The Art of Living Consciously Flashcards
Living Consciously IS intelligence
Living consciously is intelligence taking joy in its own function. It is seeking to be aware of everything that bears on our own interests, actions, values, purposes, and goals. It is the willingness to confronts facts, both pleasant or unpleasant. It is the way to be IN the world. It is the commitment to be intelligent. It is intelligence itself.
If you are not living consciously, you have no contact with anything in reality
If you are not living in reality, you have no real relationship with anything in it. I.E, if you are in a marriage and are not living in reality, you are living with, and loving someone in your head and not loving nor experiencing the person you are married with.
Many of us sleep through life
Many times, when we look back on our lives, we realize we were sleeping rather than being awake.
I am committed to exercise full consciousness at all times
It is impossible to be conscious of everything all at once, although you can commit to operate at the fullest level of consciousness at all times. We are more likely to be directly conscious of things that serve an interest to us.
Consciousness is a life need
We NEED to live consciously. It is a normal need and function.
A life committed to learning (similar to: a life committed to being conscious)
We live in the age of the mind-worker. We use our minds and work hard with our minds. Therefore, if we are to be adaptive, we must be committed to continuous learning as a way of life. To be asleep at the wheel during a time when the mind and mental awareness is OVERTLY needed, is disastrous and cannot succeed. Living consciously has its roots in respect for facts and truths.
The Age of Independence
We live in a time when we must choose everything for ourselves and make our own lives. In the past, everything was decided for us and handed down through tradition. Independence is what our lives naturally require, regardless of what time period you are born in.
You must work to be conscious
Although living in awareness is a normal need, you are not born with reality orientation. It must be learned and taught. If you are not taught or have influences that influence you to avoid reality, you will be steered in to or erroneously end up in, disaster, and you therefore could not have high self esteem nor a healthy life. We must CHOOSE to think, guide, and monitor our mental processes. We must also CHOOSE to check our conclusions against all available evidence. Our minds and rationality do not HAVE to operate optimally, it is a choice; it takes effort.
The child needs a rational universe
Children NEED the experience of living in a rational universe. They will feel confident. They NEED this confidence.
You can become repressed due to innocent error
The choice of living an unconscious existence does not have to always come from traumatic childhood experiences, you can be influenced to avoid the facts of reality by encountering daily everyday and harmless irrationalities that occur within the normal, day to day, experiences within the child’s life. The broken promises, rules that always seem to be made and always broken, inconsistent behavior from adults, etc.
The Basic Laws of Logic
Normal; living in awareness gives us the confidence and constant assurance that things are what they are. This is the ultimate statement about existence and the first law of logic. The law of Identity, A is A. A thing is itself. Nothing is more certain, nothing is more fundamental. The law of Causality; a thing must act in accordance with its nature. What it will do is determined-caused- by what it is (*it cannot act outside of itself).Then there is: Existence and nonexistence, also known as, something and nothing. To be, is to be something. That which does not exist, is nothing…, nonexistence…, literal void. Nothing pertains exclusively to a relation: it has meaning only in relation to something and denotes its (something’s) absence. Nothing by itself, could not exist (there would be non-existence).; it could not exist on its own. It only has existence because something exists. The law of Identity,is the basis of all rational thought. Try to defy it, and thought has no coherence. The law of non-contradiction states that nothing can be A and not A. Right and not right. These laws are protectors of our sanity. These basic laws of logic cannot be escaped. The same implies to internal facts, as to external ones: for example, If I am feeling fear, hurt, anger, envy- I am feeling it, the fact is a fact. Contradictions cannot exist. Logical formation is the only possibility. If something is true, it cannot simultaneously be false.
You ARE aware
You are always aware of what you are doing and of truth. You always know, at some level of your awareness. If you are not consciously aware, you KNOW, at the very least, at a deeper level.
You cannot alter reality
The function of consciousness if to perceive reality; that which exists. Blindness cannot annihilate reality, you are being illogical. Blindness does not change the facts.
