Pain and Suffering Flashcards
initially, suffering is presented through…
piggy’s physical inability + appearance
finish the quote: ‘i got…
…caught up’
finish the quote: ‘scratched by…
finish the quote: ‘gasping…
…for breath’
finish the quote: ‘on account of my…
finish the quote: ‘an expression of…
…pain and inward concentration altered the pale contours of his face’
initially, suffering is presented through….
piggy’s mistreatment
finish the quote: ‘ralph-
finish the quote: ‘a storm of laughter…
….arose and even the tiniest child joined in’
finish the quote: ‘his face flushed…
…his mouth trembled’
finish the quote: ‘he was hurt…
…and crushed’
finish the quote: ‘stuck his…
…fist into piggy’s stomach’
finish the quote: ‘jack smacked…
…piggy’s head’
finish the quote: ‘but piggy by advertising his…
…omission made more cruelty necessary’
initially, suffering is presented through…
jack’s embarrassment
finish the quote: ‘freckles on jack’s face…
…disappeared under a blush of mortification’
finish the quote: ‘jack’s face was…
…white under the freckles’
finish the quote: ‘could not..
…see his face’
initially, suffering is presented through…
jack’s convulsion to hunt
finish the quote: ‘unheeding…
…his discomfort’
finish the quote: ‘uncomfortably…
…on all fours’
finish the quote: ‘frustration…
….claimed him again’
throughout the course of the novel, suffering is presented…
through simon
finish the quote: ‘the derisive laughter that rose had…
…fear in it and condemnation’
finish the quote: ‘the heartbeats..
…were choking him’
finish the quote: ‘the laughter…
…beat him cruelly’
finish the quote: ‘a half-sound of..
…jeering ran round the circle and simon shrank from it’
throughout the course of the novel, suffering is presented through…
the littluns
finish the quote: ‘personal..
finish the quote: ‘a horrid dream…
…fighting with things’
finish the quote: the springs…
…of sorrow’
finish the quote: ‘burst into…
…noisy tears and was slapped by bill till he choked on them’
finish the quote: ‘the littluns..
…whimpered as they now so frequently did’
throughout the course of the novel, suffering is presented through…
violence and killing
finish the quote: ‘the boar’s note…
….changed to a squeal’
finish the quote: ‘robert squealed in mock…
…terror, then in real pain’
finish the quote: ‘screaming and..
finish the quote: ‘the sow gave a …
…gasping squeal and staggered up, two spears sticking in her fat flank’
finish the quote: ‘hunters could follow her easily…
…by the drops of vivid blood’
finish the quote: ‘the terrified squealing…
….became a high-pitched scream’
throughout the course of the novel, suffering is presented…
through jack’s rejection as chief
finish the quote: ‘slowly, the red drained from…
…jack’s cheeks, then came back with a painful rush’
finish the quote: ‘cried out..
…high-pitched, enraged’
throughout the end of the novel, suffering is presented…
through simon’s suffering whilst trying to make his way to warn the boys
finish the quote: ‘the running…
…of blood’
finish the quote: ‘crawled…
…through the creepers’
start the quote: …but never stopping’
‘staggering sometimes with his weariness’
finish the quote: ‘he found his legs..
…were weak’
finish the quote: ‘and toiled..
finish the quote: ‘his legs gave way…
…beneath him’
throughout the end of the novel, suffering is presented…
through samneric
finish the quote: ‘a loud and…
…writing heap’
finish the quote: ‘snatched one of the few spears…
…that were left and poked sam in the ribs’
finish the quote: ‘they…
…hurt us’
finish the quote: ‘you don’t know…
…roger. he’s a terror’
finish the quote: ‘cries of…
…pain from samneric’
finish the quote: ‘there came a gasp…
…and a squeal of pain’
finish the quote: ‘the twins…
…moaned faintly’