Nature Flashcards
initially, nature is presented…
through the destruction caused by the plane crash
finish the quote: ‘all around him the long….
….scar smashed into the jungle was a bath of heat’
‘all around him the long scar smashed into the jungle was a bath of heat’
- the sibilance of ‘scar smashed’ is almost onomatopoeic - the reader can hear the sounds of the violent crash, with the metaphor ‘scar’ alluding to the wounds mankind inflicts upon nature
- a sense of being overwhelmed and oppressed are evident from the beginning of the novel
- ‘jungle’ has associations with future savagery, but also a sense of being trapped in an overgrown environment
- pathetic fallacy - ‘bath of heat’ -> creates a sense of being submerged in something overwhelming
finish the quote: ‘torn everywhere…
…by the upheavals of fallen trees, scattered with decaying coconuts and palm saplings’
initially, nature is presented…
as Edenic
finish the quote: ‘the shimmering…
finish the quote: ‘blue of all shades…
…and shadowy green and purple’
finish the quote: ‘tiny,
….glittering fish’
finish the quote: ‘the incredible…
initially, nature is presented…
through simon’s place of refuge
finish the quote: ‘flower and fruit…
…grew together on the same tree’
finish the quote: ‘and everywhere…
…was the scent of ripeness and the booming of a million bees at pasture’
‘flower and fruit grew together on the same tree’
‘and everywhere was the scent of ripeness and the booming of a million bees at pasture’
- nature working in perfect harmony
- ‘fruit and flower’ and ‘same tree’ -> pleasant unity
- example of perfect life on the island
- ‘booming of a million bees at pasture’ -> symbolic of how the boys should work - together
finish the quote: ‘the creepers had woven a great mat….
…that hung at the side of an open space in the jungle’
finish the quote: ‘the whole space…
..was walled with dark aromatic bushes’
finish the quote: ‘butterflies that danced…
…round each other in the hot air’
throughout the course of the novel, nature is presented…
as the home of the beast
finish the quote: ‘fighting with things…
…those twisty things in the trees’
finish the quote: ‘i saw something moving among…
…the trees, something big and horrid’
throughout the course of the novel, nature is presented…
as threatening
finish the quote: ‘beyond the screen of leaves…
…the sunlight pelted down’
finish the quote: ‘the butterflies danced in the middle…
…their unending dance’
‘the butterflies danced in the middle their unending dance’
- mimetic of the boys dancing and gathering round in a circle when hunting a pig and killing
- butterflies are symbolic of change -> the butterflies used to be linked to spirituality and the bucolic atmosphere and serenity -> however now linked to savagery
- like the boys
- shows the boys’ decline into savagery
- ‘unending dance’ -> foreshadows deaths - simon and piggy
finish the quote: ‘the arrow of…
…sun fell on him’
finish the quote: ‘now it…
finish the quote: ‘he shifted restlessly…
…but there was no avoiding the sun’
throughout the end of the novel, nature is presented…
as ominous through the weather
finish the quote: ‘over the island…
…a build-up of clouds continued’
finish the quote: ‘a steady current of heated…
…air rose all day from the mountain’
finish the quote: ‘revolving masses of gas piled up the static…
…until the air was ready to explode’
‘over the island a build-up of clouds continued’
‘a steady current of heated air rose all day from the mountain’
‘revolving masses of gas piled up the static until the air was ready to explode’
- sense of impending destruction
- what was once a beautiful paradise, is now adding to the savagery below
- ‘build-up’ and ‘piled up’ -> mimics tension on the island
- ‘clouds’ and ‘revolving masses of gas’ -> both images of the island becoming trapped and enclosed by violent, destructive forces
finish the quote: ‘then the clouds opened…
…and let down the rain like a waterfall’
throughout the end of the novel, nature is presented…
through the aftermath of the death of simon
finish the quote: ‘the rain ceased…
…and the clouds drifted away’
finish the quote: ‘the air was…
…cool, moist, and clear; and presently even the sound of water was still’
finish the quote: ‘the clear water…
…mirrored the clear sky’