Rivalry Flashcards
(ch.1) initially, rivalry is presented through…
finish the quote: ‘peered down..
..at ralph’
finish the quote: ‘screwing..
..up his face’
finish the quote: ‘did not seem to..
finish the quote: ‘i ought..
..to be chief’
finish the quote: ‘i’m chapter..
..chorister and head boy’
finish the quote: ‘most obvious..
…leader was jack’
finish the quote: ‘size and…
…attractive appearance’
finish the quote: ‘most powerfully…
..there was the conch’
finish the quote: ‘broke…
…into applause’
finish the quote: ‘disappeared..
..under a blush of mortification’
finish the quote: ‘the choir belongs…
..to you of course’
‘the choir belongs to you of course’
- rivalry is eased - gives jack some power
- always been a power struggle
finish the quote: ‘why didn’t..
finish the quote: ‘could not…
…see his face’
finish the quote: ‘daring them…
..to condradict’
finish the quote: ‘no…
‘could not see his face’
‘daring them to contradict’
‘no mercy’
- rivalry is presented in jack’s pursuit to prove himself
(ch.3) initially, rivalry is presented…
through ralph and jack
finish the quote: ‘antagonism..
..was audible’
finish the quote: ‘shouted…
…in rage’
finish the quote: ‘are you…
finish the quote: ‘both red…
..in the face’
finish the quote: ‘found looking..
…at each other difficult’
finish the quote: ‘all you can…
…talk about is pig, pig, pig’
‘all you can talk about is pig, pig, pig’
- rivalry stems from their different priorities
(ch.4) initally, rivalry is presented…
through confrontation
finish the quote: ‘you let…
…the fire go out’
finish the quote: ‘made…
..Jack uneasy’
finish the quote: ‘fist..
finish the quote: ‘voice…
finish the quote: ‘you and..
..your blood, Jack Merridew’
finish the quote: ‘you and your…
‘you and your blood Jack Merridew’
‘you and your hunting’
- ‘you’ ‘your’ - they no longer are a team - conflict in reason and prioities
- ‘jack merridew’ - parental language - rebuking him
finish the quote: ‘there was the brilliant..
..world of hunting, tactics, fierce exhilaration, skill’
finish the quote: ‘and there was the world of..
..longing and baffled commonsense’
‘there was the brilliant world of hunting, tactics, fierce exhilaration, skill’
‘and there was the world of longing and baffled commonsense’
- comparison - mimics the separation of the island and difference of opinion
- asyndetic listing in the first bit - jack’s quest for hunting is gaining ground over ralph’s focus on order and rescue
- a division beginning to form
finish the quote: ‘he drew…
…himself up’
finish the quote: ‘i…
‘i apologise’
- rivalry is able to be solved, unlike later points in the novel
(ch.5) throughout the course of the novel, rivalry is presented…
through the three parts of society fighting for control : piggy - science and logic, jack - violence, ralph - authority
finish the quote: ‘you can’t..
finish the quote: ‘you can’t…
finish the quote: ‘I’m chief..
…I was chosen’
finish the quote: ‘bitter..
finish the quote: ‘you’re breaking..
..the rules!’
finish the quote: ‘bollocks..
..to the rules!’
finish the quote: ‘jack was…
…shouting against him’
(ch.7) rivalry is also presented…
as a competition
finish the quote: ‘attention focused..
..on jack’
finish the quote: ‘he tried..
..for their attention’
finish the quote: ‘supreme..
finish the quote: ‘casual…
…bitter word’
finish the quote: ‘heard the mockery..
..and hated jack’
(ch.9)finally, rivalry is revealed…
through jack’s growing power
finish the quote: ‘look at that..
..bone in your hands’
finish the quote: ‘ralph went…
finish the quote: ‘because..
..you chose me’
finish the quote: ‘who’ll join…
…my tribe and have fun’
finish the quote: ‘you left it…
finish the quote: ‘the conch doesn’t..
… count on this side of the island’
‘you left it behind’
‘the conch doesn’t count on this end of the island’
- all of ralph’s ideas of civilisation left behind - jack growing purely savage
- rivalry presented through their conflict of opinion
-ralph’s ideas of safety and his authority left behind - foreshadows his decline as leader/power shift
finish the quote: ‘you haven’t..
..got it with you’
finish the quote: ‘said jack…
finish the quote: ‘i’ll blow..
…the conch’
finish the quote: ‘we shan’t…
(ch.11)finally, rivalry is revealed through..
jack gaining totalitarian power
finish the quote: ‘ran forward…
finish the quote: ‘I’m…
finish the quote: ‘the conch..
exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist’
finish the quote: ‘viciously…
..with full intention’
finish the quote: ‘he hurled his..
..spear at ralph’