Piggy Flashcards
initially, piggy is presented…
(chapter 1)
an outsider
finish the quote: ‘hung…
…bumbling behind them’
finish the quote: ‘I got…
…caught up’
finish the quote: ‘the boys were a…
…closed circuit of sympathy with Piggy on the outside’
initially, piggy is presented as…
finish the quote: ‘glanced over…
…his shoulder’
finish the quote: ‘his face…
…flushed, his mouth trembled’
finish the quote: ‘shrank to…
…the other side of ralph’
finish the quote: ‘his voice…
…lifted into the whine of virtuous recrimination’
finish the quote: ‘he was intimidated by…
…the uniformed superiority’
finish the quote: ‘nobody knows…
…where we are’
finish the quote: ‘all by…
initially, piggy is presented as…
a democratic figure
finish the quote: ‘I got the…
finish the quote: ‘you let me…
finish the quote: ‘tucked the shell…
….under his arm’
initially, piggy is presented…
a parental and authoritative figure
finish the quote: ‘piggy leaned…
…down to him’
finish the quote: ‘listening and…
finish the quote: ‘acting like…
…a crowd of kids’
finish the quote: ‘let him have…
…the conch’
finish the quote: ‘watched him…
….in disgust’
finish the quote: ‘piggy knelt…
…by him’
finish the quote: ‘you goes…
…howling and screaming’
finish the quote: ‘you got your…
…small fire alright’
initially, piggy is presented…
through appearance
finish the quote: ‘the fat..
finish the quote: ‘the naked crooks…
…of his knees were plump’
finish the quote: ‘thick…
finish the quote: ‘altered the…
…pale contours of his face’
initially, piggy is presented…
as the centre of derision on the island
finish the quote: ‘you would, would…
…you? Fatty!’
finish the quote: ‘jack mimicked…
…the whine and scramble’
finish the quote: ‘the laughter rose…
…to a gale of hysteria’
throughout the course of the novel, piggy is presented…
as intellectual, mature and clever
finish the quote: ‘I can’t think. …
…Not like piggy.’
finish the quote: ‘but piggy..
…for all his ludicrous body, had brains’
finish the quote: ‘I don’t believe in…
…no ghosts - ever!’
finish the quote: ‘cos things wouldn’t…
…make sense. houses an’ streets, an’ - TV - they wouldn’t work’
finish the quote: ‘only piggy could have…
…the intellectual daring to suggest moving the fire from the mountain’
throughout the course of the novel, piggy is presented…
as weak and timid
finish the quote: ‘he imagined piggy by himself…
…huddled in a shelter that was silent except for the sounds of nightmare’
finish the quote: ‘go up and see…
…said jack contemptuously, and good riddance’
finish the quote: ‘are you sure?…
…really sure, i mean?’
finish the quote: ‘d’you think we’re safe…
…down here?
throughout the novel, piggy is presented
as happy and free, not under threat
finish the quote: ‘for the…
…first time on the island’
start the quote: …went on speaking’
throughout the novel, piggy is presented…
as the only one who hasn’t been affected by the island and still completely remembers civilisation
finish the quotation: ‘piggy whispered…
…urgently. “rescue.”
throughout the end of the novel, piggy is presented…
as altruistic
finish the quote: ‘p’raps we ought..
…to go too’
finish the quote: ‘i don’t..
…like them clouds’
finish the quote: ‘i mean…
…to make sure nothing happens’
start the quote: ..going to be trouble’
‘come away. there’s…
throughout the end of the novel, piggy is presented…
.through his brief descent into savagery
finish the quote: ‘found themselves..
…eager to take place in this demented but partly secure society’
throughout the end of the novel, piggy is presented..
through his reaction regarding their participation in simon’s murder
finish the quote: ‘you..
…stop it!’
finish the quote: ‘bloody..
finish the quote: ‘lightning and…
…thunder and rain’
finish the quote: ‘we was..
finish the quote: ‘it wasn’t what..
…you said’
finish the quote: ‘p’raps…
…he was only pretending’
finish the quote: ‘it was..
…an accident’
finish the quote: ‘coming in the dark..
…he hadn’t no business crawling like that out of the dark’’
‘finish the quote: ‘he was..
…batty. he asked for it’
finish the quote: ‘we was on the outside. we…
…never done nothing, we never seen nothing’
throughout the end of the novel, piggy is presented…
through his understanding of the effect of savagery on the boys and his desperate attempts to hold onto civilisation
finish the quote: ‘how else..
…are we going to be rescued?’
finish the quote: ‘we’ve got…
…to get out of this’
finish the quote: ‘if we don’t get..
…home, soon we’ll be barmy’
finish the quote: ‘you haven’t…
…got the conch!’
finish the quote: ‘because what’s..
…right’s right’
throughout the end of the novel, piggy is presented…
as weak and vulnerable and reliant on civilisation to survive
finish the quote: ‘piggy kept still for a moment…
…then he had his asthma’
finish the quote: ‘from his left hand…
…dangled piggy’s broken glasses’
‘from his left hand dangled piggy’s broken glasses’
- makes piggy physically and morally blind, stripping him of his scientific/logical understanding - the last pieces left of society
- also removes his limited foresight that was already blinding him from the truth
finish the quote: ‘let me…
…hold on to you’
finish the quote: ‘led…
…like a dog’
throughout the end of the novel, piggy is presented..
through his interaction with jack’s tribe and the savages at castle rock before his death
finish the quote: ‘i got..
…the conch’
finish the quote: ‘which is better…
…to be a pack of indians like you are, or to be sensible like ralph is?…
…to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill’
throughout the end of the novel, piggy is presented…
through his death
finish the quote: ‘the conch exploded…
…into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist’
‘the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist’
- shattered along with piggy
- piggy = civilisation, law and order
- ultimate end of civilisation and democracy
finally. piggy is presented…
through the viewpoint of ralph
finish the quote: ‘and the fall through the air of…
…a true, wise friend called piggy’