Simon Flashcards
initially, simon is presented as…
an outsider
finish the quote: ‘the fallen…
finish the quote: ‘talk over…
…his head’
finish the quote: ‘catch up…
…with the others’
finish the quote: ‘he’s always…
…throwing a faint’
finish the quote: ‘candle bushes…
…candle buds’
initially, simon is presented..
(ch.3 + 4)
as kind and helpful
finish the quote: ‘simon. …
… he helps’
start the quote: …always about’
finish the quote: ‘simon found for them…
…the fruit they couldn’t reach’
finish the quote: ‘over double handfuls…
…of ripe fruit’
finish the quote: ‘wiped his mouth and…
…shoved his piece of meat over the rocks to Piggy, who grabbed it’
initially simon is presented…
as an outsider figure
finish the quote: ‘when they reached the shelters..
…simon was not to be seen’
finish the quote: ‘he’s queer…
..he’s funny’
initially, simon is presented …
through appearance
finish the quote: ‘small, skinny boy, his chin pointed…
…and his eyes so bright they deceived ralph into thinking him delightfully gay and wicked’
finish the quote: ‘the coarse mop of black hair was…
…long and swung down, almost concealing a low, broad forehead’
finish the quote: ‘he wore..
…the remains of shorts’
finish the quote: ‘always darkish in colour, Simon was….
…burned by the sun to a deep tan that glistened with sweat’
initially, simon is presented …
as spiritual through setting
finish the quote: ‘walked into the forest…
…with an air of purpose’
finish the quote: ‘flower and fruit grew…
…together on the same tree’
finish the quote: ‘everywhere was the scent of ripeness….
….and the booming of a million bees at pasture’
finish the quote: ‘amid the roar…
…of bees in the afternoon sunlight’
finish the quote: ‘had woven…
…a great mat’
finish the quote: ‘space was walled with…
…dark, aromatic bushes’
finish the quote: ‘nothing moved but…
…a pair of gaudy butterflies that dances round each other in the hot air’
finish the quote: ‘endless..
…outstretched hands’
initially, simon is presented…
as an introvert
finish the quote: ‘confirm that he was…
…utterly alone’
finish the quote: ‘his movements were…
…almost furtive’
initially, simon is presented…
through his fear of conflict and evil
finish the quote: ‘simon put out his hand…
…timidly, to touch ralph’
finish the quote: ‘simon looked now, from ralph to jack…
……..and what he saw seemed to make him afraid’
initially, simon is presented…
in a religious light
finish the quote: ‘passions beat…
…about simon on the mountain-top with awful wings’
‘passions beat about simon on the mountain top with awful wings’
- simon is also a sympathetic figure and feels bad for the mistreated, for example, piggy
- he retrieves piggy’s broken glasses, and as he finds them, the juxtaposition of ‘awful wings’ reminds us that these passions are wonderful and terrible
- ‘wings’ connotes to freedom, the ability to escape -> angels -> angelic figure
throughout the course of the novel, simon is presented…
(ch.5 + 6)
through his insight on the beast
finish the quote: ‘maybe there…
…is a beast’
finish the quote: ‘maybe it’s…
…only us’
finish the quote: ‘simon became..
…inarticulate in his effort to express mankind’s essential illness’
start the quote: …thing there is?’
‘what’s the dirtiest…
‘maybe it’s only us’
- the only one of the boys who really understands what’s happening on the island
- there is no physical beast, but that all the boys have beasts within them
- it is their own actions which are causing them to descend further into evil and darkness
‘simon became inarticulate in his effort to express makind’s essential illness’
- terrifying concept
- we are all inflicted by this disease and cannot escape
- inherent evil -> religious allegory -> original sin -> potential for evil within mankind
- religious figure
‘what’s the dirtiest thing there is?’
- understands the sinful nature of mankind
finish the quote: ‘simon mumbled…
…confusedly: “I don’t believe in the beast.”’
throughout the course of the novel, simon is presented…
through his difficulty speaking in front of others + social anxiety
finish the quote: ‘simon felt a perilous necessity to speak…
…but to speak in assembly was a terrible thing to him’
finish the quote: ‘the heartbeats…
…were choking him’
finish the quote: ‘again the pressure of the assembly…
…took his voice away’
throughout the course of the novel, simon is presented…
(ch.5 + 8)
through the other boys’ reactions towards his philosophical and spiritual ideas
finish the quote: ‘sit…
finish the quote: ‘shut…
finish the quote: ‘sod…
finish the quote: ‘the laughter..
…beat him cruelly’
start the quote: …defenceless’
‘he shrank away…
finish the quote: ‘simon?…
…what is it this time?’
finish the quote: ‘a half-sound of jeering..
…ran round the circle and simon shrank from it’
finish the quote: ‘with an expression..
…of derisive incomprehension’
‘with an expression of derisive incomprehension’
- being mocked
- even by piggy
finish the quote: ‘sat as far..
…away from the others as possible’
throughout the novel, simon is presented…
through his fearlessness of the beast
finish the quote: ‘through the forest…
…by himself? now?’
finish the quote: ‘ i’ll go if you like…
…i don’t mind, honestly’
finish the quote: ‘he smiled quickly..
…turned and climbed into the forest’
finish the quote: ‘i think…
…we ought to climb the mountain’
throughout the novel, simon is presented…
through his interaction with the lord of the flies
finish the quote: ‘you don’t want…
…ralph to think you’re batty, do you?’
finish the quote: ‘you knew…
…didn’t you?
finish the quote: ‘one of…
…his times was coming on’
finish the quote: ‘i’m…
…warning you’
‘i’m warning you’
- simon is being tested by the lord of the flies
- the devil
- just as jesus was tested in the bible
- presented in a religious light
- being tested to see if he is brave enough to face the lotf and continue to the top of the mountain and see if there really is a beast
throughout the end of the novel, simon is presented…
- through the description of the island
finish the quote: ‘the build-up…
…of clouds continued’
finish the quote : ‘air…held…
…no refreshment’
finish the quote: ‘nothing…
finish the quote: ‘the white and brown…
…clouds brooded’
finish the quote: ‘colours…
throughout the end of the novel, simon is presented…
as weak through his physical appearance
finish the quote: ‘a buffet…
…of wind made him stagger’
finish the quote: ‘like an…
…old man’
finish the quote: ‘his legs..
..gave beneath him’
throughout the end of the novel, simon is presented…
through his bravery and determination
finish the quote: ‘but never…
finish the quote: ‘toiled..
start the quote: …forward’
‘he crawled…
finish the quote: ‘as soon..
…as possible’
finish the quote: ‘simon was…
…crying out something about a dead man on a hill’
throughout the end of the novel, simon is presented…
through his reaction to the fallen parachutist
finish the quote: ‘colours…
…of corruption’
finish the quote: ‘the poor…
finish the quote: ‘he freed…
…them from the rocks’
finish the quote: ‘the poor, broken…
finish the quote: ‘harmless..
…and horrible’
throughout the end of the novel, simon is presented…
as an animal
finish the quote: ‘a thing..
…was crawling out of the forest’
finish the quote: ‘it came..
throughout the end of the novel simon is presented…
through the atmosphere on the island after his death
finish the quote: ‘the air was…
…cool, moist, and clear’
finish the quote: ‘the clear water..
…mirrored the clear sky’
‘the air was cool, moist, and clear’
‘the clear water mirrored the clear sky’
- after simon’s death, golding creates a very peaceful atmosphere
- contrast with frenzied dance and to emphasise simon’s innocent and spiritual nature