we’ll hunt it down!’
finish the quote: ‘we’ll close it in…
…and beat and beat and beat’
‘if there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down!’
‘we’ll close in and beat and beat and beat’
- emphasis on having fun and hunting the beast appeals to the other boys’ growing savagery
- makes the beast seem real in order to increase his power
throughout the course of the novel, the beast is presented…
through the lord of the flies
finish the quote: ‘simon’s mouth laboured…
..brought forth audible words’
finish the quote: ‘fancy thinking the Beast was something…
…you could hunt and kill!’
‘simon’s mouth laboured, brought forth audible words’
‘fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill!’
- simon ‘laboured’ -> extreme difficulty in trying to argue with the lord of the flies -> struggle in resisting the beast
- belittling -> ‘fancy’ -> sarcastic, patronising tone
throughout the course of the novel, the beast is presented…
through the dead parachutist
finish the quote: ‘something like a…
..great ape’
throughout the end of the novel, the beast is presented…
through simon’s death
finish the quote: ‘at once the…
…crowd surged after it’
finish the quote: ‘leapt onto the beast…
…screamed, struck, bit, tore’
finish the quote: ‘no movements but…
…the tearing of teeth and claws’
‘at once the crowd surged after it’
‘leapt onto the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore’
‘the tearing of teeth and claws’
- scenes of violence, brutality and death in the novel, but this is the most terrifying- the boys are personified evil, and have become “The Beast”
- wildness with which simon is torn apart
throughout the end of the novel, the beast is presented…
as a god
finish the quote: ‘the head is for…
…the beast. it’s a gift’
‘the head is for the beast. it’s a gift’
- leaving it sacrifice
- an offering to the gods