Choosing to live in consciousness guarantees success
In aligning with reality, you have to succeed. In living in awareness, we accept that if we go against reality, we create inevitable failure and destruction i.e., if a husband in a marriage has problems, and decides that if they don’t talk about their issues, the issues will not exist: he is sure to cause the end of his marriage because he is not willing to cooperate with his partner and participate in the union, he is also creating more problems and simultaneously, making things get worse.
Everything in the Universe is part of reality
Our inner world, too, is part of reality. Our needs, motives, thoughts, mental states, emotions, and bodily feelings.
Conscious contact with the Inner and Outer world
**If we are to function effectively, we must preserve contact with the outer world and internal self. For example, if we are to achieve some particular goal, we need to know the objective requirements of a given situation and its emotional meaning to us. We must know the personal significance of situations.
Total awareness or none
Awareness must flow in all directions or it does not flow at all. SO, I HAVE NOT BEEN LIVING IN REALITY AT ALL, SINCE ELEMENTARY.
How to have self esteem
Self esteem depends on self awareness. ** ALL YOU NEED IS SELF AWARENESS FOR HIGH SELF ESTEEM. It is this simple. You were blocking so THIS, AND THIS ALONE, CAUSED LOW SELF ESTEEM (and alll of its symptoms). It was not your parents, your move to Washington, it wasn’t you, culture shock, etc. Again, it is very simple.
Reason implies flexibility
Reason implies openness and availability to experience, you are not static. There is also a willingness to correct errors should they be made. You are open to change.
Reality has all that I seek
I do not treat reality as an antagonist. Reality has everything I seek and have ever sought.
Fooling around is important
Fantasizing, daydreaming, spirituality, creative mental playfulness- all have profoundly useful roles and serve important purposes.
What is working in my Life
One of the principles of living consciously is: pay attention to what works, and do more of it, and understand the principles involved. If something is not working, pay attention and desist.
Reason and Emotion are integral
Reason and emotion are to be integrated into a wider field of vision. To feel honestly and deeply is to liberate the process of thinking clearly; To think clearly is to create a context for a passionate life. To live consciously is to rise above the view of the human spirit and life as a battlefield of conflicting forces and to see not war but harmony as the natural condition of an enlightened mind and life. THIS IS NORMAL LIFE.
The need to consciously expand your awareness
**Sometimes we must generate a higher level of awareness which fits the context of a given situation. In other words, I may have to CHOOSE to INCREASE my awareness so that I consciously act differently, in order to change my behavior. For example, if I do not like the way that I speak like a Kardashian and I wish to change this behavior, I will have to physically behave differently. If I am finding the behavior persists, then I will have to consciously INCREASE my awareness of the behavior first, before I can make the change. I will have to consciously become aware of the thinking that is in my mind that is decided on talking like a Kardashian (I made this choice), then I will have to alter that thought, then, my outward behavior will change. I can use repetition and re-program my mind and then the new thoughts will become automatized and my outward behavior will as well. Turning our consciousness brighter, not bothering, or dimmer, are the choices we have; BUT THEY ARE NOT AUTOMATIC, WE MAKE THE CHOICE. So, therefore, successful people APPLY their minds actively; it is not automatic.
Confidence grows through saying, Yes
**The way we build confidence in our mind and gain increasing control over our life is by always saying, “YES”, to the choice of being conscious in situations. We make a muscle strong by using it, the same goes for the mind.
Truth without bias
**We must acknowledge ALL truth, without bias. Even if we do not like something, we have to acknowledge every single fact for what it is. Once this is done, then you can make changes if you like (You do NOT react to the things that you do not like with judgment, correction, or rejection). If you do not permit yourself to know the full and bare truth in the onset, you will cut yourself off or repress vital information and thusly, you will not be able to grow beyond the situation.
Live mindfully to have life
Living mindfully: Knowing what you are doing, while you are doing it. Live in the moment. Our consciousness is open to receive. We are alive in the full sense. Being in the moment makes optimal action possible.
I have never experienced reality
Since I experienced pain and anxiety in my life when I tried to become aware of my inner state and the external world in the past, this means I WAS NOT LIVING CONSCIOUSLY AND THEREFORE, NOT EXPERIENCING THE TRUE EXPERIENCE OF LIFE AT ANY MOMENT. I was caught in repression and trying to block everything out at all times (unconsciously of course), which made everything else unpleasant. Living unconsciously is experienced as unpleasant at all times and must be resolved to restore an enjoyable life.
