Savagery Flashcards
initally, savagery is presented…
through violence
finish the quote: ‘jack drew his knife…
…again with a flourish’
‘jack drew his knife again with a flourish’
- sense of bloodlust growing in jack
finish the quote: ‘hurled the spear…
…with all his strength’
‘hurled the spear with all his strength’
- no longer held back by the rules of his old life which stopped him from killing the piglet in ch.1
- becoming more savage
initally, savagery is presented…
through jack
finish the quote: ‘dog-like, uncomfortably…
…on all fours yet unheeding his discomfort’
finish the quote: ‘became less hunter than…
…a furtive thing, ape-like among the tangle of trees’
initally, savagery is presented…
through appearance
finish the quote: ‘except for a pair of…
…tattered shorts held by his knife-belt he was naked’
‘except for a pair of tattered shorts held by his knife-belt he was naked’
- ditched his school uniform
- losing his old public-schoolboy identity
- ‘knife-belt’- belt is no longer part of uniform, but a tool to help him with his violent, destructive hunting
initally, savagery is presented…
as a game
finish the quote: ‘the rest joined in…
…making pig-dying noises and shouting’
finish the quote: ‘maurice pretended to be the…
..pig and ran squealing to the center, and the hunters, circling still pretended to beat him’
finish the quote: ‘kill the pig. cut…
…her throat.bash her in’
‘kill the pig. cut her throat. bash her in.’
- desire for violence
- monosyllabic
throughout the course of the novel, savagery is presented…
through ralph’s loss of authority
finish the quote: ‘exposure to the air…
…had bleached the yellow and pink to near-white’
‘exposure to the air had bleached the yellow and pink to near white’
- fading colour
- symbolic of ralph’s fading power
- loss of civilisation = descent into savagery
finish the quote: ‘you’re breaking…
…the rules!’
start the quote: ….the boys fell silent or muttering’
throughout the course of the novel, savagery is presented…
through ralph being swept into bloodlust
finish the quote: ‘ralph entered…
…into the play’
finish the quote: ‘ralph, carried away…
…by a sudden and thick excitement, grabbed eric’s spear and jabbed at robert with it’
finish the quote: ‘ralph too, was…
…fighting to get near’
finish the quote: ‘to get a handful of that…
…brown, vulnerable flesh’
finish the quote: ‘the desire to…
…squeeze and hunt was over-mastering’
‘ralph entered into the play’
‘ralph, carried away by a sudden and thick excitement, grabbed eric’s spear and jabbed at robert with it’
‘ralph too, was fighting to get near’
‘to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh’
‘the desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering’
- ralph’s involvement in the hunt and the re enactment is a further step towards savagery
- ralph = meant to be the symbol of civilisation and democracy
- a hint that jack’s violent leadership will soon replace ralph’s civilised morals
- swept into savagery
throughout the course of the novel, savagery is presented…
through the slaughter of the pig
finish the quote: ‘trailing roger’s spear…
…behind it’
finish the quote: ‘with two spears…
…sticking in her fat flank’
finish the quote: ‘wedded to her…
…in lust’
finish the quote: ‘began to push…
…till he was leaning with his whole weight’
finish the quote: ‘he giggled and flicked…
…them while the boys laughed at his reeking palms’
finish the quote: ‘the boys cried…
…with laughter’
throughout the end of the novel, savagery is presented…
through simon’s death
finish the quote: ‘at once the crowd…
…surged after it’
finish the quote: ‘leapt onto the beast….
…, screamed, struck, bit, tore’
finish the quote: ‘no movements…
…but the tearing of teeth and claws’
‘at once the crowd surged after it’
‘leapt onto the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore’
‘no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws’
- ‘crowd’ -> no longer individuals responsible for their own behaviour -> are a collective, a pack of animals driven by instinct
- animalistic imagery - ‘bit,tore’ ‘teeth and claws’ -> no suggestion of humanity -> predatory associations, of savage animals ripping apart prey
throughout the end of the novel, savagery is presented…
through roger
finish the quotation : ‘below him, ralph was…
…a shock of hair and piggy a bag of fat’
‘below him, ralph was a shock of hair and piggy a bag of fat’
- roger is a savage
- effects of savagery : the loss of identity and humanity
finish the quote: ‘roger, with a sense of delirious abandonment…
…leaned all his weight on the lever’
‘roger, with a sense of delirious abandonment leaned all his weight on the lever’
- turned into a cold-blooded killer
- no longer governed by civilisation like in ch.4
- psychological view -> freudian reading -> roger is governed by the id
- lost ALL civilisation - roger + conch + piggy
finish the quote: ‘the conch exploded…
…into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist’
finish the quote: ‘you don’t know roger…
…he’s a terror’
throughout the end of the novel, savagery is presented…
through setting : castle rock
finish the quote: ‘shove a palm trunk…
…under that and if an enemy came’
finish the quote: ‘a hundred feet below them…
…was the narrow causeway, then the stony ground, then the grass dotted with heads’
finish the quote: ‘we can roll…
throughout the end of the novel, savagery is presented…
through the savages’ behaviours
finish the quote: ‘the tribe was…
start the quote: …by beating on his open mouth’
finish the quote: ‘like the cry…
…of a flying bird’
finish the quote: ‘he raise his spear…
…snarled a little’