You need consciousness to have Yourself
I= consciousness=Aliveness. Living consciously is pleasant (the pleasantness you have been talking about your whole life!). Living unconsciously is experienced as unpleasant. When you persevere, you succeed, which further strengthens your confidence (the perseverance also strengthens confidence).
There is always an answer (logic)
Whenever anything is not working, there is always logical explanation.
It IS natural to pull away from painful experience
It is a natural impulse to pull away from things that are unpleasant or frightening **ESPECIALLY when we are children) although we have to make ourselves face things through consciousness So, my culture shock and impulse to repress as a child was a natural reaction! I simply made an innocent mistake. None of the negative views, chronic selfishness, disrespectful actions, negative feelings, ugly thoughts, and low self esteem, were truly me, they are unfounded. I thought I had a tormented soul that was based on my home life and relationship with my parents but this was ALL UNTRUE. I was simply repressing my fear of moving to a new city, being around people I didn’t know, and culture shock. **Sometimes we have to face things that actually scare us or that brings us pain. **So, it could happen AGAIN where I want to block out information but I CANNOT DO THIS, based on what I have learned from the past and from what I’ve learned recently from this book.
No contact with self= no contact with any
If we are strangers to ourselves, then others (and everything else) will be strangers to us.
Our mind must be active, it is a life need
If you are mentally passive, no excitement can happen. You have to be actively conscious.
Increased awareness causes behavior change
** When we intensify or increase awareness, we generate a need for ACTION that expresses our CHANGED PSYCHOLOGICAL STATE (I.E. THE NEW THINGS WE HAVE BECOME AWARE OF).
Life matters to us all
Everything effects us. We do not exist in a vacuum; We live in a neighborhood, a society, a country, a human world, a social environment, a cultural/intelligent environment, etc.
Repression is self denial
To disown aka emotionally blocking, is to refuse to acknowledge as your own. We radically restrict our sense of self.
I must Experience first, to Experience Acceptance
**You cannot accept emotions or your inner experience without first experiencing them. Afterwards, you can accept them. YOU CANNOT ACCEPT EMOTION OR YOUR INNER EXPERIENCE BEFORE IT OCCURS, BUT YOU CAN MAKE THE COMMITMENT TO ALWAYS ACCEPT THEM.
The Virtues of Self Esteem
The virtues of self esteem are, self acceptance, self responsibility, self-assertivenss, purposefulness, integrity.
You must have a balance between earthly desires (material things) and cosmic. Feel Deeply to Think Clearly.
Suffering must be dealt with consciously
After one has gone through suffering, you must integrate the situation, emotionally, cognitively, with rationality and conscious contact so that you are not scarred by long term, psychological aftermath (such as, life is inherently unpleasant, you are stupid, you are alone, having close, human relationships is impossible, etc.).
Repression says, “I am illequiped”
Implicit in the issue of repression is the conclusion; I am helpless to deal with this material. This paves the way for other false, and devastating inferences like, life is pointless, I am a failure, the Universe is out to get me, etc.
De-Repression also requires connection with the latent, involved emotions
**It is important to de-repress trauma by connecting not only with what happened, but the emotions one had toward the event, in order to understand the exact value significance that one has attached to the experience and the conclusion that one drew from it.
A crucial job of the Parent is to make their children feel their importance
Parents are supposed to make their children feel their importance when they are children, this is very important and they fail as parents if they do not do so. The two most important things are, what we think and what we want- our judgments, and our values.
Being Loved
To be LOVED, is to be seen and experienced as the embodiment of one’s own important, deeply held values and to perceive them as a source of PLEASURE in your life (Experienced as a pleasure in one’s life is the key to being loved).
The Great Pleasure I have been seeking in Life
This pleasure, this joy in life you have been talking about for your whole life is accomplished through awareness. It is reality oriented. It has to do with everything that is going on, right now, at every moment. You have to be fully aware and mentally active in life to attain the pleasure you have been seeking.